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Set and change link targets
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Links are added based either on the link adaptation from source or the current written text on the translation. On some circumstances, the user wants to link a specific page that is not the exact text from the translation. For example, we may want to link "lemons" to the "lemon" article. Currently, the user is forced to do a workaround: write the target in the translation, create the link, and fix the text later.

A similar issue happens with red links.


As a user<i>, I can create new links and change the target of existing ones</i>//<i>, so that extra effort is avoided when the text and link target do not match</i>.//

Acceptance Criteria

  • The styling toolbar has a link icon.
  • When some text is selected and the user clicks on the link icon, a new link can be created.
  • When some link is selected, the link icon will be highlighted and clicking on it will remove the link.
  • The link card has an edit icon for existing links on the translation.
  • When a link is added or edited, a link selection bar will be provided.
  • ​The search bar will disappear and the styling toolbar will turn into a link selection bar (occupying the space the search bar does).
  • An auto-completion list will be shown with the articles that match hat the user types.
  • Options to remove link will be provided as part of the list if the link is already applied (when editing links)
  • Option to mark as missing link will be provided if the written text is not an exact match with an article.