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Phabricator search does not search substrings
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Upstream report:

Searching "wmfusercontent" doesn't match "" doesn't find anything, while it should:

Event Timeline

Nemo_bis updated the task description. (Show Details)
Nemo_bis changed Security from none to None.
Nemo_bis subscribed.
Byfserag triaged this task as Lowest priority.Oct 18 2014, 6:49 AM
Byfserag added a project: Phabricator.
Aklapper renamed this task from Searching "wmfusercontent" doesn't match "" to Phabricator search does not search substrings.Oct 18 2014, 9:00 PM
Aklapper raised the priority of this task from Lowest to Medium.
Aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)
Aklapper subscribed.

For some more background, see T378 and T95.

Should this be working, since T95 is closed, or does something else need to be opened/discussed/developed/etc?

(It's not working. The main examples above are still broken. Also I get different results if I search for avatars or avatar (this search does not find 1180 - "Policy for inappropriate avatars?" which was very confusing until I tried the plural)

Elasticsearch is installed (hence T95), but we are not getting the juice that it can theoretically provide.

Someone else is complaining about this problem upstream:

Qgil raised the priority of this task from Medium to High.Nov 17 2014, 2:32 PM
Qgil added a project: Elasticsearch.
Qgil added subscribers: Manybubbles, demon, greg.

@Manybubbles, @Chad, @greg, would it be possible to get a bit of Elasticsearch expertise from your team to solve this task? If only to investigate whether there is something simple not configured, an easy bug, or some low-hanging fruit to improve the current performance of Phabricator search.

Elasticsearch folks might want to have a look at this comment upstream including some code.

In T679#22647, @Qgil wrote:

@Manybubbles, @Chad, @greg, would it be possible to get a bit of Elasticsearch expertise from your team to solve this task?

Not my team :)

In T679#818654, @Qgil wrote:

Elasticsearch folks might want to have a look at this comment upstream including some code.

Tested that, should work for us. Will require a reindex which will be time-consuming :)

I'm seeing a similar (same?) issue. For example, if I search for "scroll horizontally" I miss out on results found only by searching for "scrolls horizontally".

Restricted Application added a subscriber: scfc. · View Herald Transcript

For example, if I search for "scroll horizontally" I miss out on results found only by searching for "scrolls horizontally".

That's because we switched to MySQL search, see T75854#1053174. The MySQL search is predictable but "dumb".

This problem does not seem to be resolved.

Here in Phabricator, I search: Phabricato

I expect to find this task T679.

I don't find this task T679.

@Nnemo Where exactly do you search? Please provide more detailed description. Thank you.

Actually I guess this should be re-closed since we have T94338: MySQL search only finds whole-word exact matches open which obviously reflects this issue.

@Aklapper ^^ ?

Danny_B changed the task status from Duplicate to Resolved.Jul 5 2016, 3:40 PM

(It originally has been Resolved, but the issue appeared again, that's different than duplicate.)