Originally from https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43528#c1 :
The installer shows the error "MySQL 5.0.2 or later is required. You have " when the user supplies nothing into the DB username field.
Version: 1.23.0
Severity: normal
Originally from https://bugzilla.wikimedia.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43528#c1 :
The installer shows the error "MySQL 5.0.2 or later is required. You have " when the user supplies nothing into the DB username field.
Version: 1.23.0
Severity: normal
Actually I couldn't find the code that triggers the above message when the username is not given. The default value for DBusername is given as root, so a null check wont be necessary. But how the message shows up is the error!
Inside mediawiki-core/includes/installer:
$ grep -R ". You have" *
Installer.i18n.php: 'config-mysql-old' => 'MySQL $1 or later is required. You have $2.',
Installer.i18n.php: 'config-postgres-old' => 'PostgreSQL $1 or later is required. You have $2.',
So you want to search for where "config-mysql-old" and other message keys are called (try looking for "config-" inside installer/Installer.php).
(In reply to comment #2)
after grepping in installer/ the only place where the message config-mysql-old comes out is
if ( version_compare( $version, $this->minimumVersion ) < 0 ) {
return Status::newFatal( 'config-mysql-old', $this->minimumVersion, $version ); }
but, strangely that comes out too when the username is kept null.
Change 118798 had a related patch set uploaded by 01tonythomas:
Error Msg for missing db username & password when installing
Change 118798 merged by jenkins-bot:
Error Msg for missing db username & password when installing