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Create a Beta Feature to enable form refresh
Closed, ResolvedPublic


Jared has requested that there be a beta feature that enables the new form styling (e.g. sets $wgUseMediaWikiUIEverywhere to be true) to gather feedback from volunteers and make these changes more visible.

VectorBeta seems the obvious place to put this beta feature.

Version: unspecified
Severity: normal



Event Timeline

bzimport raised the priority of this task from to Needs Triage.Nov 22 2014, 3:50 AM
bzimport set Reference to bz71202.

Proposed Title for beta feature:
Interface Refresh and Standardization

Proposed body for beta feature:
Use an updated look and feel for basic controls on the site, initially not all controls will be covered, by enabling this you can help give feedback on the new look as well as identify places where things aren't looking quite right.

Created attachment 16567
image for mwui beta feature


Does this go live on on thursday?

There's no patch for it yet. Prateek said he'd get a patch up today in which case I'll get merged. In case this happens can you coordinate with James F / Greg about deploying to wikis and if they are okay with that? It would be part of VectorBeta.

Created attachment 16628
rtl image for beta feature


Change 163649 had a related patch set uploaded by Prtksxna:
Add BetaFeature for form refresh and UI standardization experiment

Change 163649 merged by jenkins-bot:
Add BetaFeature for form refresh and UI standardization experiment

If you're going to start working on something, can you assign it to yourself (and check with the person it's currently assigned to)?