It would be useful to define how MediaWiki software projects are supposed to work. The Team Practices team is working on a similar route, and we have a Project management page in, but we could welcome more advice especially in the area of collaboration with volunteers and handling community collaboration in general.
Good practices
(These are just quick notes made a while ago; everything is open to discussion and edits.)
- Common understanding
- We are a community with a foundation, not a foundation with a community.
- All documentation in - including value proposition and user documentation.
- Easier to maintain, promote and watch.
- OSS development context clear. Links to/from Bugzilla etc are natural.
- Simplified, adapted intros can be created in Wikimedia projects when deployment comes.
- Calls for feedback point to a central point in
- Criticism happens next to the core docs and it's easier to integrate.
- Less risk of Wikipedia-centrism. Neutral field for all Wikimedia projects and 3rd parties.
- Less risk of duplicated discussions in different places.