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- User Since
- May 20 2020, 2:47 PM (246 w, 4 d)
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- Unknown
- MediaWiki User
- Ed6767 [ Global Accounts ]
Aug 14 2022
I don't think this is a good idea anymore due to privacy and tracking concerns. If somebody needs blocking this is up to local admins.
Mar 20 2022
Rough feed design is complete, awaiting this and workspace preferences setup
Feb 25 2022
Feb 9 2022
I have made a bot request! See
I was interested in this and decided to tackle at least some of it. I found the Bing Image Search API which seemed appropriate, however, after speaking with somebody at Microsoft and taking a look at usage documentation I was informed that the API should only be used with user interaction to fulfil a search request and cannot be used for this purpose unless it was some sort of button that would have to be pressed by a patroller which may defeat the entire point.
Jan 14 2022
As of latest commit this now works, it's not the most ideal setup but it's definitely sped things up
Jan 13 2022
Why is the logout link different?
A log out should be a clear and obvious interaction with acknowledgement given the security implications of not logging out, especially on shared computers or for users with elevated permissions. Mainly though, it's just friendlier and provides a better experience to show the user on the page itself and acknowledgement that something is happening that would change the experience, i.e. going from logged it to logged out - the vast majority of major apps and sites do this.
I think the log out could be even clearer to the user than a small progress spinner next to the option. It should show a clear transition between being logged in and logged out, which is why my opinion is that an interaction blocking dialog would both be the best and arguably an easier implementation.
Jan 12 2022
Rereading this, I find it hard to believe that this task was made for the "future", when there's specific emphasis on RedWarn 16.1 being the current version for over a year in the original task description, including what was essentially an ultimatum for us if we didn't act within the very near future.
Jan 11 2022
I wrote a longer and detailed rebuttal but I think I can boil it down to a tldr:
I'd love to move my Teyora project to WMF GitLab from GitLab
To do:
- Finish landing page with promo materials
- Add button for people to log in with OAuth to register their interest - checkboxes for in real life (if in UK) and/or virtual testing
- Save interest registrations either in a file or DB (file may be easier as this would be temp, but DB would prove much more reliable)
- Host on Cloud VPS
- Advertise
Jan 10 2022
Have you considered making a pull request containing your proposed changes?
Jan 8 2022
I also have an M1 Macbook Air and can not reproduce this issue.
Jan 7 2022
Jan 5 2022
Maybe let users reach "sign in to register your interest"?
Jan 4 2022
Thanks everyone :)
Jan 3 2022
Duplicate of T245477
Jan 2 2022
Jan 1 2022
Oh? That's news to me, and evidently a total oversight on my part.
Dec 30 2021
Hi, the issue tracker on GitLab is unused and I plan to close accepting issues there shortly. Moving to the WMF GitLab instance is also planned.
Dec 29 2021
Dec 28 2021
Dec 19 2021
The compelling argument is that they would like to use Welsh language maps - so, given there is no alternative and it would increase accessibility for Welsh users of the website, I'm not opposed given these clarified circumstances.
Dec 18 2021
Ignoring that this proposal contradicts the Maps Terms of Service at time of writing, will support and benefit Wikimedia projects, other than through providing historical references? We can't use the content on-wiki as it doesn't seem to be freely licensed.
Dec 17 2021
I've made this very basic yet functional tool as a proof of concept that it works as a user script:
Dec 16 2021
I'm glad my quick webcast inspired you to make this proposal - however, I think an entire browser extension would be overkill when, in my opinion, I think whilst slightly slower, a userscript or gadget could do a good job at this.
May 8 2021
I'm willing to give fixing some of FlaggedRevs a little if I can wrap my head around the code, and given I have the time for it.
Aug 11 2020
Yes, we have one instance already in use, however, a toolforge instance doesn't give us anywhere near enough software flexibility, which we would need considering our real-time databases and other backend plans, hence this request.
Aug 9 2020
Jun 17 2020
Should add, the tool uses both undo and rollback in the latest versions. Still can be distinguished by (RedWarn *) in the edit summary and a link to [[WP:REDWARN]]
Jun 11 2020
For me, it's now 50/50 whether or not my tokens are valid or not across all Wikimedia Wikis. My issues started about 15 mins following the first report.