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Lots of unrelated results when searching for specific string
Closed, ResolvedPublic


  2. Contains Words: /event.gif?
  3. Status: Open or Stalled
  4. Run query

Get lots of tasks that do not include these words at all.

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Aklapper raised the priority of this task from to Lowest.
Aklapper updated the task description. (Show Details)
Aklapper set Security to None.
Aklapper subscribed.

Yes, saw that as well. It feels that what happens is that now stemming goes before than exact quote, and therefore you get results that contains strings similar to "/event.gif". I'm saying this without knowing how Elastic search works. It's just a feeling after seeing the type of results offered.

I'm pretty sure this is a 'special characters' and 'mysql full text search' issue. How exactly to resolve that I am not sure.

@Springle any wisdom on this or what we could file upstream?

Searching for "/event.gif?" (including the quotes) provides better results, apparently. The slash and the question mark are kind of ignored, but the results offered do contain all "event.gif"

FriedhelmW claimed this task.
FriedhelmW subscribed.

Searching for "/event.gif?" (including the quotes) provides better results, apparently. The slash and the question mark are kind of ignored, but the results offered do contain all "event.gif"

So declining.

Tgr changed the task status from Declined to Resolved.Feb 28 2015, 7:38 PM
Tgr subscribed.

Actually this has been fixed (for now anyway) by switching the search backend to MySQL. Searching for /event.gif? and "/event.gif?" provides the exact same set of results.

Anyway, this is a duplicate of T75743 (and partially T75854).