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- Oct 29 2014, 11:22 AM (537 w, 3 d)
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- MediaWiki User
- Candalua [ Global Accounts ]
Thu, Feb 6
Apr 24 2024
Apr 22 2024
Mar 18 2024
When I view an Index page, it now uses (nearly) the full width of the screen. When I go into edit mode, the width stays the same. But when I click Preview, for some strange reason the preview is narrower (on the right side).
This is especially evident on it.wikisource, which has a 3-columns layout for index pages, but it's noticeable on fr.wikisource as well.
Jan 29 2024
Some months ago I had applied many optimizations on it.wikisource using the |rights=purge syntax. However, right now the Special:Gadgets page is showing me this error: "The following right does not exist: purge". Did something change in user rights? Maybe the "purge" right does not exist anymore and I have to use something else?
Dec 10 2023
@Xover: this ticket had been assigned to me because I also have access to the tool and have done some small bugfixing in the past, but I'm reassigning it to you as you have a much better understanding of it. Thank you for your work.
Aug 10 2023
I have applied many optimizations on it.wikisource gadgets, using "actions", "rights", and in a few cases "package". The situation should be much improved now.
Jul 3 2023
Nov 2 2022
@Xover in this page:,_1853-54,_Documenti.pdf/13 the annotation contains a table with class tab1. In page namespace, at table level I get the following styles:
Sep 5 2022
@Samwilson you're right, on we decided to remove the template export link. It had become redundant since the introduction of the blue "Download" button, and it was still not working properly, so the best solution was just to remove it. I suggest we do the same on
May 16 2022
If it helps, on I developed a gadget that shows a "statistics" table on every Index, with the number of pages that have been proofread, validated etc. and also how many pages are not transcluded ("Non trascluse"). It calls the "embeddedin" API to find any page that have been at least proofread but is not transcluded in ns0. At the top of the page, it shows a warning if there are such pages. Also, clicking on the "Non trascluse" link, these pages are highlighted in the pagelist, to find them easily.
Apr 11 2022
Apr 9 2022
Mar 18 2022
Mar 10 2022
Feb 10 2022
Dec 2 2021
Reopening, because the suggested solution ( does not work on titles that contain an apostrophe (example:
Nov 23 2021
The Page: namespace is perfectly named, no need to change it. Maybe en.wikisource (and possibly others, like es) should just change the ns0 tab label to "Text", which seems a more appropriate name for what is actually the content of ns0. Fr, it and pt already use "Texte", "Testo", "Texto" as opposed to "Page", "Pagina", "Página".
Aug 20 2021
Duplicate of T51023
Aug 18 2021
@JimKillock @Samwilson Thanks for reporting and for suggesting a solution. For some reasons the suggested simplification didn't work (no link was generated), but I applied a similar solution using urlencode in both cases instead of PAGENAMEE. Please try it and let me know if you find any other issues.
Feb 26 2021
Obviously the community wants it, that's how interlanguage links are supposed to work...
It it's really necessary, we can have a formal vote to show consensus, in the meantime can you please proceed with the follow-up ticket?
Nov 4 2020
@Xover I'm not familiar with the match&split tool, normally I just tend to the statistics tool. However I added you to the project, any help that you can contribute is more than welcome.
Oct 28 2020
Oct 2 2020
I fail to see what is wrong with the current name... it's just the abbreviation of "Wikisource Export", and it's used to... surprise! Export some files out of Wikisource! Looks like a perfect name to me. Are you guys really suggesting to change it just because the abbreviation happens to contain the word "sex"? Looks like a rather silly argument, frankly.
Aug 25 2020
Oct 29 2019
Aug 23 2019
Mar 28 2019
Is this issue related to T219371?
Dec 14 2018
This looks like the same problem of T128298
Dec 12 2018
Dec 4 2018
@Midleading: as per discussion above, I have already opened a request to disable this functionality on zh.source: T205826. I don't understand why it has not been done yet.
Nov 23 2018
Oct 6 2018
@Tacsipacsi: the class is now available as prp-pages-output.
Oct 3 2018
Oct 1 2018
@Ankry, @Hesperian: sorry for having been rather bold. As of now, task discussion normally happens here on phabricator only: we should really improve this by communicating more often between communities, and warn them of upcoming changes (I have created this distribution list that can now be used to contact all Wikisources).
