As a steward
I want to have an easy-to-use, scalable interface from which to handle the Global Rename queue
So I can efficiently respond to the increased request volume expected due to SUL finalization.
Given that I'm authenticated as a steward
When I visit the global rename queue
Then I see pending rename requests in a paginated, sortable table
AND I see a link to completed requests.
Given that I'm not a steward
When I visit the global rename queue
Then I see a "permission denied" message
AND I see a link to the rename request page.
Given that I'm viewing the table of pending or completed rename requests
When I ask for the next page of results
Then I see the next N results based on my current sort criteria
AND I see a total count of pending requests.
Given that I'm viewing the table of pending or completed rename requests
When I change the sort order of the list
Then I see the first N results based on my current sort criteria.
Given that I'm viewing the table of pending rename requests
When I select a specific pending rename request
Then I see the information provided by the user when the request was made
AND I see meta data added by the system AND I see a useful summary of the activity for the requesting account AND I see links to tools that will help me evaluate the request AND I see buttons to approve or reject the request.
Given that I'm viewing a specific rename request
When I cancel my changes
Then no updates are made to the request
AND I return to the list of pending requests.
Given that I'm viewing a specific rename request
When I accept the request
Then the request is updated in the database
AND a job is queued to perform the rename AND I see an acknowledgement of my decision.
Given that I'm viewing a specific rename request
When I reject the request
Then the request is updated in the database
AND I see an acknowledgement of my decision.
Version: master
Severity: enhancement