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User Details

User Since
Oct 23 2022, 10:28 PM (120 w, 11 h)
MediaWiki User
Al12si [ Global Accounts ]

Lua dabbler, mainly. Or translator. It depends.

You won’t believe how many sites break down when you use just Wacom pens, mousekeys, or portrait monitors (e.g., Vector 2022 breaks down with portrait monitors). You don’t even need to talk about screen readers.

If you have a timeout and the user can’t complete a task when using mousekeys (an accessibility feature built right into MacOSX and X11), your timeout is way too short.

If you set up your monitor to portrait orientation (very common for professional edtiors) and your layout breaks down or your main text area suddenly becomes narrower than a newspaper column, your CSS failed.

If you use a Ducky keyboard (hardware mouse emulation) and you can’t get the mouse cursor to hover above any UI element, your “click targets” are way too small — for desktop — and we aren’t even talking about an accessibility device here, this is a piece of mainstream gaming gear.

Recent Activity

Dec 7 2024

Al12si updated Al12si.
Dec 7 2024, 4:10 AM
Al12si closed T374689: Translation feature incorrectly translating citations, a subtask of T200786: Better support for References in Content Translation (epic), as Invalid.
Dec 7 2024, 4:03 AM · Tracking-Neverending, ContentTranslation
Al12si closed T374689: Translation feature incorrectly translating citations as Invalid.
Dec 7 2024, 4:03 AM · ContentTranslation
Al12si added a comment to T374689: Translation feature incorrectly translating citations.

I now have sufficient reason to believe the automatic translation that was used is not WMF’s but some kind of external LLM. Closing as invalid.

Dec 7 2024, 4:02 AM · ContentTranslation
Al12si added a comment to T200704: TemplateStyles don't work when the template is inside a link.

Thank you. In that case someone with the appropriate privs should update the description, because the description, as currently written, is incomplete and misleading.

Dec 7 2024, 3:57 AM · MediaWiki-Parser, TemplateStyles
Al12si added a comment to T200704: TemplateStyles don't work when the template is inside a link.

My ticket was merged into this one but I never took the time to read this one. I just spent the time to read the description and found that it’s describing a scenario that’s the opposite of what I reported. Can someone explain to me why my ticket was considered a duplicate? Thank you.

Dec 7 2024, 2:55 AM · MediaWiki-Parser, TemplateStyles

Sep 13 2024

Al12si updated the task description for T374689: Translation feature incorrectly translating citations.
Sep 13 2024, 8:13 AM · ContentTranslation
Al12si updated the task description for T374689: Translation feature incorrectly translating citations.
Sep 13 2024, 8:11 AM · ContentTranslation
Al12si updated the task description for T374689: Translation feature incorrectly translating citations.
Sep 13 2024, 8:11 AM · ContentTranslation
Al12si updated the task description for T374689: Translation feature incorrectly translating citations.
Sep 13 2024, 8:09 AM · ContentTranslation
Al12si created T374689: Translation feature incorrectly translating citations.
Sep 13 2024, 8:08 AM · ContentTranslation

Aug 31 2024

Al12si updated the task description for T373729: InternetArchiveBot needs to understand url-access=registration.
Aug 31 2024, 5:10 AM · InternetArchiveBot
Al12si created T373729: InternetArchiveBot needs to understand url-access=registration.
Aug 31 2024, 5:07 AM · InternetArchiveBot

Oct 18 2023

Al12si added a comment to T279069: Fix wikidata entity usage tracking and access count.

This is a very unideal situation. Wikidata_IB, one of the recommended packages, can trigger this error simply by having a script calling checkvalue, on a random item that looks empty in the Wikidata interface, even. To say this is confusing is an understatement.

Oct 18 2023, 8:53 AM · MW-1.44-notes (1.44.0-wmf.12; 2025-01-14), Patch-For-Review, MW-1.43-notes (1.43.0-wmf.27; 2024-10-15), Wikidata Integration in Wikimedia projects (Kanban Board), Wikibase-Lua, Wikidata, MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseClient

Jul 3 2023

Al12si added a comment to T340934: CSS sanitizer doesn’t recognize font-variant-numeric with comma separated values.

