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Apr 21 2021

AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278997: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 3.

Hello, @Mike_Peel I have pinged you my task. Kindly review.

Apr 21 2021, 1:39 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)

Apr 12 2021

AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278997: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 3.

@Tru2198 and @Srishti0gupta I have been trying to write a parsing function but could any of you help me out with the steps involved in writing the same? Parsing is something I haven't tried before.
I'd be highly grateful to you.

@AnkitaxPriya I have re-started working on the code as I interpreted in a different way earlier, once I myself get to it, will surely help you.

Apr 12 2021, 12:40 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278997: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 3.

@Mike_Peel So we have to print from both Wikipedia and wikidata? Maybe I mistakenly did only the bonus part! Thank you

Sorry for the confusion, I've tried to clarify the task today. The main aim of this task is to extract information from the Wikipedia article. @Srishti0gupta @AnkitaxPriya please also check that. :-) You shouldn't need to scrape the HTML code, since you can get page.text for the Wikipedia article through pywikibot (as per task 2).

Apr 12 2021, 12:40 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278863: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 2.

Hello @Mike_Peel and other applicants. I have had issues with installing pywikibot had similar problems @AnkitaxPriya on my windows changed to linux and i am having issues
please how are we to create a script that will link to wikidata?

Apr 12 2021, 12:33 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)

Apr 10 2021

AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278997: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 3.

@Tru2198 and @Srishti0gupta I have been trying to write a parsing function but could any of you help me out with the steps involved in writing the same? Parsing is something I haven't tried before.
I'd be highly grateful to you.

Apr 10 2021, 3:11 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)

Apr 7 2021

AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278863: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 2.

Hello @Pushp24, this may be because of one of the following reasons:

  1. You didn't login to your Wikidata account properly.
  2. You might have entered a different username by mistake.
  3. You are just mentioning the page "Outreachy_1" instead of the full link to your page.
Apr 7 2021, 3:15 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)

Apr 5 2021

AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278863: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 2.

@Mike_Peel kindly review my Task 2 at and do suggest some improvements (if needed).

Apr 5 2021, 3:01 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)

Apr 4 2021

AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278863: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 2.

Thank you so much for the help @Srishti0gupta and @Nizz009. It worked!

Apr 4 2021, 6:19 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278863: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 2.

@Mike_Peel I tried to configure Pywikibot but I am facing some issues while doing so. Here is the screenshot of the commands I am running.

image.png (997×955 px, 132 KB)

Please guide me on what must I do to fix this.

@AnkitaxPriya Would you once try to login through your username only i.e AnkitaxPriya. Meaning not keeping botname bot1 and setting password for it and see if your problem is resolving.

After you run this command: $ python generate_user_files , you have to do below step manually by going inside the User Config File which was generated in this step.

this step --> usernames['wikidata']['wikidata'] = u'Your username' into the generated file.

After this try to login with $ python login command.

Hope it works.

Apr 4 2021, 5:40 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278860: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 1.

@Mike_Peel I have updated my Task 1. Kindly review the same and let me know if any changes are needed.

Apr 4 2021, 4:14 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278863: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 2.

@Mike_Peel I tried to configure Pywikibot but I am facing some issues while doing so. Here is the screenshot of the commands I am running.

image.png (997×955 px, 132 KB)

Please guide me on what must I do to fix this.

Apr 4 2021, 4:01 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278860: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 1.
Apr 4 2021, 3:24 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)

Apr 2 2021

AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278860: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 1.

@Mike_Peel will you be reviewing our Task 1 before we proceed to Task 2 (for any improvements to be made from our end) or shall we proceed anyhow?

Oops, sorry! Feedback left at Tasks 1 and 2 are mostly independent, but they become more interlinked later.

Apr 2 2021, 6:49 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278860: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 1.

I think I'm up to date with replies now, if I've missed replying to you then please tell me!

Apr 2 2021, 6:26 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T279162: Trouble using Python 3.8.3 pip on Windows 10.

Just installed the latest version of Python 3 and the commands are working. Thank you!

Apr 2 2021, 6:22 PM
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T279162: Trouble using Python 3.8.3 pip on Windows 10.

What error did you get when running

pip install -U --force requests
Apr 2 2021, 6:04 PM
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T279162: Trouble using Python 3.8.3 pip on Windows 10.

If the other fixes don't work, try this fix as well:

To recover do the following:

Run CMD as admin
Do a 'python -m pip install -U --force pip' (this will fix your Pip installation)
Then close the CMD and open another admin CMD to make sure you get the PATH updates effectively
Do 'pip install -U --force requests'

Taken from:

Apr 2 2021, 5:57 PM
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T279162: Trouble using Python 3.8.3 pip on Windows 10.

Ah, try "pip install requests" to see if that works.

Apr 2 2021, 5:35 PM
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T279162: Trouble using Python 3.8.3 pip on Windows 10.

Can you post a screenshot of the full error when running

pip install "requests>=2.20.1"
Apr 2 2021, 5:31 PM
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278863: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 2.

I have linked the task below, @Mike_Peel. Please let me know if I need to add more details to it.

Apr 2 2021, 5:18 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)
AnkitaxPriya created T279162: Trouble using Python 3.8.3 pip on Windows 10.
Apr 2 2021, 5:16 PM
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278863: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 2.

Hmm, I'm not sure then. Possibly it's related to T120222 . Could you start a new task for this via - and include the full set of steps and the OS versions you're using, please?

Apr 2 2021, 4:53 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278863: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 2.

I think you need to be in 'core' to run that command, since that is where '' is located. I think you can then move the user script to a different directory afterwards and still be able to 'import pywikibot' though.

Apr 2 2021, 4:44 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278863: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 2.

@Mike_Peel I am getting an error while configuring Pywikibot. It says:
python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Please suggest how should I fix this.

Are you in the same directory as pywikibot or it is otherwise in the python path? You might need to change into the 'core' subdirectory.

Apr 2 2021, 4:37 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278863: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 2.

@Mike_Peel I am getting an error while configuring Pywikibot. It says:
python: can't open file '': [Errno 2] No such file or directory

Apr 2 2021, 4:30 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278860: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 1.

I'm trying to 'Add statements' in Wikidata but unable to. Please guide @Mike_Peel

Looking at - it seems that you have successfully made some edits. You might be trying to edit a protected item, can you give the Q-number or URL for the item you are trying to edit please?

Apr 2 2021, 3:02 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278860: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 1.

I'm trying to 'Add statements' in Wikidata but unable to. Please guide @Mike_Peel

Apr 2 2021, 12:24 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278860: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 1.

@AnkitaxPriya For now you could simply mention the date without any underlying link and if you wish you could add the reference url given along with the date.
You can later modify your list according to @Mike_Peel 's instructions

Apr 2 2021, 12:08 PM · Outreachy (Round 22)
AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278860: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 1.

@Mike_Peel I am still working on task 1 and I found that "dates" do not have an additional property on Wikipedia. How am I supposed to list them?

Apr 2 2021, 8:25 AM · Outreachy (Round 22)

Mar 31 2021

AnkitaxPriya added a comment to T278860: Synchronising Wikidata and Wikipedias using pywikibot - Task 1.

@Mike_Peel Do I need to edit this wikidata page or make one of my own?

Mar 31 2021, 11:14 AM · Outreachy (Round 22)