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Majr (Matt Russell)


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  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.


  • Clear sailing ahead.

User Details

User Since
Oct 7 2014, 1:43 PM (539 w, 5 d)
MediaWiki User

Recent Activity

Mar 31 2019

Majr created T219724: Show gadget's required skins on preferences page.
Mar 31 2019, 5:17 AM · Patch-For-Review, MediaWiki-extensions-Gadgets

Aug 6 2018

Majr closed T140863: Allow mobile-specific gadgets as Resolved.

Gerritbot should've marked this as resolved when rEGADb340532c526a was merged.

Aug 6 2018, 1:17 AM · Mobile, MediaWiki-extensions-Gadgets

Jul 29 2018

Majr added a comment to T171180: Gadget with target=mobile should not be enqueued on desktop (Warning from mw.loader.load).

I've been looking into this a bit, and the reason to me that this is a problem seems to be that there simply is no such thing as target=desktop. The only use of setTarget that I could find is by MobileFrontend and that sets 'mobile'. In all other situations, the target == NULL. (PS. what does this mean for PageOutput::filterModules ? )

Jul 29 2018, 11:20 AM · MW-1.35-notes (1.35.0-wmf.1; 2019-10-08), Web-Team-Backlog (Kanbanana-2019-20-Q2), Patch-For-Review, Performance-Team (Radar), MediaWiki-extensions-Gadgets

Jun 19 2018

Majr added a comment to T196855: Diffusion commits stuck in 'Importing....

@mmodell Commits from the 9th (rMWe0fab761f34c7c10ba33f0ead4969fe981ce9aa4) to the 12th (rMW67ba3f31ed5ed30c0c08bb5a75bb098e3ffbe824) seem to still be stuck on importing.

Jun 19 2018, 9:14 AM · Phabricator, Diffusion

May 27 2018

Majr added a comment to T181338: Text rendering of the list on Special:RecentChanges changes from subpixel to greyscale when enabling "Live updates".

The issue is the mix-blend-mode property used in the animation, which causes browsers to use the faster, but ugly, text rendering. The pulsing animation needs to be implemented without using mix-blend-mode (should be easily done with z-index) or removed. It's very low importance to have the animation, and is certainly not worth making the page unusable due to the headache inducing blurry text.

May 27 2018, 1:42 PM · MW-1.32-notes (WMF-deploy-2018-06-05 (1.32.0-wmf.7)), Collaboration-Team-Triage, Edit-Review-Improvements-RC-Page

May 20 2018

Majr awarded T195049: Remove animations from jquery.makeCollapsible a Like token.
May 20 2018, 2:52 PM · MW-1.32-notes (WMF-deploy-2018-05-22 (1.32.0-wmf.5)), Wikimedia-Hackathon-2018, MediaWiki-General, CSS, JavaScript

May 12 2018

Majr added a comment to T188886: TagMultiSelectWidget misleadingly leaves uncommitted input text visible when unfocused.

The main issue I have with the way the widget works currently is for anything you type to actually have an effect, the user must press enter, which is totally counter-intuitive in a text input. Every other form has already conditioned the user to never press enter in text inputs until they are completely done and want to submit the form, and to instead press tab or click on the next field when they are done with the current one.

May 12 2018, 5:32 AM · OOUI (OOUI-0.29.4), Regression

Apr 9 2018

Majr created T191800: Restore CSS/JS cache clearing hint.
Apr 9 2018, 2:43 PM · MW-1.30-release-notes, MW-1.31-release-notes, MW-1.30-release, MW-1.31-release, Regression, good first task, MediaWiki-General

Mar 10 2018

Majr added a comment to T127147: Gadget definition "targets=mobile" seem to target mobile and desktop users on ur.wp.

It's a simple fix, but it was stalled waiting review. If the issue is still relevant a year and half later and someone wants to review I'm happy to rebase. The main thing I personally wasn't sure of was if my test was any good or made any sense.

Mar 10 2018, 11:58 PM · Community-Tech (2015-2017), MediaWiki-extensions-Gadgets

Aug 9 2017

Majr added a comment to T165854: Change OOUI EditPage inputs to keep the old 'id' attributes on the <input> elements.

So what about everyone on 1.29 who are going to have their scripts broken, and then broken again when they update to 1.30 when the ID is reverted back?