PS: If you expect people to turn on editor highlighting then fix all the highlighting error first.

Jul 3 2023, 9:32 PM · TemplateStyles, css-sanitizer
Al12si added a comment to T340934: CSS sanitizer doesn’t recognize font-variant-numeric with comma separated values.

If that’s the error, then the error message is faulty. It also works in preview, so browsers have no issues with the comma, it’s just the sanitizer.

Jul 3 2023, 9:31 PM · TemplateStyles, css-sanitizer
Al12si renamed T340934: CSS sanitizer doesn’t recognize font-variant-numeric with comma separated values from CSS sanitizer doesn’t recognize font-variant-numeric to CSS sanitizer doesn’t recognize font-variant-numeric with comma separated values.
Jul 3 2023, 9:30 PM · TemplateStyles, css-sanitizer
Al12si updated the task description for T340934: CSS sanitizer doesn’t recognize font-variant-numeric with comma separated values.
Jul 3 2023, 1:15 AM · TemplateStyles, css-sanitizer
Al12si created T340934: CSS sanitizer doesn’t recognize font-variant-numeric with comma separated values.
Jul 3 2023, 1:14 AM · TemplateStyles, css-sanitizer
Al12si added a comment to T55633: Allow setting OpenType tag (font-feature-settings and vendor-specific versions) as an option.

And this isn’t a feature. This is an outright bug.

Jul 3 2023, 1:11 AM · UniversalLanguageSelector
Al12si added a comment to T55633: Allow setting OpenType tag (font-feature-settings and vendor-specific versions) as an option.

This is really important, especially for things like superscripts and subscripts, where oldstyle figures need to be disabled. If you don’t allow this then at least allow font-variant-numeric. This is making things very difficult for template and module writers.

Jul 3 2023, 1:10 AM · UniversalLanguageSelector

Jun 9 2023

Al12si added a comment to T336019: jquery.tipsy will be removed from MediaWiki core..

@Jdlrobson: My understandingg is @H78c67c has already written a replacement and the admins will eventually sort things out and replace the broken gadget. So speaking long-term, tipsy’s removal should not be an issue on yuewiki. What I’m concerned about is the general failure to realize tipsy is used on zhwiki, yuewiki and commons in ways that cannot be meaningfully called “user”.

Jun 9 2023, 11:30 PM · User-notice-archive
Al12si added a comment to T336019: jquery.tipsy will be removed from MediaWiki core..

It’s not. Typography is fixed (which is a much welcome improvement. Thanks), but functionality is not. I don’t understand the script/gadget in question to know what’s happening, and no error is showing in the console.

Jun 9 2023, 10:18 PM · User-notice-archive
Al12si added a comment to T336019: jquery.tipsy will be removed from MediaWiki core..

@Jdlrobson: I am the one writing the Cantonese translation of Tech News since some 6 months ago. I translated the Tech News about tipsy’s removal; as a user, the change still shocked me (I didn’t write the system script in question, someone from another, bigger wiki wrote it) and when I reread the Tech News item even I could not understand how to switch over.

Jun 9 2023, 9:21 PM · User-notice-archive
Al12si added a comment to T336019: jquery.tipsy will be removed from MediaWiki core..

I want to comment on two very disturbing things the way this task was done:

  1. The task identified that “removal will impact 342 user scripts” but failed to identify that removal will impact systemwide functionality on at least two wikis.
  2. The Tech News writer was misled into thinking we can “read more” about switching to OO.ui.PopupWidget but all the provided links offer no explanation.

This suggests no one in development has even thought of the possibility that these jquery components that they’re planning to remove could affect system scripts — not just “user scripts” — and had done no research on actual impact. Something needs to change.

Jun 9 2023, 9:10 PM · User-notice-archive

May 20 2023

Al12si added a comment to T337081: "Add interlanguage link" shows a bubble: "An unknown error occurred".

