bigbrother currently lets tool authors put a .bigbrotherrc file on their tool's homedir with a quasi-familiar language and have the bigbrother perl deamon watch for them and restart them if they are down. This is 'opt in', requiring tool authors to explicitly create this file. This can be used for continuous jobs as well as webservices.
ssh-cron-thingy is this mechanism by which doing a crontab -e on tools-login or elsewhere actually ssh's to tools-submit, and wraps around your cron command with a jsub so it runs on the grid instead of on the host itself.
So a service manifest would be one file that's clearly defined and extensible that lets tool authors specify all this, without having to worry about how it is executed.
It should support the following types of tasks, at least:
- Specifying running webservices of varying languages
- Flexible cron scheduling
- 'Continuous' jobs that are always running
It should also support (later on?):
- Monitoring (alert if X happens)
- Meta Info (Author, desc, License, etc?)
Example structure: P327