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- User Since
- May 8 2023, 10:41 PM (91 w, 3 d)
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- MediaWiki User
- SEgt-WMF [ Global Accounts ]
Apr 18 2024
Just to add another reason why we might want this, here's an example of an Event that does have a Dashboard link but was added incorrectly in the wikitext.
Mar 7 2024
Hi team! I was recently participating in Wikimedia Mexico's #JuevesWiki as a volunteer and was made aware that the References Count seems to not be working yet for Spanish.
I added some references to test this article and couldn't see them reflected in the Dashboard. Are there any news on when we might see a change?
Feb 16 2024
Hi everyone! I was wondering if this tool is now named differently? I went to the link ( and it seems dead
Feb 13 2024
Sorry, I missed your comment @Urbanecm_WMF ! As far as I know ORES-powered revision counting only works where ORES is supported, this is a problem for many languages, and the reason why we thought LiftWing could be an option.
For instance, Spanish, French & other languages references are not being counted in #1Lib1Ref campaigns in the Outreach Dashboard. Fortunately, @Gabinaluz is currently working on solving this issue
Beside the points raised by @Daimona (about people not having an email or disabling notifications) I would like to raise another risk: notifications that go to the spam folder.
Re: crowded design, I actually think the benefits are greater :), and I would even think a little calendar icon would not hurt on the Event Page design @gonyeahialam shared :)
Jan 23 2024
Got it, thank you so much for your help @SLyngshede-WMF !
Jan 19 2024
Hi @SLyngshede-WMF !
Woooow that was weird, if I clicked on reset password using Silvia G, I got no E-mail, but with segt, I did. Any idea why? But yeah, logging in with "Silvia G" did the trick for me, thank you so much!
Jan 17 2024
Gracias again @Gabinaluz <3
And please do let me know if I can serve as a bridge for anything you might need from the Foundation. I usually don't have the answers but know who to ask :)
Hi @klaul!
I'm sorry for the inconveniences! This issue has been reported here and this is why Sam has closed this issue here, to keep working / updating there.
Meanwhile, one solution I'm offering organizers is [[ | this Query in Quarry ]]where you can get all the edits done with the #1lib1ref hashtag in a given Wikipedia language.
I've added instructions there, but feel free to contact me at silviaegt (at) if you have any trouble running the Query.
Jan 15 2024
This is excellent news @Gabinaluz, your project will make many librarians and organizers happy! Wishing you all the best for this internship!
From March onwards, who would be best to contact to follow up on the implementation?
This is just to have the most accurate information to share with participants who would like to use the Dashboard for the campaign in May, but if there's also someone they could report potential bugs to that would be nice to know as well :)
Dear team,
The #1Lib1Ref community is so excited about this!
As you can see in the column "Getting data to score" of this feedback board, one of the pain points in the past has been that the Dashboard did not register references for Spanish nor French (and I imagine some other languages)?
We (Gorana Gomirac,Sailesh Patnaik, and I) will be meeting with #1Lib1Ref organizers, and it would be awesome if we could share the good news with them about the advances! Are there any probable dates of when this update will be launched @Gabinaluz ?
Nov 28 2023
Oct 20 2023
Dear @SLyngshede-WMF thank you so much for your kind help. The Wikitech link you've sent states that "To reset your password, use"
I did this an hour ago (11:45 GMT-5) and I tried to log in with my new password two minutes after, 10 min after, and 30 min after. None of this worked. Is there anything else I can do?
Sep 22 2023
Thank you'all for your work on this <3
Good, diverse, crowdfunded & assessable references, is our strongest card in the face of AI/LLM's hallucinations, and I believe as @KStoller-WMF said that this would help to highlight how important references are to the wikis!
Let me know how I can help with specifications.
Just in case it is useful: In the Outreach Dashboard references were also counted via ORES using the features' data (if I'm not mistaken it is under feature.wikitext.revision.ref_tags).
Fortunately this data will also be available via LiftWing
Sep 6 2023
Aug 14 2023
Jul 26 2023
Jul 7 2023
Oh! How does one do closed connections? Sorry @Chicocvenancio, I'm super newbie!
Thank you @Chicocvenancio for reading my question and adding your ideas! Yeah, I just run the code with another Wiki account I have and it went well, so I'm guessing every user gets a limited number of SQL runs?
Jun 8 2023
If possible, I would like to have the editors' data* from each one of the 14 programs of an Outreach Dashboard Campaign ("AfLIA Campaigns")