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Baba_Tabita (Oliver Stegen)


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User Details

User Since
Oct 20 2015, 7:48 AM (486 w, 3 d)
MediaWiki User
Baba Tabita [ Global Accounts ]

Recent Activity

Jul 25 2018

Baba_Tabita added a comment to T165585: Make creating a new Language project easier.

I'm supportive of Amir's initiative, both as a LangCom member and as a promoter of under-resourced languages. I wouldn't call myself computer-illiterate but the intricacies of starting a project on Incubator (wt:lag) and of getting a language into Wikidata (ULS, translatewiki requirements and all that) was a learning curve way too steep for my skills set. If a highly educated linguist like me finds it almost too difficult, it must be close to impossible for the language communities themselves. Change is inevitable, so please simplify the processes of the incubator and related activities for supporting under-resourced languages. Thanks!

Jul 25 2018, 9:06 AM · OKR-Work, LPL Technical Support,, Language-strategy, I18n, Epic

Feb 22 2018

Baba_Tabita added a comment to T18889: Removal of mo language codes.

@Liuxinyu970226 I don't know how to answer @Cybernenea11 's question. Sorry!

Feb 22 2018, 3:54 PM · HTML5, Patch-For-Review, MediaWiki-Internationalization
Baba_Tabita added a comment to T187344: Add language codes for Arabic languages for use in labels, aliases and descriptions to Wikidata.

As has been said, for use in labels and descriptions, a language has to be added to the ULS. Afaik, any language to be added to the ULS has to have a certain proportion of translations done at - see
I wanted Rangi [lag] added to the ULS (once upon a time) and am still working on it. Without professional translators who know what they're doing, i.e. have the technical vocabulary, and are also native speakers of the target language, I don't see how this can happen.

Feb 22 2018, 3:47 PM · [DEPRECATED] wdwb-tech, Language codes, Community-consensus-needed, I18n, Wikidata, MediaWiki-extensions-LanguageSelector

Nov 7 2017

Baba_Tabita added a comment to T162271: Add language support for Swahili (sw).

Hi @Halfak . Thanks for the link. And sorry for the delay. It's still on my to-do list ...

Nov 7 2017, 8:36 AM · Machine-Learning-Team, artificial-intelligence, Bad-Words-Detection-System, revscoring

Jul 21 2017

Baba_Tabita added a comment to T162271: Add language support for Swahili (sw).

Update (based on email exchange with Halfak in May 2017):
I had a look at the BWDS list, and almost 100% of the words in it are English, instead of Swahili. Those handful of Swahili words in it are not bad words (but just happen to occur in text that was reverted). Sorry!

Jul 21 2017, 5:46 PM · Machine-Learning-Team, artificial-intelligence, Bad-Words-Detection-System, revscoring
Baba_Tabita renamed T170769: make Rangi [lag] available as a defined language in UniversalLanguageSelector from define Rangi as language in language settings to make Rangi [lag] available as a defined language in UniversalLanguageSelector.
Jul 21 2017, 5:13 PM · UniversalLanguageSelector, MediaWiki-Internationalization, I18n

Jul 17 2017

Baba_Tabita placed T170769: make Rangi [lag] available as a defined language in UniversalLanguageSelector up for grabs.
Jul 17 2017, 3:54 AM · UniversalLanguageSelector, MediaWiki-Internationalization, I18n

Jul 16 2017

Baba_Tabita created T170769: make Rangi [lag] available as a defined language in UniversalLanguageSelector.
Jul 16 2017, 1:53 PM · UniversalLanguageSelector, MediaWiki-Internationalization, I18n
Baba_Tabita added a comment to T161983: Add Rangi language (lag) to Wikidata.

Thanks for the explanation (which I partly understood). I'm just a linguist trying to make languages available on the web (of which there must be thousands, both linguists and languages), so it would be nice to make all of this tech stuff a bit more user-friendly for linguists. But in the absence of step-by-step instructions, I'm continuing and trying to figure all of this out. Cheers!

Jul 16 2017, 1:46 PM · Language codes, User-Ladsgroup, Patch-For-Review, Wikidata-Former-Sprint-Board, Wikidata
Baba_Tabita added a comment to T161983: Add Rangi language (lag) to Wikidata.

When setting my preferences under, 'user profile' tag, I can choose 'more language settings', and Kilaangi appears under 'suggested languages'. However, whereas all the other suggestions are defined (e.g. Deutsch as 'German', hrvatski as 'Croatian' etc), Kilaangi appears as 'undefined'. What do I have to do in order for Kilaangi to be defined as 'Rangi'?

Jul 16 2017, 4:51 AM · Language codes, User-Ladsgroup, Patch-For-Review, Wikidata-Former-Sprint-Board, Wikidata

Jul 3 2017

Baba_Tabita added a comment to T161983: Add Rangi language (lag) to Wikidata.

Still trying to figure out how to add translations of metadata in other languages to existing wikidata entries. For example, quite apart from entering Rangi language data, I don't seem to be able to add something as useful as a description field for French like "language d'Australie" to (there are only seven languages which already have data entries in the Label and Description fields). Instructions please?

Jul 3 2017, 9:10 AM · Language codes, User-Ladsgroup, Patch-For-Review, Wikidata-Former-Sprint-Board, Wikidata

Jun 22 2017

Baba_Tabita added a comment to T161983: Add Rangi language (lag) to Wikidata.

I tried to add it as a label, and also as a taxon common name, both of which failed. Where should I add Rangi translations of metadata into wikidata entries?

Jun 22 2017, 2:40 PM · Language codes, User-Ladsgroup, Patch-For-Review, Wikidata-Former-Sprint-Board, Wikidata
Baba_Tabita added a comment to T161983: Add Rangi language (lag) to Wikidata.

I just tried to add the Rangi word for 'dog' to but an error statement was displayed "lag is not a recognised language code", so I couldn't complete the edit.

Jun 22 2017, 2:16 PM · Language codes, User-Ladsgroup, Patch-For-Review, Wikidata-Former-Sprint-Board, Wikidata

Apr 5 2017

Baba_Tabita created T162271: Add language support for Swahili (sw).
Apr 5 2017, 2:38 PM · Machine-Learning-Team, artificial-intelligence, Bad-Words-Detection-System, revscoring

Apr 2 2017

Baba_Tabita created T161983: Add Rangi language (lag) to Wikidata.
Apr 2 2017, 1:01 PM · Language codes, User-Ladsgroup, Patch-For-Review, Wikidata-Former-Sprint-Board, Wikidata

Oct 20 2015

Baba_Tabita added a comment to T115892: [Bug] Merging broken, doesn't move content or creates redirects.

The problem seems to involve any interwiki additions using the sidebar of wikipedia articles.
I have earlier linked the en:wp article on the Gangte language with the pms:wp article, resulting in a merge of with without receiving the "Don't try to merge items ..." warning. Does that mean the Edit language links option in all wikipedias should be disabled?

Oct 20 2015, 7:56 AM · Wikidata-Sprint-2015-10-13, MediaWiki-extensions-WikibaseRepository, Wikidata