User Details
- User Since
- Feb 17 2016, 8:51 PM (468 w, 1 d)
- Availability
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- LDAP User
- Unknown
- MediaWiki User
- Speravir [ Global Accounts ]
Dec 20 2024
Nov 11 2024
Thank you for explanation, why you did it, @Pppery. Yes, I first wondered what happened here, but it sounds reasonable.
Jun 7 2024
As user who used Schnark’s section-links script because of the buttons it added, and this is now broken, too, I would favour such an option, as well.
Would it be possible to reintroduce mw-headline as class for the headers h#? This may help in updating some tools easier. Using the example from Heading HTML changes in MediaWiki I think of
Aug 12 2023
Jul 26 2023
Thank you, @Esanders. That’s quite unpleasing, but because it’s documented, it means this ticket has to be closed, then.
Jul 25 2023
May 28 2023
I confirm that both tools start, again, so that this ticket could be closed, I think.
May 11 2023
Oct 9 2022
I consider this feature rather useless for text searches (other than the provided text snippet), but for file searches the thumbnail is essential and therefore present for years. So, in my opinion a different option for files would be needed, or for file searches the thumbnail is shown independently of a hopefully added preference.
Mar 6 2022
Mar 5 2022
Is there no way to add a setting for reverting this change in Special:Contributions or at least for an according script or scriptlet, so that user scripts can work, again (so that there is again one ul element per page)? I actually do not see a benefit of date headers on this page.
Feb 27 2022
Sep 26 2021
@daniel I do not know, how well the gadget is written, but would it be possible to rewrite it in a way that it inserts these data-something attributes as suggested by @stjn instead of the additional HTML elements it inserts now, and this for all users, hence not being a gadget anymore? And the central gadget itself would be converted into quite short CSS, so everyone who doesn’t has enabled it does not notice anything. The size of every page would be larger for everyone, though (but for us who use this feature it would be smaller); the question is, how much (perhaps: data-toc-no="", for each entry 15 characters including leading space char, but without the number, and data-sect-no="", all in all 16 chars).
Sep 19 2021
Another long time user of this feature here.
Aug 27 2021
May 28 2021
Jun 16 2020
What did it supposedly link to? Could it be that someone considered this as duplicative? Because, in Vector I can on every user page find two links behind the “More” menu (which is in the sidebar for the other skins I think): one named “Uploads” with a link to Special:ListFiles/<username>, and one named “Contributions” linking to Special:Contributions/<username>. Because of this I never missed the line in the sidebar.
Jun 13 2020
Jun 9 2020
Jun 7 2020
Could this be related to chunked uploads? The Upload Wizard does support them, the legacy upload form does not. I remember very dark that I had similar issues several years ago when my internet connection was quite slow, too. The issues went away from the moment I used chunked uploads (I use the script bigChunkedUpload.js, though).
May 22 2020
Info: I renamed File:Fioan Fiedler.jpg to File:Fiona Fiedler.jpg (typo fix). And I had noticed before that in :de:Fiona Fiedler a message box appeared on top informing about unflagged changes of a file or template. I did the flagging then – it was the file. By default unflagged changes are not visible to readers in dewiki.
Mar 31 2020
Aug 30 2019
May 16 2019
I got this error message with a GIF file, File:Steam engine in action (half speed).gif, processed with GIMP (doubled animation time for every frame). As you can see this is very small. If this does matter: I got this error with the script BigChunkedUpload.
I ran into the same issue when I tried to upload File:Healthy Pescetarian Meal.jpg. I did not use the Upload Wizard, though. I tried it with the script BigChunkedUpload. The file is so small that it was uploaded as one chunk, but could this nethertheless be the reason for the issue? I subsequently did successfully upload with the Special:Upload page which is not able to do chunked uploads. Note that there is another task with the same error message and chunked uploads, but this have been for bigger images: T89197.
Sep 29 2018
Yes, seems to be fixed. Would be good if someone found the according code change(s).
Sep 20 2018
Well, @debt wrote in this
Sep 11 2018
Sep 25 2017
Last time I asked in the other task, but now the other way: Could T172556 be a duplicate?
Sep 22 2017
Sep 15 2017
I confirm @Jdx' observation, cf, diff link:
A small "how to" replicate the problem:
Choose a random file – there is no comment for the current version (of course I assume that some comment exists). Purge the file – the comment appears. Press "reload" button in your browser – the comment disappears (I've noticed that sometimes the button has to be pressed twice).
Sep 9 2017
note = "[Online; accessed <div class="mw-parser-output">7-September-2017</div>]"
Aug 28 2017
May T173804 be a duplicate?
Aug 16 2017
Jul 6 2017
Mar 10 2017
Feb 1 2017
Jan 30 2017
I am the one, who requested an update of Help:CirrusSearch in MediaWiki and indirectly also of Nova Resource:Catgraph/Deepcat in Wikitech. Unfortunately Cpiral mixed up a bit of my request, but once, it’s started now: