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FrankGeerlings (Frank Geerlings)


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  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Feb 12 2015, 10:56 PM (522 w, 18 h)
IRC Nick
MediaWiki User
Frank Geerlings [ Global Accounts ]

Recent Activity

Oct 15 2024

FrankGeerlings created T377209: tbpmelder doesn't always inform the article's first author.
Oct 15 2024, 12:59 PM · Tool-nlwikibots
FrankGeerlings closed T85102: e85bot/tvpmelder reports to the nominator in some cases as Resolved.

tvpmelder was superseded by tbpmelder a few years ago, and its behaviour is currently such that whoever started the article is informed, and no one else. This means the reported issue was relevant at the time of writing (in 2014) but it no longer applies today (in 2024).

Oct 15 2024, 12:50 PM · Tool-nlwikibots

Nov 14 2023

FrankGeerlings triaged T351190: When a category is nominated on TBP (Dutch AfD) the cat's creator's talk page is categorized as Low priority.
Nov 14 2023, 10:23 AM · Tool-nlwikibots
FrankGeerlings created T351190: When a category is nominated on TBP (Dutch AfD) the cat's creator's talk page is categorized.
Nov 14 2023, 10:21 AM · Tool-nlwikibots

Nov 4 2023

FrankGeerlings closed T350536: archiver on nlwikibots doesn't check on nobots, but crashes if set. as Resolved.

Fixed by which is now in production.

Nov 4 2023, 3:03 PM · Tool-nlwikibots
FrankGeerlings closed T350534: archiver on nlwikibots checks only if linked, not if it is a template. as Resolved.

Fixed by which is now in production.

Nov 4 2023, 3:01 PM · Tool-nlwikibots
FrankGeerlings closed T350537: Prevent archiving topics that have not been resolved yet as Declined.

It is deemed to be beyond the scope of the archive bot. I would suggest a dedicated admin's noticeboard bot script. That said, pull requests are always welcome.

Nov 4 2023, 1:38 PM · Tool-nlwikibots
FrankGeerlings created T350537: Prevent archiving topics that have not been resolved yet.
Nov 4 2023, 1:31 PM · Tool-nlwikibots

Apr 23 2023

FrankGeerlings created T335245: Mobile version: Can't resume unsaved (or any) comment because collapsed heading can't be expanded.
Apr 23 2023, 4:48 PM · DiscussionTools

Nov 29 2022

FrankGeerlings added a comment to T323950: Restoring the translations of the Mediawiki software for Papiamentu Wikipedia.

(Also, if you are looking for specific strings to localize on translatewiki, you can get the message IDs by using uselang=qqx in e.g. and then going to e.g. )

Nov 29 2022, 4:48 PM · Desktop Improvements (Vector 2022)
FrankGeerlings added a comment to T323950: Restoring the translations of the Mediawiki software for Papiamentu Wikipedia.

The old strings do seem to be there, but there are a lot of new strings that are yet to be translated. Notably the languages menu in the top right-hand corner, and in @Aklapper's screen shot there are also some obviously new strings such as "Switch to old look" and in the version I see on my screen there is a text below "Languages" stating that these have moved to the top-right corner. Those can't have existed in the old version, but I expect "Languages" would have been there. Isn't this more a matter of going into translatewiki to add the newly discovered strings?

Nov 29 2022, 12:09 PM · Desktop Improvements (Vector 2022)

Sep 12 2021

FrankGeerlings closed T238647: TBP (Dutch AfD) nominations are misattributed if a user is pinged by the nominator as Resolved.

I think I may have fixed this. The change to the code has been applied and will be effective starting with the next AfD notification run tonight.

Sep 12 2021, 12:25 PM · Tool-nlwikibots

Sep 1 2021

FrankGeerlings created T290141: TBP (Dutch AfD) nominations attributed to someone who nominated another page.
Sep 1 2021, 10:57 AM · Tool-nlwikibots
FrankGeerlings updated the task description for T238647: TBP (Dutch AfD) nominations are misattributed if a user is pinged by the nominator.
Sep 1 2021, 10:40 AM · Tool-nlwikibots

Nov 19 2019

FrankGeerlings created T238647: TBP (Dutch AfD) nominations are misattributed if a user is pinged by the nominator.
Nov 19 2019, 11:17 AM · Tool-nlwikibots

Oct 27 2019

FrankGeerlings added a comment to T236512: tbpmelder crasht bij pagina's met nobots.

Natuurlijk wil ik dat verklappen. Ik heb zoals door valhallasw gesuggereerd eenvoudigweg de exception afgevangen (zij het niet helemaal op dezelfde plek), want iemand die {{nobots}} op zijn overlegpagina heeft staan wil kennelijk niet geïnformeerd worden door bots. De meldingen aan anderen vinden voortaan dus wel plaats, waar eerst het script op dit punt vastliep.