Fixed in production? Where I came from “production” means what’s already deployed in the field; from what I can see this is not fixed in the field.

May 20 2023, 6:58 PM · User-notice-archive, Wikimedia-Hackathon-2023, MW-1.41-notes (1.41.0-wmf.11; 2023-05-30), Wikidata, MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseClient

Apr 21 2023

Al12si updated the task description for T335206: Template style not applied if first use is inside a wikilink.
Apr 21 2023, 8:11 PM · TemplateStyles
Al12si updated the task description for T335206: Template style not applied if first use is inside a wikilink.
Apr 21 2023, 8:10 PM · TemplateStyles
Al12si updated the task description for T335206: Template style not applied if first use is inside a wikilink.
Apr 21 2023, 7:56 PM · TemplateStyles
Al12si updated the task description for T335206: Template style not applied if first use is inside a wikilink.
Apr 21 2023, 7:53 PM · TemplateStyles
Al12si updated the task description for T335206: Template style not applied if first use is inside a wikilink.
Apr 21 2023, 7:50 PM · TemplateStyles
Al12si updated the task description for T335206: Template style not applied if first use is inside a wikilink.
Apr 21 2023, 7:47 PM · TemplateStyles
Al12si created T335206: Template style not applied if first use is inside a wikilink.
Apr 21 2023, 7:46 PM · TemplateStyles

Apr 8 2023

Al12si added a comment to T334249: merge.js needs to automatically remove “Wikimedia disambiguation page” descriptions.

Disambiguation items (items having P31 = Q4167410) are conceptually different from non-disambiguation items.

Apr 8 2023, 10:18 PM · Wikidata, Wikidata-Gadgets
Al12si added a comment to T334249: merge.js needs to automatically remove “Wikimedia disambiguation page” descriptions.

@Al12si: What is "merge.js" or where to find it? Please do include links if applicable. Thanks.

Apr 8 2023, 10:13 PM · Wikidata, Wikidata-Gadgets

Apr 6 2023

Al12si added a comment to T334249: merge.js needs to automatically remove “Wikimedia disambiguation page” descriptions.

Alternatively, “Wikipedia disambiguation page” descriptions should be disallowed and removed from Wikidata. All disambiguation pages represent some actual concept in some languages, and a page’s isambiguation page status is already described by a Wikidata relation; adding these descriptions is not DRY and is only going to cause errors, such as as what I wrote above.

Apr 6 2023, 6:37 PM · Wikidata, Wikidata-Gadgets
Al12si updated the task description for T334249: merge.js needs to automatically remove “Wikimedia disambiguation page” descriptions.
Apr 6 2023, 6:20 PM · Wikidata, Wikidata-Gadgets
Al12si created T334249: merge.js needs to automatically remove “Wikimedia disambiguation page” descriptions.
Apr 6 2023, 6:20 PM · Wikidata, Wikidata-Gadgets

Apr 5 2023

Al12si added a comment to T334027: ruby-position not allowed in CSS editor.

This is also racist. The actually experimental “interlinear” is needed for Taiwanese ruby. MDN says no browser supports it, but if this isn’t allowed (since ruby-position isn’t itself allowed) no one will use it and therefore no browser will be pressed to support it. Is WMF promoting bad coding practices?

Apr 5 2023, 6:59 PM · I18n, TemplateStyles, css-sanitizer
Al12si added a comment to T334027: ruby-position not allowed in CSS editor.

This is a silly statement. As I mentioned, it’s been working for years. MDN doesn’t mark it as experimental and tells people all browsers support it. No one is going to check whether it’s in an editor’s draft; they’ll just check MDN, see that all browsers support it, and assume it’s in the standard.

Apr 5 2023, 6:53 PM · I18n, TemplateStyles, css-sanitizer

Apr 4 2023

Al12si created T334028: Lato needs to be removed from Timeless skin.
Apr 4 2023, 9:51 PM · Timeless
Al12si created T334027: ruby-position not allowed in CSS editor.
Apr 4 2023, 9:42 PM · I18n, TemplateStyles, css-sanitizer

Mar 14 2023

Al12si added a comment to T304865: Enable Content and Section Translation for Cantonese Wikipedia.

