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crusnov (Cas Rusnov)


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User Since
Oct 15 2018, 5:56 PM (329 w, 4 d)
MediaWiki User
CRusnov (WMF) [ Global Accounts ]

Recent Activity

Oct 18 2023

herron awarded T271138: Some Observability clusters do not support IPv6. a Party Time token.
Oct 18 2023, 1:40 PM · Observability-Metrics, Wikimedia-Incident, IPv6, User-crusnov

May 13 2021

crusnov added a comment to T271583: Implement early-racking automation (was: Productionize system to automatically deploy some BIOS Settings).

As promised here are the prototypes for dumping and loading Server Configuration Profiles for the previous design. The idea would be to implement these in the redfish module in spirerack, but I have not had an opportunity to complete that.

May 13 2021, 4:39 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, User-crusnov, Patch-For-Review, DC-Ops, SRE-tools
crusnov created P15959 load Server Configuration Profile script.
May 13 2021, 4:37 PM · SRE-tools
crusnov created P15958 dump Server Configuration Profile script.
May 13 2021, 4:36 PM · SRE-tools

Apr 16 2021

crusnov added a comment to T247364: Forward port Python2 files to Python3 in Puppet Repository.

@crusnov Could you please take modules/raid/files/ with precedence? It's part of a Bullseye base install and thus affected by it's lack of Python 2.

Apr 16 2021, 3:28 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, SRE, Patch-For-Review, User-MoritzMuehlenhoff, User-crusnov, User-jbond, Python3-Porting, SRE-tools, Puppet

Apr 15 2021

crusnov added a comment to T271136: Some Foundation clusters do not appear to support IPv6.

@crusnov if you have time let's do it this week or the next!

Yes (thank you for the ping), let's do it first thing tomorrow, I'll ping on IRC when I add the DNS and deploy it.

Apr 15 2021, 3:32 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, SRE, IPv6, SRE-tools, User-jbond

Apr 14 2021

crusnov added a comment to T271136: Some Foundation clusters do not appear to support IPv6.

@crusnov if you have time let's do it this week or the next!

Apr 14 2021, 3:55 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, SRE, IPv6, SRE-tools, User-jbond

Apr 13 2021

crusnov added a comment to T271583: Implement early-racking automation (was: Productionize system to automatically deploy some BIOS Settings).

I have discussed moving forward on the production side with @ayounsi and we've talked about the requirements for production from a network perspective. Basically it'd be good to ensure nothing bad will happen by having the mgmt->dhcp holes open to the install servers and keep track of that to some extent. It'd be good, if possible, to monitor this also.

Apr 13 2021, 5:49 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, User-crusnov, Patch-For-Review, DC-Ops, SRE-tools

Apr 7 2021

crusnov renamed T271583: Implement early-racking automation (was: Productionize system to automatically deploy some BIOS Settings) from Productionize system to automatically deploy some BIOS Settings to Implement early-racking automation (was: Productionize system to automatically deploy some BIOS Settings).
Apr 7 2021, 3:43 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, User-crusnov, Patch-For-Review, DC-Ops, SRE-tools

Mar 31 2021

crusnov added a project to T271583: Implement early-racking automation (was: Productionize system to automatically deploy some BIOS Settings): User-crusnov.
Mar 31 2021, 3:52 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, User-crusnov, Patch-For-Review, DC-Ops, SRE-tools
crusnov added a comment to T247364: Forward port Python2 files to Python3 in Puppet Repository.
  • added my full working todo list for this project
Mar 31 2021, 3:49 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, SRE, Patch-For-Review, User-MoritzMuehlenhoff, User-crusnov, User-jbond, Python3-Porting, SRE-tools, Puppet
crusnov updated the task description for T247364: Forward port Python2 files to Python3 in Puppet Repository.
Mar 31 2021, 3:49 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, SRE, Patch-For-Review, User-MoritzMuehlenhoff, User-crusnov, User-jbond, Python3-Porting, SRE-tools, Puppet
crusnov added a comment to T271136: Some Foundation clusters do not appear to support IPv6.

