Author: sure4us
Component - Mobile Front End (Couldn't find it in the list)
When creating a new page, the cursor is hidden and blinking behind the main navigation. So, until you pull the content part of the page down, you can't see what you're typing.
(Reproduced on iPhone 4 iOS6 and iPhone 4s iOS7)
Steps to reproduce. (Blank install of Master from March 1st, 9pm)
- Using input box (installed extension) create a new page (Jelly Fish) using yoru mobile device.
- When the editor redirects you to creating a page about Jelly Fish, start typing. The text will be hidden.
The hovering menu is overlapping the top line of text, instead of pushing the edit field down. When you pull the edit field down, you can see the text, but it's disorienting for users creating new pages.
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal
Platform: Smartphone