Haven't tweaked MediaWiki in an awfully long while, but I found myself interested in Wikidata, soooo... I'm back !
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- Oct 13 2014, 12:30 PM (539 w, 1 d)
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- Alphos
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- Alphos [ Global Accounts ]
Apr 2 2018
I'm really OK with both ; but I'd rather leave the lambda function (instead of a plain string callback) in order to keep the parameters set to these explicit values in the call, considering the (X)HTML headers of the output page, if you don't mind.
What do you think of htmlentities over htmlspecialchars ?
Feb 23 2017
Feb 8 2017
The debate is long over.
Links MUST point to articles specifically about the entity described. Not sections, not redirects, not articles about generic entities, not articles about something unrelated. There can be no exceptions. This is especially useful to machines, which are the first consumers of Wikidata - including interwikis on Wikipedia, as they're served to you by machines that need to get them from Wikidata. Machines can't read URL fragments in a meaningful fashion, only browsers will scroll until the top of the screen aligns with the top of the (x|ht|xht)ml element with the id specified as fragment so the user can read from their screen, but that's browser behaviour for web browsing, and should not be expected from other software.
Feb 6 2017
It doesn't matter that Wikipedias chose to handle things that way. Wikipedia chose to fill any gap by pointing to a related article. Wikidata chose to fill any gap by actually filling said gap.
Oct 4 2016
Probably because I had a bit of a brain fart when writing it, awfully sorry about that.
Sep 23 2016
For what it's worth, I've built WRCR with the intent of finding items that link to pages that redirect to other pages that have items linking to them too.
Sep 22 2016
Sep 15 2016
How about any assignment to _blank ? Something along the lines of mwgrep '[^=]=\s*[\'"]_blank'
Sep 12 2016
Sep 1 2016
Or, to handle the string literals too :
Aug 25 2016
Sadly I was unable to find it on Git.
It's weirder than you think :
Temporary workaround :
Mar 11 2016
I really am looking for both.
Jan 26 2016
Additional info : I think I may have found a decent approximation for the complexity of the query(es) I've run up to this point.
Jan 23 2016
Not sure if anyone did anything or if an automated process finally took up, but it finally appeared late last night, and I only just noticed.
Jan 22 2016
Mar 30 2015
Way ahead of ya ;-)
Current implementation (JS on test.wikidata) performs the action=wbgetclaims&props=claims|info call at window.onload time on items that are targetted by properties of interest.
Still wrapping my head around widgets and triggered events, planning on implementing them to do things more cleanly, but that's another talk altogether.
Mar 27 2015
I'm working on a gadget that will allow you to insert by hand only one side of a relationship, and click for an automated insertion of the other side.
Let me clarifiy with a real world example :
- La Villette was a subdivision of Seine department.
- Q532352 (La Villette) has therefore a P131 (is located in) pointing to Q1142326 (Seine).
- and Q1142326 (Seine) has a P150 (has subdivision) pointing back to Q532352 (La Villette).
I did find wgCurRevisionId ;-)