Aug 9 2017, 2:04 PM · MW-1.30-release-notes, User-Ryasmeen, VisualEditor, Contributors-Team, MediaWiki-Page-editing

Jun 28 2017

Majr created T169029: #replace does not allow using a space for the replacement string.
Jun 28 2017, 5:58 AM · ParserFunctions

Sep 15 2016

Majr created T145774: Missing fullscreen close button title message.
Sep 15 2016, 12:57 PM · MW-1.28-release (WMF-deploy-2016-09-13_(1.28.0-wmf.19)), MW-1.28-release (WMF-deploy-2016-09-20_(1.28.0-wmf.20)), Maps-Sprint, Patch-For-Review, Discovery-ARCHIVED, Maps (Kartographer), Maps

Sep 5 2016

Majr added a comment to T101652: Unclosed "Enlarge" <a> tag from thumbnail is leaking on Special:BookSources.

It's caused by running the HTML through [[ | DOMDocument ]] and getting it back out with [[ | saveXML ]], rather than [[ | saveHTML ]].

Sep 5 2016, 6:04 AM · ImageMap, MediaWiki-Parser, MediaWiki-Special-pages

Aug 12 2016

Majr added a comment to T142805: Edit API does not always normalize line endings.

My main concern is this inconsistency is a pitfall that is easy to fall into for extension developers. Either the API should normalize line endings like the edit form does, or the edit form shouldn't normalize line endings, and leave it entirely up to the content model to handle.

Aug 12 2016, 11:33 PM · MW-1.28-release-notes, MW-1.28-release (WMF-deploy-2016-08-16_(1.28.0-wmf.15)), Patch-For-Review, Scribunto, MediaWiki-ContentHandler, MediaWiki-Action-API
Majr created T142805: Edit API does not always normalize line endings.
Aug 12 2016, 5:41 AM · MW-1.28-release-notes, MW-1.28-release (WMF-deploy-2016-08-16_(1.28.0-wmf.15)), Patch-For-Review, Scribunto, MediaWiki-ContentHandler, MediaWiki-Action-API

Jul 20 2016

Majr updated the task description for T140863: Allow mobile-specific gadgets.
Jul 20 2016, 6:51 AM · Mobile, MediaWiki-extensions-Gadgets
Majr created T140863: Allow mobile-specific gadgets.
Jul 20 2016, 6:19 AM · Mobile, MediaWiki-extensions-Gadgets

May 27 2016

Majr added a comment to T127147: Gadget definition "targets=mobile" seem to target mobile and desktop users on ur.wp.

For example, you may want to use the skins filter instead (e.g. skins=minerva).

May 27 2016, 8:40 AM · Community-Tech (2015-2017), MediaWiki-extensions-Gadgets

May 5 2016

Majr added a comment to T49544: <references/> list item must not wrap the text in <span>.

The problem is that cite does allow block elements in references, and then breaks the output by wrapping them in a span.

May 5 2016, 12:41 AM · Patch-Needs-Improvement, All-and-every-Wikisource, Technical-Debt, Cite

Apr 29 2016

Majr added a comment to T133823: Cannot triple-click to select task title in phabricator (due to icon in the title).

It's caused by the icon in the title. Removing it or changing its styling to inline fixes it.

.phui-font-fa {
	display: inline;
Apr 29 2016, 4:31 AM · Upstream, Regression, Phabricator (Upstream)

Mar 24 2016

Majr created T130823: `mw.ustring.gsub` silently fails (returns `nil`) when matching a large number of characters.
Mar 24 2016, 11:27 AM · MW-1.28-release (WMF-deploy-2016-10-11_(1.28.0-wmf.22)), Patch-For-Review, Scribunto

Mar 23 2016

Majr added a comment to T128964: Incorporate winter into vector.

I don't think a new project cloning Vector should've been made for this (especially as this task as currently stated is invalid), not only are all Vector commit links without a project specified now broken (8a09ba2014e6 used to link to rSVEC8a09ba2014e6) due to the duplicate commit IDs, but this is exactly what branches exist for: to work on a set of changes separately from the main branch, to be merged in later.
Frankly, I don't know if it even needs a separate branch. You can work on implementing features from Winter (a nice concept, I agree) individually, it doesn't all need to be done in one go. Separate tasks blocking this one should be created suggesting the individual features to be implemented.

