It doesn't actually reflect changes in the module meaning it can lead to serious caching issues such as in bug 62004
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
It doesn't actually reflect changes in the module meaning it can lead to serious caching issues such as in bug 62004
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
The last modified time will currently only change when MobileFrontend.php or MobileFrontend.i18n.php change. This means it shouldn't cause issues in a weekly/daily deployment schedule but will be a problem when deployments are more rapid.
Change 115952 had a related patch set uploaded by Jdlrobson:
Update last modified time when a template or file changes in MFResourceLoaderModule
jdlrobson: Originally the timestamp only needed to change when a template file or a message changed but now it inherits from ResourceLoaderFileModule it also needs to pay attention to file changes
[11:01am] jdlrobson: some how we were paying attention to nothing directly related to the module (relying on i18n message changes)
Change 115952 merged by jenkins-bot:
Update last modified time when a template or file changes in MFResourceLoaderModule