BTW, I won’t be so concerned with wrong punctuation, provided the MT engine, as a final step converts the punctuation (most of the time punctuation can be converted). However, this can’t be said of the comma and quotation marks (and maybe also the period) – I’d be a lot more concerned about any MT engine that gets commas, quotation marks or periods wrong (this also applies to zh-TW and zh-HK, or any zh-Hant in general for that matter, if zh is ever going to be split).

Mar 14 2023, 9:16 PM · SectionTranslation, CX-boost
Al12si added a comment to T304865: Enable Content and Section Translation for Cantonese Wikipedia.

@Pginer-WMF I have done some sloppy work on “translating” zh-TW to yue-HK using string substitution (you can probably find it on github, it’s there; it’s very project-specific). For sure a proper ML network would perform much better, but I’d be inclined to say it’s still going to be a very inexact art. This has to do with the difficulty in parsing Chinese.

Mar 14 2023, 8:56 PM · SectionTranslation, CX-boost
Al12si added a comment to T304865: Enable Content and Section Translation for Cantonese Wikipedia.

@Pginer-WMF – At this point I’d suggest that not only should MT be disabled (not reverted to opt-in, but outright disabled), both data sets should be thrown out as invalid data, and any data in the MT should be nuked because they have been poisoned by the two invalid data sets. If WMF still believe MT had any merit for yue, everything should be restarted from scratch.

Mar 14 2023, 2:37 AM · SectionTranslation, CX-boost
Al12si added a comment to T304865: Enable Content and Section Translation for Cantonese Wikipedia.

@Pginer-WMF – As to “helping the MT”. I’m really sorry if you didn’t understand how much of a waste of time it is even though I mentioned my experience. It’s just not practical to fix any MT longer than a stub. Also, in case you’re not aware of this, we are literally working out basic things like orthography (I’d assume many other non-Mandarin Chinese languages are doing the same thing and I have reason to believe we’re actually quite far ahead of some of them). There is a reason we consider ourselves a small language community. The MT will not learn anything from user input even if our editors are superhuman.

Mar 14 2023, 1:58 AM · SectionTranslation, CX-boost
Al12si added a comment to T304865: Enable Content and Section Translation for Cantonese Wikipedia.

@Pginer-WMF: This shows the problem is even worse than what I expected: Even Microsoft has no clue as to what Cantonese is. @H78c67c is absolutely correct: Neither yue-guoyu nor yue-shumianyu is Cantonese; they are not even variants.

Mar 14 2023, 1:55 AM · SectionTranslation, CX-boost

Mar 12 2023

Al12si added a comment to T304865: Enable Content and Section Translation for Cantonese Wikipedia.

FWIW, many translation agencies (I’d say close to if not actually 100% of them) assume Cantonese = zh-HK, and yes, they call zh-HK “Cantonese” (yue). This might explain why a supposedly yue dataset would be 0% Cantonese.

Mar 12 2023, 4:16 AM · SectionTranslation, CX-boost

Mar 9 2023

Al12si added a comment to T304865: Enable Content and Section Translation for Cantonese Wikipedia.

For the record, I managed to fix a section translation in the other direction (en>yue) today. It was just a 137-word stub and I must have spent like half an hour comparative-editing it, and at the end about 30% turned out to be wrong (and I’m still not sure if I missed anything). And I’m not talking about the kind of mistakes that you can look at it and see right away; I’m talking about the kind of mistakes that you have to read and reread the original multiple times to check if anything has been translated out of context or in the wrong sense.

Mar 9 2023, 9:42 PM · SectionTranslation, CX-boost

Mar 4 2023

Al12si added a comment to T313804: Add ability to search Special:Preferences.

As a user, I’d just like to comment that on Android (and other UI’s that have search) search rarely truly helps. (On Android I often can’t find things any more, even with search.)

