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- Nov 4 2014, 2:42 AM (536 w, 16 h)
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- Technical_13 T13 T13|mobile T13|sleeps T13|needsCoffee (you get the idea)
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- Technical 13 [ Global Accounts ]
Apr 29 2017
Sep 15 2016
Wait, what? When did "we" decide that?
Sep 12 2016
This shouldn't be dependent on VE. I've been mostly away and out of the loop. I'd still be interested in working on this.
Sep 7 2016
Aug 25 2016
I'm very interested in making a list from [[Special:WantedCategories]] right now... Any chance of this being worked on? @Reguyla -- Can you forward me any research / work you have done on this so we can make it happen sooner than later? Thanks.
Aug 7 2016
Aug 3 2016
Jul 30 2016
Jul 7 2016
Jul 6 2016
Jul 4 2016
Yeah, need to restart the bouncers then connect the bot.
Did you restart the bouncers as well as the bot?
Jun 7 2016
Why not just use instead of ?
Jun 2 2016
May 17 2016
May 7 2016
Using Phabricator would still mean that xTools developers need to be in two places at once since all the source code is on GitHub. That's why reports are allowed at either. If the goal is to centralize everything to one place, GitHub makes the most sense to me since the code is there.
Apr 28 2016
I'm confused, if the page is only getting assets, why would any data (IP or otherwise) be sent? I guess I just have never learned about this before.
Apr 12 2016
[10:56] <T13> @reauth wm-bot3 [10:56] == wm-bot3 [wm-bot@] has quit [Changing host] [10:56] == wm-bot3 [wm-bot@wikimedia/bot/wm-bot] has joined #wm-bot [10:56] == mode/#wm-bot [+v wm-bot3] by ChanServ
Apr 10 2016
Mar 25 2016
Aug 14 2015
Would it be too different or odd to put the collapse for the outer box in the lower left instead of the upper right? What other options are there to make it not look so odd or at least be distinctive? Change the inner to show/hide instead of (un)collapse? T13
Aug 7 2015
Aug 6 2015
*sigh* I had completely stopped the webservice because this tool wasn't working. There is no reason to start it back up until it is fixed. If you leave it stopped until then, it won't fill any error logs...
Jul 3 2015
I looked at this when I was first added and it appeared to just be a little lag between DBs. The results I got were much closer to on-wiki result only off by a very small amount I attributed to deleted edits.
Jun 23 2015
Yep. That's why I killed the webservice for it the other day. It's not something that is going to happen soon based on our current levels of free time. I got midterms in a week, so cramming for that.
The webservice was stopped a couple days ago until it can be worked on by someone.
Jun 16 2015
Sorry @EoRdE6, still trying to wrap my head around the consensus. It looks like the consensus is to just completely remove the ability to make text bigger. The alternative might be to add support for big tags as an xml object. Not sure if I want to do that either. Have to think about it a little more.
If it's Yandex's problem, then lets close it.
May 22 2015
@Glaisher we haven't been too worried about fixing the redirects yet because we're in the process of migrating all of the tools to and will be going through updating them when done.
May 16 2015
May 15 2015
:02] <+wm-bot> DEBUG Exception in module Translate: The remote server returned an error: (400) BAD REQUEST. st: at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.CheckFinalStatus (System.Net.WebAsyncResult result) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0 at System.Net.HttpWebRequest.SetResponseData (System.Net.WebConnectionData data) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0
May 14 2015
@Mlaffs You would have assumed very wrong... From my understanding, the job queue is not a linear, easy to follow thing. Changing a template with 50K transclusions does not mean 50K jobs will be added in any specific order. It actually creates a job, that creates jobs based on a bunch of different factors and variables and then runs through those jobs to decide what jobs need jobs and what order to do them in. Then, once it finishes one of the jobs that decides what jobs to run, it creates more jobs to see if the jobs are actually done or if they need to be run again and it makes more jobs based on that including a job that reorders all the jobs... Or, something like that...
@ArielGlenn how are you coming up with 78 jobs? I haven't seen it go below 1.15 million. I still consider it done, but it's still a little higher than normal according to the graphs.
May 12 2015
May 10 2015
May 9 2015
The only question/concern about this is how is "top" defined for this patch? For AfC drafts, I can see top as defined as section 0; but for the WP:THQ, which is supposed to be top posting, top would be defined as the first section after the header which is section 1 on the page (don't think there are any header sections in templates).
May 1 2015
@TheDJ does that ticket now block this one?