Mar 23 2016, 8:02 AM · Vector (legacy skin) (Responsive-Vector)

Mar 4 2016

Majr added a comment to T77916: ButtonSelectWidget active item should not have hover or click effects..

is-on seems like a far too generic classname to me. Should be something like mw-ui-button-active.

Mar 4 2016, 6:54 AM · OOUI (OOjs-UI-0.17.9), UI-Standardization, MW-1.27-release (WMF-deploy-2016-03-08_(1.27.0-wmf.16)), MW-1.27-release-notes, UI-Standardization-Kanban
Majr added a comment to T42855: Provide the "containing... <search term>" right away instead of waiting for an API request.

Gerritbot on holiday?

Mar 4 2016, 5:14 AM · Desktop Improvements (Vector 2022), MediaWiki-User-Interface, JavaScript
Majr added a comment to T42855: Provide the "containing... <search term>" right away instead of waiting for an API request.

As far as complaints go, I'm talking about power users. They're the sort of people that will use arrow keys for navigating suggestions, so they don't have to move their hand to the mouse, and will already use the up arrow to loop back around to the bottom of the list.

Mar 4 2016, 1:35 AM · Desktop Improvements (Vector 2022), MediaWiki-User-Interface, JavaScript

Mar 3 2016

Majr created T128718: Cite allows block content inside a span.
Mar 3 2016, 10:55 AM · Patch-For-Review, good first task, Cite

Feb 29 2016

Majr edited subtasks for T100270: Replace use of jQuery UI and MW UI with OOUI across all Wikimedia-deployed extensions and core, added: T111088: Convert EditPage.php to use OOUI rather than MW UI; removed: T120736: Convert edit page to use OOUI.
Feb 29 2016, 5:09 AM · MediaWiki-User-Interface (deprecated JS libraries), Design-System-Team, Epic, OOUI, UI-Standardization
Majr added a parent task for T111088: Convert EditPage.php to use OOUI rather than MW UI: T100270: Replace use of jQuery UI and MW UI with OOUI across all Wikimedia-deployed extensions and core.
Feb 29 2016, 5:09 AM · Developer-notice, MW-1.29-release (WMF-deploy-2017-04-25_(1.29.0-wmf.21)), MW-1.29-release-notes, User-Ladsgroup, Contributors-Team, UI-Standardization
Majr removed a parent task for T120736: Convert edit page to use OOUI: T100270: Replace use of jQuery UI and MW UI with OOUI across all Wikimedia-deployed extensions and core.
Feb 29 2016, 5:09 AM · UI-Standardization, OOUI, Epic
Majr edited subtasks for T100270: Replace use of jQuery UI and MW UI with OOUI across all Wikimedia-deployed extensions and core, added: T117781: Convert Special:Preferences to OOUI; removed: T122767: Convert Special:Preferences to use OOUI.
Feb 29 2016, 5:07 AM · MediaWiki-User-Interface (deprecated JS libraries), Design-System-Team, Epic, OOUI, UI-Standardization
Majr added a parent task for T117781: Convert Special:Preferences to OOUI: T100270: Replace use of jQuery UI and MW UI with OOUI across all Wikimedia-deployed extensions and core.
Feb 29 2016, 5:07 AM · User-notice-archive, User-Ryasmeen, MW-1.32-notes (WMF-deploy-2018-09-25 (1.32.0-wmf.23)), Tech Ambassadors & Translators, MW-1.31-release-notes (WMF-deploy-2017-11-28 (1.31.0-wmf.10)), MediaWiki-Core-Preferences, Front-end-Standards-Group, Epic, UI-Standardization
Majr removed a parent task for T122767: Convert Special:Preferences to use OOUI: T100270: Replace use of jQuery UI and MW UI with OOUI across all Wikimedia-deployed extensions and core.
Feb 29 2016, 5:07 AM · Epic, OOUI, UI-Standardization
Majr edited subtasks for T101471: Convert core forms that use MW UI with wgUseMediaWikiUIEverywhere false to OOUI FormSpecialPage or explicit OOUI PHP, added: T117781: Convert Special:Preferences to OOUI; removed: T122767: Convert Special:Preferences to use OOUI.
Feb 29 2016, 5:06 AM · Advanced Mobile Contributions, UI-Standardization
Majr added a parent task for T117781: Convert Special:Preferences to OOUI: T101471: Convert core forms that use MW UI with wgUseMediaWikiUIEverywhere false to OOUI FormSpecialPage or explicit OOUI PHP.
Feb 29 2016, 5:06 AM · User-notice-archive, User-Ryasmeen, MW-1.32-notes (WMF-deploy-2018-09-25 (1.32.0-wmf.23)), Tech Ambassadors & Translators, MW-1.31-release-notes (WMF-deploy-2017-11-28 (1.31.0-wmf.10)), MediaWiki-Core-Preferences, Front-end-Standards-Group, Epic, UI-Standardization
Majr removed a parent task for T122767: Convert Special:Preferences to use OOUI: T101471: Convert core forms that use MW UI with wgUseMediaWikiUIEverywhere false to OOUI FormSpecialPage or explicit OOUI PHP.
Feb 29 2016, 5:06 AM · Epic, OOUI, UI-Standardization
Majr removed a subtask for T100161: Convert all of MediaWiki core to OOUI PHP (tracking): T122767: Convert Special:Preferences to use OOUI.
Feb 29 2016, 5:03 AM · Epic, UI-Standardization
Majr removed a parent task for T122767: Convert Special:Preferences to use OOUI: T100161: Convert all of MediaWiki core to OOUI PHP (tracking).
Feb 29 2016, 5:03 AM · Epic, OOUI, UI-Standardization

