When looking at Wikimedia Commons category results, they display in pages of 200 at a time and only in one order - alphabetical by filename. I cannot think of a time when this default sort-order has ever been helpful to my discovery of multimedia.
I would find it very useful to aid discovery if there was a dropdown "sort by" option that would let me display the files in different sort-orders. The larger the result list the more useful this feature becomes. Useful sort orders could include:
- Upload date (oldest/newest) - T3289: Feature request: Category reverse sort by date
- Usage (most/least used pages on Wikimedia projects)
- Creation date (newest/oldest date of the original image/video) T329961: Sort media by date captured in MediaSearch
- Filesize (largest/smallest) - T42870: Sorting files in category by size
Many other metadata fields could potentially be used but these ones above are least dependent on uploaders giving good metadata.
Relatedly - if you could move from 200-at-a-time display to "endless scroll" that would help too.
(sorry if I've incorrectly filed this request - not a frequent user of Bugzilla)
Version: 1.24rc
Severity: enhancement