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- User Since
- Oct 24 2014, 11:10 PM (533 w, 5 d)
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- JackPotte
- MediaWiki User
- JackPotte [ Global Accounts ]
Jun 25 2023
@Aklapper hello, if I may you're wrong about the "no community discussion about this idea" concerning the French Wikibooks because two of the four active admins came here to support the discussion I had initiated and mentioned above.
Jun 20 2023
Hello, about the fragmentation of discussions you've mentioned several times, I do not have any better solution than the one I had proposed above: document the Phabricator relation system into the wiki and participate to it.
Jun 10 2023
Hello, sorry but today I still don't know how many French or English Wikibooks tickets we have, so I can't close the deprecated ones or treat the others with my PHP and JavaScript skills.
May 27 2023
Apr 18 2023
DavidL has taken the time to split several books, but on we can see that 14 are still broken for more than seven months.
And some readers are complaining:
Mar 12 2023
Hello, I've created a PR on
Mar 7 2023
Hello, actually I had posted this idea on:
Feb 26 2023
The typical use case would be a ticket created by the Wikibooks community, only about Wikibooks (not other families), and tagged by it.
As an administrator of two Wikibooks, I'm unable to tell you now how many tickets about Wikibooks have been opened, if there are some doubles, or if some of them need a community input to be treated (like
Since the 8th June 2022, all the Snottywong tools have been shutdown, because of a total incompatibility between the old code and the new infra:
Oct 16 2022
All my jsub crons have been moved to toolforge-jobs run --schedule
In conclusion, worked (Pywikibot could re-login) if my only contains the same account for all wikis.
Adding site.login() in the code does the same.
Oct 9 2022
Now my bot works with toolforge-jobs run, but crashed when login is required.
With Pywikibot 7.7.0, I've removed the crashing useless pip dependencies, and it crashed on dbus-python.
After solving my pip conflicts, everything works on my PC, but my toolforge-jobs run on the server crashes on pycairo 1.16.2.
Oct 8 2022
After refreezing requirements.txt it's another story:
Following, I've got:
Thank you for this message.
Actually I had already tried to migrate, the second March 2022 by testing:
toolforge-jobs run wt2 --command ./ --image tf-bullseye-std
instead of my current:
jsub -mem 1G -once -quiet -N WT "$HOME/"
But it didn't do anything and toolforge-jobs list is empty after, still today.
Sorry to ask but if the problem won't be solved here in a few days, I need to know in order to replace all smallest <syntaxhighlight> by <pre> tags by bot.
Because print versions are worth a little less readability.
Sep 21 2022
Actually by experience the hard-coded page solution in the print version has the exact withdraw of the redundancy code anti-design pattern: it's never up-to-date.
Aug 14 2021
Still working on it...
Apr 26 2021
Perfect, thanks a lot
Apr 13 2021
Actually an EDP is de facto in place since 2006:
May 2 2020
Apr 9 2020
OK I've figured it out, it was my Firefox module "ModHeader" which used to send the HTTP header key "Authorization" with a token.
In private navigation, the bug does not occur.
This bug also occurs if I click with Vector on the star icon, to add a page to my watchlist or try to log off.
If I empty my cookies (and local storage), I'm unlogged but if I click on "log in" the site logs me in without any password and the bug persists.
I use Firefox, by just clicking on "mark as patrolled" as I thought it was clear.
As far as I know, the bug does not occur on Chrome or Edge.
I could bypass the bug by adding &debug=true into the Firefox URL bar.
Oct 22 2019
Jun 10 2019
Thank you matmarex, you've solved it for good.
May 1 2019
Mar 6 2019
The error 500 is due to the absence of Python package on the new Toolforge server:
"ImportError: No module named MySQLdb"
Feb 11 2019
Nov 17 2018
Oct 30 2018
Oct 4 2018
I've just found another similar file:
Sorry but I had posted this bug in a hurry while going to work. I confirm your analysis that the bug is about the player disappearance on every wiki which calls this file.
Oct 3 2018
Sep 10 2018
Jun 29 2018
May 15 2018
May 11 2018
May 7 2018
Apr 18 2018
I'm not sure that it has begun today, but as I edit one of these wikis every day, I should have noticed any change the same day, and I'm convinced that this bug is systematic and has appeared this week.
Apr 10 2018
Apr 6 2018
Nice try, but does anyone have metrics about this experiment? doesn't show the figures of how many IPs and accounts have modified the French Wiktionary before and after the Visual Editor tab, in April 2016.
However it could have been interesting to compare them to the before and after French Wikipedia double tabs installation.
As far as I can see, the only problem is just to be able to find who ever is trusted enough to have the right to modify the French. Wiktionary LocalSettings.php.
Apr 1 2018
This tool has been improved one year ago:
And today, the URL above has worked (after five minutes, but still):
Jan 9 2018
There's nothing complex about this request: the community just wants to provide the two tabs to the editors: the wikicode and Visual Editor.
Dec 12 2017
Dec 5 2017
Yes, the bug concerns the raw HTML and wikicode.
Nov 21 2017
Sorry, I was not angry at you particularly.
If it can help, you can just come to our village pump and ask if I had translated the vote correctly here and if it still needs to be applied.
For god sake, the community of the greatest French dictionary in the world had already precisely discussed about all these options, and voted two times for them for several years (I had already posted the links in this ticket and I'm tired to repeat it, with all due respect).
No please apply the consensus which just consists in two links, like on the French Wikipedia.
Oct 16 2017
Nope, nowhere. I've tried:
- which uses specialcharsets
- which uses specialchars
Oct 15 2017
Herewith my second diagnosis:
- On Chrome, there isn't any bug.
- On Firefox, the bug occurs systematically (but never with debug=true), logged or not, and there isn't any JS error in the console (debug or not). Given the fact that the IDs specialchars & specialcharsets are native and not erased in the site CSS and JS pages, I can't figure out how to resolve this quickly and properly.
Oct 13 2017
OK, as this is working with &debug=true but still not without it, I'm going to follow this process...
Aug 5 2017
Problem solved.
Aug 4 2017
Jul 27 2017
Jul 12 2017
Well seen, has just been created two days ago after the return of Xtuc-Sven, and its GitHub link is supposed to help any French speaker to repair with the non-minified code.
Jul 11 2017
Hi, the actual community desire would have been to offer two tabs to the IPs, that's why we're respectfully asking to add "edit the code":
Jul 10 2017
I don't know if a maintenance period was planned, but currently the "previous" and "next" links in the categories are not working properly anymore.
Jul 6 2017
I can see one: the link behind "Printable version" is the printable page (https://...&printable=yes) but with Firefox we can never reach it.
Sorry to insist but I couldn't figure out how several Wikis of the foundation including a few Wiktionaries could get this extension before, but the greatest French dictionary of the world wouldn't be worth the effort?
Jul 5 2017
We have chosen "uca-default" before "uca-fr" because it includes it, among several other languages collations we publish.
Yes if I delete all my cookies I've got the pop-up, but that's not the problem.
Sorry but I never get any pop-up during my tests: so I'm totally forced.