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Echo: Emailed Notifications for new usertalkpage messages should include more or all of the message
Open, MediumPublic


Currently we get a 150 character excerpt of the message left on our talkpage, in the emailed Notification. (or 0 characters, if it isn't signed properly, per T59152)

An editor has suggested that for this particular type of email-notification, the entire new message should be included, or at least a longer excerpt.

(Short discussion about it at )

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 2:51 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz62661.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Do we bundle such notifications?

If we send them individually, I think we should consider including the whole thing (or setting the limit very high so it will only be hit by pathological cases).

I found the snippet code, but it doesn't mention why the truncation is done.

These usertalkpage messages are not bundled.
I don't think these are even part of Echo, are they? They're the years-old$wgEnotifUserTalk

I'm asking some people if they know/recall why the limit is set so low...

Quiddity triaged this task as Medium priority.Jan 12 2015, 8:21 PM
Quiddity moved this task from Needs team triage to Untriaged on the Collaboration-Team-Triage board.
Quiddity added a project: MediaWiki-Email.

These usertalkpage messages are not bundled.

We've had some back and forth on this point, so we need to figure it out definitively as part of this change.

I don't think these are even part of Echo, are they? They're the years-old$wgEnotifUserTalk

No, this is now managed by Echo (if installed, of course) for consistency. See .

Also, this is why these emails use the Echo styling:

Echo_style_new_talk_notification.png (177×654 px, 6 KB)

I'm asking some people if they know/recall why the limit is set so low...

I believe the team consensus at the triage meeting was that it should be fine to raise it, but if you find a reason, it would be important to know, of course.

I'm asking some people if they know/recall why the limit is set so low...

ebernhardson said it might have been since that truncated version is also used in a flyout (but there is no inherent reason the limit has to be the same for both)

Nemo_bis subscribed.

This is a regression, because MediaWiki core (enotiftalk/enotifwatchlist) does better.

Also reported by Ckoerner.

I help manage the MediaWiki social media accounts. Another log on the pile for this feature request:

That screenshot shows that Echo is still not showing the edit summary and therefore worsens the notifications compared to the traditional enotiftalk/enotifwatchlist email notifications of MediaWiki core.

I'm the Twitter user in question — the problem I'm complaining about is that User:MediaWiki message delivery fails to provide an excerpt. That might be because there's a bunch of divs confusing matters, but it's only ever those messages that fail to get any useful detail in the Echo email.