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Echo: User rights change notifications aren't particularly clear
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bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Low.Nov 22 2014, 3:16 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz65659.
bzimport added a subscriber: Unknown Object (MLST).

Ummm, more details on what isn't clear?

example of text in echo notifications:

Your user rights were changed by $user. You are no longer a member of this group: editor. Learn more


possible improved text:

Your user rights have been changed by _$username_ you are (no longer/now) a member of the usergroup "$usergroupname"

1 hour ago | learn more about user right

How would that handle when multiple groups are changed? You could be added to one group and removed from another.

Your user rights have been changed by _$username_ you are (no longer/now) a member of the usergroups "$usergroupname, $usergroupname" and (no longer/now) a member of the usergroups "$usergroupname, $usergroupname"

1 hour ago | learn more about user right

I can confirm, [[Special:ListGroupRights]] is extremely user unfriendly and should be avoided.

If only one group is involved, it should link to the local page on the usergroup.

Now, assuming the whole notification should absolutely be clickable (and for the learn more if you want it).

If several groups are involved, it should link to the local page on access levels. At Wikipedia, it's [[Wikipedia:User access levels]]. It would require the creation of a mediawiki page to specify its local title (if it exists). If none is specified, then I guess [[Special:ListGroupRights]] will have to do.

matej_suchanek renamed this task from Echo:User rights rights change notifications aren't particularly clear to Echo: User rights change notifications aren't particularly clear.Dec 19 2015, 5:44 PM
matej_suchanek updated the task description. (Show Details)
matej_suchanek set Security to None.