Oct 27 2019, 10:23 PM · Tool-nlwikibots

Oct 26 2019

FrankGeerlings closed T236512: tbpmelder crasht bij pagina's met nobots as Resolved.
Oct 26 2019, 3:26 AM · Tool-nlwikibots

May 30 2019

FrankGeerlings added a watcher for Tool-nlwikibots: FrankGeerlings.
May 30 2019, 12:34 AM
FrankGeerlings added a comment to T224622: Verkeerde berichtgeving nominaties 2019-05-28.

Aanvullend: De nominaties worden daardoor ook allemaal toegeschreven aan dezelfde persoon, en dat is (ook) onjuist.

May 30 2019, 12:32 AM · Tool-nlwikibots
FrankGeerlings changed the subtype of T224622: Verkeerde berichtgeving nominaties 2019-05-28 from "Task" to "Bug Report".

Ik moest even twee keer kijken voor ik zag wat nu het probleem is, want dat wordt niet vermeld. Het lijkt er op dat een groot deel van de nominaties wordt gegroepeerd onder één van de andere nominaties van die dag. Ik zie nog niet meteen een aanwijsbare reden daarvoor.

May 30 2019, 12:22 AM · Tool-nlwikibots

Apr 9 2019

FrankGeerlings awarded T213270: Possibility to use both versions of a paragraph in two-col-conflict a Stroopwafel token.
Apr 9 2019, 9:52 PM · WMDE-Design, Design, Two-Column-Edit-Conflict-Merge, TCB-Team (now WMDE-TechWish)

Mar 19 2019

FrankGeerlings closed T216355: Upgrade nlwikibots to Stretch as Resolved.

Removed the last nlwikibots crontab entry (tvpmelder) from Trusty. Added tbpmelder (different code base, same general idea) to Stretch crontab.

Mar 19 2019, 1:49 AM · Tool-nlwikibots

Jul 11 2017

FrankGeerlings added a comment to T170229: Add support for content-language meta tag to determine language.

For what it's worth: The source ( reports <meta http-equiv="Content-Language" content="sl-SI"/> and <html lang="si-SI" xml:lang="si-SI" xmlns="">. Seems incoherent to me.

Jul 11 2017, 9:34 AM · Citoid

May 26 2015

FrankGeerlings added a project to T89410: Indicators overlap "More" dropdown menu contents: Vector (legacy skin).

As can be seen in the image in my previous comment, the drop-down in the Vector skin interferes with the indicators. I have added a change to my personal CSS on NL-Wikipedia which I will test out a little bit more before I create a pull request for the Vector skin. A chat on IRC with @matmarex turned out that there are a few things that could be affected by changing the z-index of the Vector drop-down menu:

May 26 2015, 5:10 PM · WMF-deploy-2015-07-21_(1.26wmf15), Vector (legacy skin), VisualEditor

Apr 2 2015

FrankGeerlings added a comment to T89410: Indicators overlap "More" dropdown menu contents.

@matmarex It's been a while, but by now I have had a chance to look into it. I run into a very similar issue in that the <indicator>s have a CSS z-index of 1, which cause them to be drawn through the vectorMenu items in the #mw-head div. An example of this behaviour can be seen on (screen shot below) – I see that the drop-down menu isn't used in the Polish wikipedia, so it's not an issue there.

Apr 2 2015, 10:52 AM · WMF-deploy-2015-07-21_(1.26wmf15), Vector (legacy skin), VisualEditor

Feb 13 2015

FrankGeerlings added a comment to T89410: Indicators overlap "More" dropdown menu contents.

Thanks, @matmarex! I'll look into that.

Feb 13 2015, 7:01 PM · WMF-deploy-2015-07-21_(1.26wmf15), Vector (legacy skin), VisualEditor
FrankGeerlings added a comment to T89410: Indicators overlap "More" dropdown menu contents.

Thanks for looking into this. It sounds like this means there is something Dutch wikipedia should do about this. Are there pre- and post-editing Javascript hooks that can be used? What is the approach you recommend?

Feb 13 2015, 4:30 PM · WMF-deploy-2015-07-21_(1.26wmf15), Vector (legacy skin), VisualEditor

Feb 12 2015

FrankGeerlings created T89413: Cite backlinks turn from alpha to numeric.
Feb 12 2015, 11:35 PM · VisualEditor-MediaWiki-Links, VisualEditor
FrankGeerlings created T89410: Indicators overlap "More" dropdown menu contents.
Feb 12 2015, 11:14 PM · WMF-deploy-2015-07-21_(1.26wmf15), Vector (legacy skin), VisualEditor