Feb 27 2016

Majr added a comment to T42855: Provide the "containing... <search term>" right away instead of waiting for an API request.

I can foresee a lot of complaints about having to press an extra button to get to the suggestions with that approach.

Feb 27 2016, 1:42 PM · Desktop Improvements (Vector 2022), MediaWiki-User-Interface, JavaScript
Majr updated subscribers of T124356: Incorrect TOC and section edit links rendering in Vector due to ParserCache corruption via ParserOutput::setText( ParserOutput::getText() ).
Feb 27 2016, 4:38 AM · User-notice-archive, Patch-For-Review, Reading-Web-Sprint-68-"Java and JavaScript are basically the same", MW-1.27-release (WMF-deploy-2016-03-15_(1.27.0-wmf.17)), MobileFrontend, Traffic, SRE, Regression
Majr merged task T128247: Broken section editing link into T124356: Incorrect TOC and section edit links rendering in Vector due to ParserCache corruption via ParserOutput::setText( ParserOutput::getText() ).
Feb 27 2016, 4:38 AM · MediaWiki-User-Interface

Feb 26 2016

Majr claimed T42855: Provide the "containing... <search term>" right away instead of waiting for an API request.

I've submitted a patch which does this, though we might want to discuss if showing it immediately is actually desired (technically, there is still a 120 ms delay; although this could be removed if desired).

Feb 26 2016, 11:39 AM · Desktop Improvements (Vector 2022), MediaWiki-User-Interface, JavaScript

Feb 25 2016

Majr added a comment to T128053: ApiSandbox incorrectly converts spaces from URL parameters.

I already submitted a patch for this when I claimed it, but the bot obviously ignored it for some reason...

Feb 25 2016, 1:15 PM · MW-1.27-release (WMF-deploy-2016-03-01_(1.27.0-wmf.15)), MW-1.27-release-notes, Patch-For-Review, MediaWiki-Action-API
Majr claimed T128053: ApiSandbox incorrectly converts spaces from URL parameters.
Feb 25 2016, 7:08 AM · MW-1.27-release (WMF-deploy-2016-03-01_(1.27.0-wmf.15)), MW-1.27-release-notes, Patch-For-Review, MediaWiki-Action-API
Majr created T128054: ApiSandbox ignores last input unless it loses focus.
Feb 25 2016, 7:02 AM · MW-1.27-release-notes, MW-1.27-release (WMF-deploy-2016-03-01_(1.27.0-wmf.15)), OOUI, MediaWiki-Action-API
Majr created T128053: ApiSandbox incorrectly converts spaces from URL parameters.
Feb 25 2016, 6:19 AM · MW-1.27-release (WMF-deploy-2016-03-01_(1.27.0-wmf.15)), MW-1.27-release-notes, Patch-For-Review, MediaWiki-Action-API