Mar 4 2023, 8:13 PM · User-notice-archive, Community-Wishlist-Survey-2023, MW-1.40-notes (1.40.0-wmf.26; 2023-03-06), MediaWiki-Core-Preferences

Feb 27 2023

Al12si added a comment to T330613: Don't show invitation to translate for a new article when previewing contents.

Hi @Al12si, thanks for taking the time to report this! Please always include full specific links, and a clear list of steps to reproduce - when exactly does some translation popup appear and what does it say?

Feb 27 2023, 5:43 PM · Language-Team (Language-2023-July-September), MW-1.41-notes (1.41.0-wmf.16; 2023-07-04), ContentTranslation
Al12si created T330613: Don't show invitation to translate for a new article when previewing contents.
Feb 27 2023, 3:04 AM · Language-Team (Language-2023-July-September), MW-1.41-notes (1.41.0-wmf.16; 2023-07-04), ContentTranslation

Feb 22 2023

Al12si added a comment to T329893: User menu in Vector 2022 shows links on hover (logged-in users).

This is happening also with the Monobook and Timeless skins. It looks like the only skin that isn’t affected is MinervaNeue (mobile).

Feb 22 2023, 9:16 AM · Language-Team (Language-2023-October-December), MW-1.41-notes (1.41.0-wmf.19; 2023-07-25), MW-1.40-notes (1.40.0-wmf.24; 2023-02-20), Unplanned-Sprint-Work, ContentTranslation

Feb 21 2023

Al12si added a comment to T304865: Enable Content and Section Translation for Cantonese Wikipedia.

@Pginer-WMF I think something needs to be made clear, and for the record this should ideally go into some kind of WMF policy document because it seems even translation agencies and large unversity presses (I mean like OUP) don’t understand how “Chinese” (the macrolanguage) works.

Feb 21 2023, 10:28 PM · SectionTranslation, CX-boost

Feb 20 2023

Al12si created T330111: Hovering over Contributions in top bar shows a popup on yuewiki.
Feb 20 2023, 11:47 PM
Al12si added a comment to T304865: Enable Content and Section Translation for Cantonese Wikipedia.
Feb 20 2023, 6:49 PM · SectionTranslation, CX-boost

Feb 18 2023

Al12si added a comment to T59106: Implement LanguageConverter for yue (Cantonese).

This would not be an enhancement. I have worked at a newspaper publisheer before and I know very well the pitfalls of any such language converters; the last thing I’d like to see is to introduce all the typos typical of automatic language conversion onto my now-home wiki.

Feb 18 2023, 9:01 AM · Community-consensus-needed, MW-1.41-notes (1.41.0-wmf.15; 2023-06-27), I18n, MediaWiki-Language-converter
Al12si updated Al12si.
Feb 18 2023, 8:46 AM
Al12si updated Al12si.
Feb 18 2023, 8:45 AM
Al12si added a comment to T329535: Cloud Ceph outage 2023-02-13.

Yup, the more simple and short, the better (for ease of translators, and ESL folks, and non-tech folks). I've summarized it as:

Feb 18 2023, 2:12 AM · User-notice-archive, cloud-services-team (FY2023/2024-Q1-Q2), Goal, Patch-For-Review, Cloud-Services-Worktype-Unplanned, Cloud-Services-Origin-User, User-dcaro, Wikimedia-Incident, Cloud-VPS

Feb 14 2023

Al12si updated Al12si.
Feb 14 2023, 11:25 PM
Al12si updated Al12si.
Feb 14 2023, 11:24 PM
Al12si added a comment to T11436: Vertical writing support in MediaWiki.

@Al12si Please feel welcome to contribute patches which fix problems, provide clear steps to reproduce, links, and explain who we is. Thanks a lot!

Feb 14 2023, 11:13 PM · Vertical-Writing, MediaWiki-Page-editing, Epic, Upstream, MediaWiki-Internationalization
Al12si added a comment to T11436: Vertical writing support in MediaWiki.