Sep 28 2018
I'll do it as soon as I can. By looking at other css classes, I think a good, unambiguous name could be prp-pages-output.
Sep 26 2018
The change is now live, everybody please try and test it.
I have updated the documentation at, and I plan of sending a mass message to all Scriptoriums in the next days. Then if no issues arise after some time I'll close this task.
Sep 4 2018
Closing at resolved, as it was a configuration issue related to br.source only, and it seems to have been solved.
Aug 4 2018
Jul 12 2018
Jul 11 2018
The change is live, it is now possible to sort by the number of pages that need to be validated.
Jul 6 2018
Jul 3 2018
Jul 2 2018
Jun 30 2018
I uploaded a patch for the first point, "Add a sort by the number of page remaining to correct".
Jun 28 2018
Jun 15 2018
On vec.wikisource, which has a small number of pages, PagesWithoutScans correctly doesn't show disambiguation pages.
So this seems to be more of a configuration problem.
The special page tries to exclude disambig pages, first by looking into Mediawiki:Proofreadpage-disambiguationspage, which should contain the pagename of the disambiguation template (only one); if this is not found, it looks into Mediawiki:Disambiguationspage, which should contain a list of all disambiguation templates.
On br.source, the first one points to a non-existing template, the second is empty.
Can you try to set either one of these two messages and see if this solves the problem?
Jun 14 2018
The odd/even feature is now available. Instructions have been added to
There is one page originally in the Page: namespace which is now appearing in as "Special:Badtitle/NS250:Agrumi - August Kopisch - 1838.pdf/56". Is it possible to fix it? (or delete it, whatever is easier - it's just one page)
Jun 12 2018
Jun 8 2018
Looks like something is wrong with the namespaces. Right now I see the following namespaces exists:
Pàgina ns102 - Discussion ëd la pàgina: ns103
Tàula: ns104 - Discussion ëd la tàula: ns105
Page: ns250 - Page talk: ns251
Index: ns252 - Index talk: ns253
Jun 7 2018
Related: T128173
Done. It is now possible to configure then new system messages "proofreadpage_qualityX_summary".
Jun 6 2018
Jun 4 2018
What is the situation here? I see that a change has been submitted and modified several times (last edit on March this year), now why is it stalled?
May 31 2018
Closing as resolved.
May 30 2018
It's a nice idea! However, the syntax 6to105=onlyodd won't allow to choose the numbering style or to assign a fixed value.
Instead, I'm thinking of adding another block to the "range" syntax, like:
Let assume that the page Page:foo.djvu/1 contains the wikitext hyphen- and the page Page:Foo.djvu/2 contains -nated
May 29 2018
I opened a similar request T195873 on behalf of the Japanese community.
I submitted a patch for a possible solution. After some research, I decided to go for the "regular hyphen solution", as it is the most intuitive for the users, and the least likely to create problems with parsers, Visual Editor, and everything (but I would appreciate some feedback about this).
May 20 2018
May 17 2018
I created a separate task for the site request related to zh.source: T194875.
This is related to T60062, which is about providing a default index template
I'm removing the ProofreadPage tag, as this seems not related to the extension, but more like a general issue about how templates (and namespaces) work.
May 6 2018
I'm currently working on this. My plan is:
- to mirror the 3 current styles normal, roman, highroman I would introduce folio, folioroman, foliohighroman
- for clearer reading, show both the r and the v, in superscript
To simplify the problem, I'll assume the first page in the range is always a recto.
May 5 2018
Ok, second try. This new patch uses a configuration variable rather than a system message, as suggested by Tpt.
The project(s) which want to suppress the space between pages will have to set wgProofreadPagePageSeparator = "".
By default the value will be   as before.
May 4 2018
May 3 2018
Seeing that this task was still stalled, I finally gathered the courage to prepare a patch myself, following wmr's and Sam Wilson's suggestions.
I named the new system message MediaWiki:Proofreadpage page separator.
Apr 30 2018
Apr 29 2018
Oh, it was not clear to me that your suggestion involved non-sysops too, now it makes more sense. Anyway, our need is just for sysop actions, like mass deletions (which happen periodically, every time that some new Wikisource subdomain is approved and content is migrated there and needs to be deleted).
No, why should we complicate things? We have very few sysops and crats, and they're active in other projects as well, so we surely don't want the extra paperwork of posting requests and granting them.