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- User Since
- Oct 5 2020, 4:40 PM (226 w, 3 d)
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- MediaWiki User
- TheConen [ Global Accounts ]
Feb 8 2021
Well, in that case, I'm at my wit's end... sorry ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
but you said to set to true to enable Visual Editor. Does that mean we must allow anon edits if we want to use Visual Editor?:
What happens with this one?
Visual Editor needs anonynmous read, edit and writeapi rights. All of these are per default true so you don't need to change anything. Remove everything except
Feb 7 2021
You're getting a 403 error (Forbidden). If you had the problem described in this thread, you would get a 404 error (Not found). 403 errors happen when Parsoid is missing permissions, probably because you are using a semi-private or private wiki. Try the code snippet I mentioned above and have a look at, and
Well, it is for me... only thing I have in my config regarding Parsoid/VisualEditor are permissions because I use a semi-private wiki (publicly readable, but not writable). That requires something like this:
One thing I don't understand that maybe a dev can shed some light on:
That's for a development checkout of Parsoid from the git repo. For a standard MediaWiki installation, you don't need any configuration except
My experience with Parsoid is that, up to now, it has been a node.js based external service since 1.27; this is the way I always installed it and this is the way I am using it with 1.35. Unfortunately, I think you will have to go through the developer page and follow the instructions for your platform.
Oct 20 2020
It will fix one of the two reasons you're getting the 403 error - VisualEditor not only requires the writeapi right, but also the edit right. AFAIK, you still have editing disabled for unregistered users.
Yes, it does, as is explained on
which means that if I had defined these parameters (I didn't, because I don't want to actually delete any pages and I'm not sure if the API sandbox actually executes the requests) the unregistered user could proceed with the page deletion. Still there in no link for page deletion on the website, like it appears when I'm logged in, but it turns out the deletion could be completed through the API!
Oct 8 2020
Well, you could have use Cloudflare DNS and use your hosting providers DNS.
Another thing that might work: set $wgVisualEditorFullRestbaseURL =
AFAIK, VisualEditor is not part of any group, so you need to find a way to enable edit and writeapi for * - but only if the requests come from VisualEditor. The solution described in T263928#6518831 does this, but since you are using Cloudflare and every request comes from a different IP, even if it is sent by the server itself, this doesn't work for you.
Oh well, you wouldn't want to enable access from all Cloudflare IPs... that's a big security risk. Anyone using any Cloudflare IP could edit your wiki. On the other hand, if all requests to your wiki go through Cloudflare, you cannot use this solution with an IP address. Using Cloudflare might actually be what stops you from using that solution in this case.
Also, i just noticed that there was a ' missing in the code snippet I provided earlier, so if you just copy-pasted that, it might not have worked for you. Try this:
I'm just gonna mention this here for reference: T263928#6518831
Judging by the log you provided above, the IP address you need to use should be
Try enabling edit and writeapi for everyone (*) for test purposes. If VisualEditor works then, you just have to find the right IP address to put in there. Have you tried IPv4 as well as IPv6?
In that case, you either need to apply the solution I described in T263928#6518831 or - if you are using HTTP only and no HTTPS - enable cookie forwarding as per Keep in mind that if you enable cookie forwarding, you also have to manually configure Parsoid (
Make sure you are not logged in when visiting the site with your browser, use incognito mode.
When you visit the site (/rest.php/[domain]/v3/page/html/Main_Page/95?redirect=false&stash=true) with your browser, do you get a JSON that tells you "rest-write-denied" or do you get a 403 error message served by your webserver?
Oct 5 2020
I've already tried that, they won't do that. So basically I need to rename/move every article that contains a / in its title?
@CostasAthan Have you tried giving edit and writeapi permissions to * in general to see if that works?
@CostasAthan I'm using the bundled 1.35 version. I used the IP that showed up in the logs of my hosting provider and that worked for me, but it had to be the IPv6 address (which is the one that showed up in the logs) - the IPv4 would not work.
So, what do I do if I use shared webhosting and have no access to the Apache Virtual Host configuration files?
@CostasAthan I was dealing with a 403 error as well, this is how I fixed it: