I'm not 100% sure if this is a problem with our provisioning in MediaWiki-Vagrant or if it's a bug in TimedMediaHandler...
Uploading an .ogg file after enabling the timedmediahandler role fails with a blank screen; digging into /var/log/hhvm/error.log I see:
Fatal error: File not found: PEAR.php in /vagrant/mediawiki/extensions/TimedMediaHandler/handlers/OggHandler/PEAR/File_Ogg/File/Ogg.php on line 123
On my 'bare-metal' install on my Mac I was able to fix this problem by manually running "sudo pear install pear" to make sure the base PEAR libraries were present, but I shouldn't have to manually set up dependencies inside Vagrant-land I think...
TimedMediaHandler was added to the MediaWiki-vagrant config with:
vagrant enable-role timedmediahandler vagrant provision
Version: unspecified
Severity: normal