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  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Jul 20 2016, 5:55 PM (446 w, 3 d)
MediaWiki User
Gorthian [ Global Accounts ]

Recent Activity

Aug 6 2016

Gorthian added a comment to T115231: dplbot webservice on Toolforge repeatedly have its dynamicproxy entry removed (because qsub schedules tasks to webgrid queues, causing portreleaser to run as job epilogue).

It's down right now. It has been intermittently down and back up since I last posted here.

Aug 6 2016, 11:25 PM · Toolforge

Jul 25 2016

Gorthian added a comment to T115231: dplbot webservice on Toolforge repeatedly have its dynamicproxy entry removed (because qsub schedules tasks to webgrid queues, causing portreleaser to run as job epilogue).

This problem is continuing, intermittently, every day. I haven't been chiming in because it would get irritating, yet I want to keep this on the radar.

Jul 25 2016, 10:38 PM · Toolforge

Jul 22 2016

Gorthian added a comment to T115231: dplbot webservice on Toolforge repeatedly have its dynamicproxy entry removed (because qsub schedules tasks to webgrid queues, causing portreleaser to run as job epilogue).

I'm afraid I know nothing about the bot. The nominal maintainer, JaGa, hasn't been active on for a month. RussBlau, listed as a maintainer, opened and re-opened this ticket. There's Dispenser, who requested to be a maintainer a few months back, so might be one now.

Jul 22 2016, 8:05 AM · Toolforge
Gorthian added a comment to T115231: dplbot webservice on Toolforge repeatedly have its dynamicproxy entry removed (because qsub schedules tasks to webgrid queues, causing portreleaser to run as job epilogue).

It's still been unavailable intermittently through the day. It's down at the moment.

Jul 22 2016, 5:30 AM · Toolforge

Jul 20 2016

Gorthian added a comment to T115231: dplbot webservice on Toolforge repeatedly have its dynamicproxy entry removed (because qsub schedules tasks to webgrid queues, causing portreleaser to run as job epilogue).

This has been failing over and over yesterday and today. It is intermittent. As a frequent user of dplbot, I have to say that the solution has not been found yet.

Jul 20 2016, 10:23 PM · Toolforge