User Details
User Details
- User Since
- Aug 2 2022, 9:49 PM (128 w, 20 h)
- Availability
- Available
- LDAP User
- Virginia Poundstone
- MediaWiki User
- VPoundstone-WMF [ Global Accounts ]
VirginiaPoundstone edited projects for T348014: [Epic] Each AQS 2.0 Service must have a clearly defined SLO with a process for ongoing ownership, added: Data-Engineering; removed Experimentation Lab.
VirginiaPoundstone removed a project from T351117: Move analytics log from Varnish to HAProxy: Experimentation Lab.
VirginiaPoundstone edited projects for T348035: Create initial AQS 2.0 SLO(s), added: Data-Engineering; removed Experimentation Lab.
VirginiaPoundstone edited projects for T348038: [Epic] AQS 2.0 should have complete runbooks covering services validated by SRE, added: Data-Engineering; removed Experimentation Lab.
VirginiaPoundstone edited projects for T343729: <SPIKE> Discovery for CI/CD Testing for AQS 2.0, added: Data-Engineering; removed Experimentation Lab.
VirginiaPoundstone removed a project from T377600: [refine] Add support for custom Hive partitioning: Experimentation Lab.
VirginiaPoundstone edited projects for T375256: Cookie % has been rejected because it is foreign and does not have the "Partitioned" attribute, added: Data-Engineering; removed Experimentation Lab.
VirginiaPoundstone added a comment to T365889: [EPIC] Community updates module: instrumentation & measurement (SDS 2.1.3).
@KStoller-WMF I think we are ready to resolve this epic, no? 🎉
VirginiaPoundstone moved T377839: MPIC: Create disaster recovery plan for MPIC from NEEDS DISCUSSION to MPIC Alpha Scope on the Experimentation Lab board.
VirginiaPoundstone moved T351117: Move analytics log from Varnish to HAProxy from NEEDS DISCUSSION to ADD DATA ENGINEERING TAG on the Experimentation Lab board.
VirginiaPoundstone removed a project from T343729: <SPIKE> Discovery for CI/CD Testing for AQS 2.0: Experimentation Lab Roadmap.
VirginiaPoundstone moved T345203: [Epic] Platform Schema Governance and Guidelines from NEEDS DISCUSSION to MPIC Alpha Scope on the Experimentation Lab board.
VirginiaPoundstone placed T345203: [Epic] Platform Schema Governance and Guidelines up for grabs.
VirginiaPoundstone moved T360742: [Epic] Build the MPIC data store from NEEDS DISCUSSION to Experiment Platform Sprint 1 on the Experimentation Lab board.
VirginiaPoundstone moved T368801: [EPIC] MPIC: Fix outstanding issues from NEEDS DISCUSSION to MPIC Alpha Scope on the Experimentation Lab board.
VirginiaPoundstone moved T378202: [Epic] MPIC: UI & Copy improvement implementation from NEEDS DISCUSSION to MPIC Alpha Scope on the Experimentation Lab board.
VirginiaPoundstone removed a project from T348035: Create initial AQS 2.0 SLO(s): Experimentation Lab Roadmap.
VirginiaPoundstone placed T348035: Create initial AQS 2.0 SLO(s) up for grabs.
VirginiaPoundstone moved T348035: Create initial AQS 2.0 SLO(s) from NEEDS DISCUSSION to ADD DATA ENGINEERING TAG on the Experimentation Lab board.
VirginiaPoundstone updated the task description for T383743: Identify Internal Users of MediaWiki Wikitext Tables .
VirginiaPoundstone triaged T383743: Identify Internal Users of MediaWiki Wikitext Tables as High priority.
VirginiaPoundstone edited Description on Data-Engineering.
VirginiaPoundstone added a comment to T373715: MPIC (aka EPIC): Create a plan for dogfooding the alpha release.
Great pre-flight checklist @cjming
Tue, Jan 7
Tue, Jan 7
VirginiaPoundstone updated the task description for T383175: Analyze Dumps Usage Through Apache Logs.
VirginiaPoundstone updated the task description for T383175: Analyze Dumps Usage Through Apache Logs.
VirginiaPoundstone added a comment to T383175: Analyze Dumps Usage Through Apache Logs.
@Ahoelzl this is some support work that we need to do for WE 5.5. Deadline is end of January. Who from data engineering could pick this up?
VirginiaPoundstone added a comment to T382069: Undeploy and archive ActiveAbstract.
Seems like it's been quiet on the list servs so far. On February 7th, 2024 if it remains quiet, let's go ahead and stop producing them.
VirginiaPoundstone claimed T382107: [Epic] Establish Product-Level Service Level Objectives (SLOs) for Experimentation Lab.
After meeting with @RLazarus yesterday, our next step is to review the SLO Template instructions, ask questions this week and then create a draft next week that he will review when he is back the week of January 20th.
VirginiaPoundstone closed T374979: MPIC: Update app header, a subtask of T371928: MPIC: Style and UX review, as Resolved.
VirginiaPoundstone closed T374979: MPIC: Update app header, a subtask of T375897: [Sprint 20] MPIC Alpha UI Fixes and Enhancements based on Design Validation, as Resolved.
VirginiaPoundstone closed T374957: MPIC: Update A/B test and instrument forms with new Sampling fields, a subtask of T371928: MPIC: Style and UX review, as Resolved.
VirginiaPoundstone closed T373907: MPIC: Improve application copy, a subtask of T371928: MPIC: Style and UX review, as Resolved.
VirginiaPoundstone closed T380166: MPIC: Ensure page's content remains aligned at the top as Resolved.
VirginiaPoundstone closed T373907: MPIC: Improve application copy, a subtask of T375897: [Sprint 20] MPIC Alpha UI Fixes and Enhancements based on Design Validation, as Resolved.
VirginiaPoundstone closed T377315: MPIC: Improve copy of risk acknowledgement checkbox, a subtask of T371928: MPIC: Style and UX review, as Resolved.
VirginiaPoundstone closed T377353: MPIC: Error thrown if optional description field is left empty, a subtask of T371928: MPIC: Style and UX review, as Resolved.
VirginiaPoundstone closed T377558: MPIC: Correct typographic styles, a subtask of T371928: MPIC: Style and UX review, as Resolved.
VirginiaPoundstone closed T377558: MPIC: Correct typographic styles, a subtask of T375897: [Sprint 20] MPIC Alpha UI Fixes and Enhancements based on Design Validation, as Resolved.
VirginiaPoundstone closed T375906: Simplify ExperimentManager API, a subtask of T375896: [Sprint 20] Land MPIC Alpha bucketing function, as Resolved.
Mon, Jan 6
Mon, Jan 6
VirginiaPoundstone moved T368169: [EPIC] Refinements to Instrument Catalog View from Epics Timeline to NEEDS DISCUSSION on the Experimentation Lab board.