We have a special setting in commons.yaml, kafka_brokers_main, that it is used IIRC to instruct zookeeper about what connections to accept, and I see that it already includes kafka-main200[1-3]'s ipv6 addresses, so in theory we should be good. kafka-main200[4,5] have role insetup so they can be done anytime.

Tried a simple telnet and it worked via ipv6:

elukey@kafka-main2001:~$ telnet conf2001.codfw.wmnet 2181
Trying 2620:0:860:101:10:192:0:143...
Connected to conf2001.codfw.wmnet.

The other side effect will be that kafka clients may start using the ipv6 addresses to send traffic to, but I can't think about any problem on this side. Since it is a delicate cluster I'd do a slow rollout (one host at the time), and also inform ServiceOps about it as FYI :)

Mar 31 2021, 3:38 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, SRE, IPv6, SRE-tools, User-jbond
crusnov added a comment to T271142: Some Service Operations clusters apparently do not support IPv6.

rdb looks straight forward.

Yes it does. ferm configuration is just opening up the ports there so it's IPv4/IPv6 agnostic and redis isn't listening on IPv6 there (it is capable though). OS stacks will fallback to IPv4 so everything should be fine. That being said, let's coordinate on this, ping me online before publishing the DNS entries so I can make sure nothing breaks.

Mar 31 2021, 3:32 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, Dumps-Generation, IPv6, serviceops, SRE-tools
crusnov added a comment to T253173: Some clusters do not have DNS for IPv6 addresses (TRACKING TASK).

Since the maps servers are being replaced? I think? Perhaps we can cross them off for this project. Am I right in that this is happening?

Mar 31 2021, 3:28 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, User-jbond
crusnov updated the task description for T271142: Some Service Operations clusters apparently do not support IPv6.
Mar 31 2021, 3:26 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, Dumps-Generation, IPv6, serviceops, SRE-tools
crusnov added a comment to T271140: Some Data Persistence clusters apparently do not support IPv6.

@fgiunchedi Is there any process we should follow to test/make sure everything is okay if we add ipv6 DNS for ms-be and ms-fe?

Mar 31 2021, 3:26 PM · Data-Persistence, IPv6
crusnov added a comment to T271140: Some Data Persistence clusters apparently do not support IPv6.
Mar 31 2021, 3:25 PM · Data-Persistence, IPv6
crusnov updated the task description for T271140: Some Data Persistence clusters apparently do not support IPv6.
Mar 31 2021, 3:24 PM · Data-Persistence, IPv6
crusnov updated the task description for T253173: Some clusters do not have DNS for IPv6 addresses (TRACKING TASK).
Mar 31 2021, 3:22 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, User-jbond
crusnov updated subscribers of T271139: Some WMCS clusters apparently do not support IPv6.
Mar 31 2021, 3:16 PM · cloud-services-team, Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, User-crusnov, SRE-tools
crusnov updated the task description for T271139: Some WMCS clusters apparently do not support IPv6.
Mar 31 2021, 3:14 PM · cloud-services-team, Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, User-crusnov, SRE-tools
crusnov added a parent task for T254480: Shell/Python/other scripts should not be generated by ERB files; dynamic parts should be a simple ERB config file: T247364: Forward port Python2 files to Python3 in Puppet Repository.
Mar 31 2021, 3:09 PM · Puppet CI, Patch-For-Review, Infrastructure-Foundations, SRE
crusnov added a subtask for T247364: Forward port Python2 files to Python3 in Puppet Repository: T254480: Shell/Python/other scripts should not be generated by ERB files; dynamic parts should be a simple ERB config file.
Mar 31 2021, 3:09 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, SRE, Patch-For-Review, User-MoritzMuehlenhoff, User-crusnov, User-jbond, Python3-Porting, SRE-tools, Puppet

Mar 30 2021

crusnov added a comment to T271142: Some Service Operations clusters apparently do not support IPv6.

Sounds good, if you'd like to ping me on IRC when you want to do this project we can do at least the first stage.

Mar 30 2021, 6:19 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, Dumps-Generation, IPv6, serviceops, SRE-tools
crusnov added a comment to T271142: Some Service Operations clusters apparently do not support IPv6.