This is not a feature request; this is an outright bug. It’s 2023 already and all mainstream browsers have implemented writing-mode: tb, but when we try to use it we’re greeted with “Invalid or unsupported value for property writing-mode” and our CSS doesn’t even save. This is not an acceptable state of things.

Feb 14 2023, 11:08 PM · Vertical-Writing, MediaWiki-Page-editing, Epic, Upstream, MediaWiki-Internationalization

Dec 20 2022

Al12si added a comment to T325613: Show an error which explains that introducing line feeds in message documentation is prohibited.

BTW I’ve partially reverted the title of this ticket because it was reworded incorrectly. This is about the “message documentation” (annotation subpages, /qqq; “message documentation” is how this is labelled in the UI), not about translated messages (target strings). Since I’m still trying to reproduce it the title might still be wrong but this is at least more accurate.

Dec 20 2022, 9:54 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate, Voice & Tone
Al12si renamed T325613: Show an error which explains that introducing line feeds in message documentation is prohibited from Show an error which explains that introducing line feeds in translated messages is prohibited to Show an error which explains that introducing line feeds in message documentation is prohibited.
Dec 20 2022, 9:52 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate, Voice & Tone
Al12si added a comment to T325613: Show an error which explains that introducing line feeds in message documentation is prohibited.

@Nikerabbit - What I wrote in my original comment was the complete error message. It was just “Error saving message documentation”.

Dec 20 2022, 7:36 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate, Voice & Tone
Al12si added a comment to T325615: CAT should include a way to mark intervening whitespace between two segments to be discarded.

(What is "CAT"?)

Dec 20 2022, 7:11 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate
Al12si renamed T325615: CAT should include a way to mark intervening whitespace between two segments to be discarded from CAT should include a way to mark initial whitespace for the *next* segment segment for discard to CAT should include a way to mark intervening whitespace between two segments to be discarded.
Dec 20 2022, 8:18 AM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate
Al12si created T325615: CAT should include a way to mark intervening whitespace between two segments to be discarded.
Dec 20 2022, 8:17 AM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate
Al12si created T325613: Show an error which explains that introducing line feeds in message documentation is prohibited.
Dec 20 2022, 6:38 AM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate, Voice & Tone

Dec 19 2022

Al12si updated the task description for T325603: Need a way to include a commit message to translation confirmations.
Dec 19 2022, 11:12 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate
Al12si updated the task description for T325603: Need a way to include a commit message to translation confirmations.
Dec 19 2022, 11:12 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate
Al12si updated the task description for T325603: Need a way to include a commit message to translation confirmations.
Dec 19 2022, 11:09 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate
Al12si created T325603: Need a way to include a commit message to translation confirmations.
Dec 19 2022, 11:08 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate

Dec 17 2022

Al12si added a comment to T322801: Warning message for Tux (translation) interface should not move UI elements.

New data point: I was updating the page for the sound logo contest so the CAT was showing source text differences for the segment. I was typing a wikilink (therefore it took more than 3 seconds) and suddenly the segment disappeared.

Dec 17 2022, 7:28 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate

Dec 15 2022

Al12si created T325258: Curious Facts false positive: inference probably reversed.
Dec 15 2022, 1:15 AM · WMDE-Analytics-Engineering, Wikidata

Dec 14 2022

Al12si added a comment to T325126: [[MediaWiki:Apihelp-*]] shows unhelpful "Do not translate" message on twn.

BTW, the actual API message that accompanies some of the strings I saw is completely meaningless. All we see is something like API strings should not be translated (note that it does not say should not be translated unless you know the API; it says they should never be translated), and since the string in question doesn’t look like it has to do with any sort of API, and we’re clearly presented with a string that should be translated, the whole message just looks like a random useless message put there by mistake. This is how unclear these templates are.

Dec 14 2022, 7:26 PM ·, Collection, I18n
Al12si added a comment to T325126: [[MediaWiki:Apihelp-*]] shows unhelpful "Do not translate" message on twn.

