We need a Wikimedia hackathon 2015 program to schedule timed activities and to inform about the rest of hacking activities unscheduled but expected.
- Confirmed training sessions and meetings should be pre-scheduled in the correct slot at https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2015/Program
- Confirmed demoable projects and other ongoing activities should be listed under https://www.mediawiki.org/wiki/Wikimedia_Hackathon_2015#Activities_confirmed. There is a section specific for projects welcoming newcomers.
Elements of a well promoted activity
- A task created in Phabricator and assigned to the person in charge.
- A clear title preceded with "Training:", "Meeting:", "Hacking:" or any other word that describes the type of activity.
- A description up to date, including links for background information and etherpad (if you use one).
- If your session is pre-scheduled, add the time and room.
- If you are seeking volunteers, IRC nicks and links to profile pictures will help you being found.
Tasks associated with Wikimedia-Hackathon-2015 that look incomplete or haven't seen any activity from their promoters in the past weeks might be removed from this project in order to keep the list of activities clean.