Question: I saw someone on one of the help boards asking about the changes to the history pages and am wondering if anyone can add/remove tags or if there are required permission sets?
Apr 30 2015
Apr 29 2015
Apr 28 2015
Could it be implemented in a way that when the user presses "preview" it'll show up under the edit box "This edit will send notifications to User:AAA, User:BBB, ... like the edit summary does? That way people don't have to guess if it will work and don't have to hit send to see if they actually sent. They'll know before save is pressed (assuming they press preview which I'm guessing they would do if it would help them ensure important notifications are sent out). Also, it could send them a notification too so they know if they got one, everyone else probably did too.
Apr 24 2015
I'll happily troubleshoot this specific situation once we are moved into our own instance. I'll have it email me everything when 0 results happen until I can find the cause.
Apr 22 2015
Apr 21 2015
I'd personally object to changing the color from red for talk page edits and mentions. I'd support using a more neutral color for reversions and a different color for things like page links. I'm also concerned about accessibility, (as I mentioned in where @Quiddity was so kind to point me here).
Apr 17 2015
Apr 16 2015
RfC development started on
Now that it looks like Flow may have just been another experiment that may or may not take a great deal more time to complete if it gets completed at all, I'm re-opening this ticket in a stalled state pending a new RfC on enwp as to whether or not this is wanted.
Apr 13 2015
Oh my. This is quit a mess. I wasn't aware of this ticket when I created XTools and started adding tickets to it. Please let me know if there is anything I need to do to clean up after myself, and I will happily do so.
I have a couple questions before I state my thoughts:
- Before this became an extension, how many people had the default on gadget disabled per wiki?
- How many people had it disabled so they could use a custom userscript instead of the gadget (such as to allow for preferences such as non-standard sandbox page names or custom preloads?
- Will such preferences as non-standard /SandBox page names or preload templates for new sandboxes be allowed with the extension (I'll happily file a separate ticket if so)?
Apr 12 2015
Apr 11 2015
Apr 9 2015
Mar 29 2015
Bump... What is the status on this? I'm assuming this is the reason that when I SSH into labs I'm 'technical-13@labs-bastion-01~' instead of 'technical-13@tools-login' (or whatever it was) and the reason that xTools is refusing to stay up and running. Thanks.
Mar 25 2015
Mar 23 2015
Mar 7 2015
I saw the section link, had no idea what it was. Didn't think much of it, wasn't a big deal to me. Then, I came across and subsections and I still had no clue what it was for. I followed one of the links in the discussion to and now I know what it does. It updates the URL to a be a link to that section for copy and paste reference.
Mar 4 2015
No other complaints other than "it's down" that I'm aware of. I'd still like to be added as a maintainer if even it means that I must wait for a conclusion to that RfC so that I can restart it in the future (like when there is labs maint or an outage). I have no immediate plans for any specific changes to the tool at this time, but I haven't really looked into the code yet either.
Feb 16 2015
I've had people hunt me down to ask me if I could write a userscript for this and I've had people say it's a great idea when I talk about it. I've never had anyone express any concerns (except for a doubter that thought it was technically impossible but thought the idea was good) or say they didn't like the idea. After all, who wants to type the same content twice or fix the same thing twice? Also, I can only imagine how many decent new editors got discouraged by not having their contributions added correctly and just gave up/walked away since "it's only Wikipedia" and "someone will eventually fix it or create it"
Feb 14 2015 is an example of it working cross namespace. Protection doesn't seem to go (or does it, I wouldn't be able to tell unless I checked with alt account or logged out which is too much work from mobile) but content model follows which is what this ticket is about. is an example of it working cross namespace. Protection doesn't seem to go (or does it, I wouldn't be able to tell unless I checked with alt account or logged out which is too much work from mobile) but content model follows which is what this ticket is about.
I have had similar difficulties and personally prefer booleans wherever possible. They're more reliable and less likely to be unpredictable. They are either true or false or they're invalid.
Feb 12 2015
Any progress on this? Having to go back and clean up things like is getting old...
Feb 11 2015
@coren and I've pinged everyone in this ticket on the page on Meta.
@coren that's what I thought. Is there any process for this or discussion about setting up a process I can watch and if so where might I find links to those things, I'm assuming on Meta or Wikitech someplace?
@coren @LuisV_WMF @yuvipanda would this same ticket apply if someone just wanted to be added to a tool project but not actually usurp the tool? I ask because @Atethnekos's tool is offline and the user hasn't been active on any project in months according to and