PPS: You are making a lot of unfounded assumptions here, and you clearly did not read my initial comment. I clearly wrote that I know about PO files so it’s quite clear that I’ve done software translation before.

Dec 14 2022, 7:10 PM ·, Collection, I18n
Al12si added a comment to T325126: [[MediaWiki:Apihelp-*]] shows unhelpful "Do not translate" message on twn.

PS: All this is not new information; it’s all in the initial comment.

Dec 14 2022, 6:59 PM ·, Collection, I18n
Al12si added a comment to T325126: [[MediaWiki:Apihelp-*]] shows unhelpful "Do not translate" message on twn.

And let me reiterate: There was ZERO context in that string, and therefore the string is not translatable. I have seen what a string with a link to context looks like; that string that triggered this “question” did not have that kind of link.

Dec 14 2022, 6:58 PM ·, Collection, I18n
Al12si added a comment to T325126: [[MediaWiki:Apihelp-*]] shows unhelpful "Do not translate" message on twn.

It says: "See API:Main page at for general information.", where API:Main page is a hyperlink. Have you read it?

Dec 14 2022, 6:56 PM ·, Collection, I18n
Al12si added a comment to T325126: [[MediaWiki:Apihelp-*]] shows unhelpful "Do not translate" message on twn.

PPS: From our POV you could even say we clicked a link that would take us to translatewiki support, but we end up here instead. That’s why I said initially that “I don’t know why I’m being taken to Phabricator.” If you think the message is very clear, you are wrong.

Dec 14 2022, 6:44 PM ·, Collection, I18n
Al12si added a comment to T325126: [[MediaWiki:Apihelp-*]] shows unhelpful "Do not translate" message on twn.

PS: I don’t know why ApiHelp is even being mentioned here. No one (from the translator’s POV) knows what it means, and “technical” is an undefined term (from our POV).

Dec 14 2022, 6:41 PM ·, Collection, I18n
Al12si added a comment to T325126: [[MediaWiki:Apihelp-*]] shows unhelpful "Do not translate" message on twn.

Or, rather, it *was* a question, in that we are essentially told to come here to ask a question *about that string*, or at least how that message is perceived. If this is not the intention that template should be fixed so it communicates the correct message.

Dec 14 2022, 6:39 PM ·, Collection, I18n
Al12si reopened T325126: [[MediaWiki:Apihelp-*]] shows unhelpful "Do not translate" message on twn as "Open".

This is not a question, and this is not about the Apihelp template (sorry for using Wikipedia jargon here). This is about the inappropriateness and unhelpfulness of this message while a new translatewiki translator is being “trained/tested” (sorry for being ambiguous because that site is being very ambiguous of what we’re seeing).

Dec 14 2022, 6:38 PM ·, Collection, I18n
Al12si added a comment to T325126: [[MediaWiki:Apihelp-*]] shows unhelpful "Do not translate" message on twn.

I tried to skip a few strings and encountered another of these. It has the word “add”, which is untranslatable unless we know precise context; I’ve alluded to this problem (the exact same word) when discussing Tech News issue 2022/50 on Meta (

Dec 14 2022, 4:53 AM ·, Collection, I18n
Al12si created T325126: [[MediaWiki:Apihelp-*]] shows unhelpful "Do not translate" message on twn.
Dec 14 2022, 4:37 AM ·, Collection, I18n

Dec 13 2022

Al12si added a comment to T323537: [Config Change] Add Clear Affordances (with arrow) to beta feature (desktop).

BTW, the UI of zh-classical isn’t properly translated (it’s in written Mandarin, not classical Chinese); had it been properly translated the label for Reply is likely just a single character (likely just 覆)

Dec 13 2022, 11:56 PM · User-notice-archive, Verified, Chinese-Sites, MW-1.40-notes (1.40.0-wmf.17; 2023-01-02), TPP-Scaling, Editing-team (Kanban Board), DiscussionTools
Al12si added a comment to T323537: [Config Change] Add Clear Affordances (with arrow) to beta feature (desktop).

