维基导游 => Wikivoyage
維基導遊 => Wikivoyage
Both refers to "Wikivoyage" in Chinese.
Version: wmf-deployment
Severity: enhancement
维基导游 => Wikivoyage
維基導遊 => Wikivoyage
Both refers to "Wikivoyage" in Chinese.
Version: wmf-deployment
Severity: enhancement
Are you sure you do not want the primary name of the Wikivoyage namespace changed to one of the Chinese names? Or are you fine with mixed-language page titles like "Wikivoyage:进行强调"?
(In reply to comment #1)
Are you sure you do not want the primary name of the Wikivoyage namespace
changed to one of the Chinese names? Or are you fine with mixed-language page
titles like "Wikivoyage:进行强调"?
Yes, using mixed ones. See bug 59077 for details.
Change 108641 had a related patch set uploaded by Odder:
Add namespace aliases for NS_PROJECT on zhwikivoyage
Change 108641 merged by jenkins-bot:
Add namespace aliases for NS_PROJECT on zhwikivoyage