Nov 2 2015

Majr updated subscribers of T42792: jquery.makeCollapsible should avoid page scroll when collapsing elements.
Nov 2 2015, 8:59 AM · Web-Team-Backlog (Tracking), JavaScript, MediaWiki-User-Interface
Majr merged task T110770: Auto-collapsed templates displace anchor tag targets into T42792: jquery.makeCollapsible should avoid page scroll when collapsing elements.
Nov 2 2015, 8:59 AM · good first task, JavaScript, MediaWiki-General

Oct 26 2015

matmarex awarded T116178: Use the new 'difftotextpst' option of prop=revisions API in live preview script a Pterodactyl token.
Oct 26 2015, 12:17 PM · MW-1.27-release (WMF-deploy-2015-10-27_(1.27.0-wmf.4)), MW-1.27-release-notes, good first task, MediaWiki-Page-editing

Oct 21 2015

Majr claimed T116178: Use the new 'difftotextpst' option of prop=revisions API in live preview script.
Oct 21 2015, 3:11 PM · MW-1.27-release (WMF-deploy-2015-10-27_(1.27.0-wmf.4)), MW-1.27-release-notes, good first task, MediaWiki-Page-editing

Oct 17 2015

Majr updated the task description for T53155: Add option to ApiQueryRevisions to do the pre-save transform on rvdifftotext before diffing.
Oct 17 2015, 4:16 AM · MW-1.27-release (WMF-deploy-2015-10-27_(1.27.0-wmf.4)), MW-1.27-release-notes, Patch-For-Review, good first task, MediaWiki-Action-API
Majr claimed T53155: Add option to ApiQueryRevisions to do the pre-save transform on rvdifftotext before diffing.

Rebased and updated patch to add release notes and get parser options in a better way.

Oct 17 2015, 4:14 AM · MW-1.27-release (WMF-deploy-2015-10-27_(1.27.0-wmf.4)), MW-1.27-release-notes, Patch-For-Review, good first task, MediaWiki-Action-API

Oct 16 2015

Majr created T115700: Installer allows creating an admin password which is too short.
Oct 16 2015, 2:31 PM · Essential-Work, MW-1.27-release-notes, MW-1.27-release (WMF-deploy-2015-11-03_(1.27.0-wmf.5)), Patch-For-Review, good first task, MW-1.26-release, MediaWiki-Installer
Majr added a comment to T114606: [Regression] mediawiki.notification not visible if initialised while scrolled down.

Backporting because not being able to use mw.notify to reliably notify users until 1.27 isn't great.

Oct 16 2015, 1:00 PM · MW-1.25-release, MW-1.26-release, Patch-For-Review, MW-1.27-release (WMF-deploy-2015-10-27_(1.27.0-wmf.4)), MW-1.27-release-notes, Regression, MediaWiki-General, JavaScript

Oct 4 2015

Majr created T114606: [Regression] mediawiki.notification not visible if initialised while scrolled down.
Oct 4 2015, 1:24 PM · MW-1.25-release, MW-1.26-release, Patch-For-Review, MW-1.27-release (WMF-deploy-2015-10-27_(1.27.0-wmf.4)), MW-1.27-release-notes, Regression, MediaWiki-General, JavaScript

Feb 9 2015

Majr added a comment to T88964: Arbitrary HTML output possible.

Since that page didn't say anything special for security patches, the patch itself doesn't demonstrate or give any hints as to how to exploit the bug, and it's been like this for over two years and requires an old version of Scribunto or an old version of Widgets, it didn't seem like it'd matter much.

Feb 9 2015, 11:41 PM · Security, Vuln-XSS, Security-Extensions, MediaWiki-extensions-Widgets
Majr added a comment to T88964: Arbitrary HTML output possible.

Feb 9 2015, 10:07 AM · Security, Vuln-XSS, Security-Extensions, MediaWiki-extensions-Widgets
Majr claimed T88964: Arbitrary HTML output possible.
Feb 9 2015, 10:07 AM · Security, Vuln-XSS, Security-Extensions, MediaWiki-extensions-Widgets
Majr updated the task description for T88964: Arbitrary HTML output possible.
Feb 9 2015, 10:00 AM · Security, Vuln-XSS, Security-Extensions, MediaWiki-extensions-Widgets
Majr renamed T88964: Arbitrary HTML output possible from to Arbitrary HTML output possible.
Feb 9 2015, 9:27 AM · Security, Vuln-XSS, Security-Extensions, MediaWiki-extensions-Widgets