It was a combination of both, but I don't remember us talking about Korean language in particular. We'd be happy to change it as well if there's support for this among the Korean speakers.

Dec 13 2022, 11:32 PM · User-notice-archive, Verified, Chinese-Sites, MW-1.40-notes (1.40.0-wmf.17; 2023-01-02), TPP-Scaling, Editing-team (Kanban Board), DiscussionTools

Dec 12 2022

Al12si added a comment to T323537: [Config Change] Add Clear Affordances (with arrow) to beta feature (desktop).

Just curious, but why not Korean too? Korean 답변 (hanja 答辯 according to Wikipedia search) is also just 2 characters. Was the list a result of a systematic review, or was it created through user feedback only?

Dec 12 2022, 9:42 PM · User-notice-archive, Verified, Chinese-Sites, MW-1.40-notes (1.40.0-wmf.17; 2023-01-02), TPP-Scaling, Editing-team (Kanban Board), DiscussionTools

Dec 10 2022

Al12si added a comment to T323856: Tux does not always show 100% matches that should be in translation memory.

This is last week’s Tech News:

Screenshot_2022-12-10_19-04-27.png (1×886 px, 183 KB)

Dec 10 2022, 11:16 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate
Al12si added a comment to T323856: Tux does not always show 100% matches that should be in translation memory.

This is continuing to happen this week. Some of these failures are pretty inexplicable. For example, my translation for “Recent changes” is still not showing as a “suggestion” even though it’s recent AND has been used for at least half a dozen times already. Meanwhile, ancient translations that have been been used for only 2 times are showing.

Dec 10 2022, 11:08 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate

Dec 5 2022

Al12si added a comment to T323856: Tux does not always show 100% matches that should be in translation memory.

By the way, I’m doing this week’s Tech News right now and there are like at least 3–4 strings (which I’ve been using for a few weeks, basically since I’ve been doing this) that have no valid suggestions at all (i.e., either no suggestions or only 1 suggestion from way back before I started). Something is very wrong with the matching algorithm.

Dec 5 2022, 1:42 AM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate

Nov 26 2022

Al12si created T323856: Tux does not always show 100% matches that should be in translation memory.
Nov 26 2022, 10:02 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate

Nov 21 2022

Al12si added a comment to T319449: [M] Create toggle to control the fixed width of the content for Vector 2022 skin.

If this is only for 1600px and above, I have a question: Why?

Nov 21 2022, 11:09 PM · User-notice-archive, MW-1.40-notes (1.40.0-wmf.10; 2022-11-14), Desktop Improvements (Vector 2022), Web-Team-Backlog (Kanbanana-2022-23-Q2)

Nov 12 2022

Al12si added a comment to T322801: Warning message for Tux (translation) interface should not move UI elements.

Not to mention this is also an accessibility issue. Not everyone types through a keyboard. Any response-time-based assumptions are ableist.

Nov 12 2022, 10:01 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate
Al12si added a comment to T322801: Warning message for Tux (translation) interface should not move UI elements.

I would like to comment that non-Latin languages exist. In CJK languages input is typed via an IME. Even if we typed continuously (from our POV) the system wouldn’t see input as being continuous. This is essentially a form of Euro-centric discrimination.

Nov 12 2022, 9:59 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate
Al12si added a comment to T322801: Warning message for Tux (translation) interface should not move UI elements.

I just want to add that this is a pretty serious problem from the translator’s POV. Programmers might think putting up a disruptive warning is a good thing, but this disrupts our thought process, taking us out of “flow” (not to mention a timeout of 3 seconds is unreasonable, especially when we’re typing template calls); so in addition to potentially causing user errors, the current way of presenting the warning can have the potential to cause translation errors.

Nov 12 2022, 8:16 AM · MediaWiki-extensions-Translate

Nov 9 2022

Al12si updated Al12si.
Nov 9 2022, 10:48 PM