Having been duly poked, may I ask which services you are looking at, both for dumpsdata* and snapshot*, that listen only on IPv4? Then we can talk about whether they should also handle IPv6 and if so, how to get there. Thanks!

The base question is if it is safe under current circumstances to add AAAA DNS. Just eyeballing the list of services on the boxes it looked like they all are already on IPv6, and the request for information is if this assessment is correct (and thus it is safe to add AAAA DNS) and if it isn't what do we need to do so to make it correct (and if that work is worth it).

THanks :)

I don't think it will make a difference but let's start with a testbed host, snapshot1005, and after it's got the entry I'll run some tests there. If that checks out, as I expect, we can do all the snapshots. I'll have to think about safe tests for the dumpsdata hosts, but I have an idea there too for after the snapshots.

Mar 30 2021, 5:58 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, Dumps-Generation, IPv6, serviceops, SRE-tools
crusnov renamed T229397: Puppet: get data (row, rack, site, and other information) from Netbox from Puppet: get row/rack info from Netbox to Puppet: get data (row, rack, site, and other information) from Netbox.
Mar 30 2021, 4:53 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, observability, User-crusnov, User-jbond, Patch-For-Review, Puppet, SRE
crusnov added a comment to T229397: Puppet: get data (row, rack, site, and other information) from Netbox.

A thing we discovered today that should also be imported from Netbox to puppet is the PDU list which is used to produce monitoring, stored in modules/facilities/manifests/init.pp

Mar 30 2021, 4:46 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, observability, User-crusnov, User-jbond, Patch-For-Review, Puppet, SRE
crusnov added a comment to T271142: Some Service Operations clusters apparently do not support IPv6.

Having been duly poked, may I ask which services you are looking at, both for dumpsdata* and snapshot*, that listen only on IPv4? Then we can talk about whether they should also handle IPv6 and if so, how to get there. Thanks!

Mar 30 2021, 3:24 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, Dumps-Generation, IPv6, serviceops, SRE-tools
crusnov updated the task description for T271142: Some Service Operations clusters apparently do not support IPv6.
Mar 30 2021, 3:20 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, Dumps-Generation, IPv6, serviceops, SRE-tools
crusnov updated the task description for T271142: Some Service Operations clusters apparently do not support IPv6.
Mar 30 2021, 3:19 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, Dumps-Generation, IPv6, serviceops, SRE-tools
crusnov added a comment to T271142: Some Service Operations clusters apparently do not support IPv6.


TL;DR: Aside from snapshot and dumpsdata that @ArielGlenn is better equipped to answer for, maybe we can do scandium and rdb* but the rest are either high risk/just not worth it/both

Mar 30 2021, 3:18 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, Dumps-Generation, IPv6, serviceops, SRE-tools

Mar 29 2021

crusnov updated subscribers of T271143: Some elastic hosts do not have IPv6 DNS records.
Mar 29 2021, 11:01 PM · Discovery-Search (Current work), Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, User-crusnov, Discovery-ARCHIVED, SRE-tools
crusnov added a comment to T271143: Some elastic hosts do not have IPv6 DNS records.

Here's a quick survey of the hosts listed above and maybe some potential problems in just adding AAAA DNS records to these clusters:

Mar 29 2021, 11:00 PM · Discovery-Search (Current work), Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, User-crusnov, Discovery-ARCHIVED, SRE-tools
crusnov added a comment to T271142: Some Service Operations clusters apparently do not support IPv6.

Thanks for following up.

Mar 29 2021, 10:52 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, Dumps-Generation, IPv6, serviceops, SRE-tools
crusnov added a comment to T271138: Some Observability clusters do not support IPv6..

A quick survey of the clusters above:

Mar 29 2021, 10:28 PM · Observability-Metrics, Wikimedia-Incident, IPv6, User-crusnov
crusnov added a comment to T271136: Some Foundation clusters do not appear to support IPv6.

It appears the kafka-main2* cluster is indeed listening on ipv6, it just seems to need DNS (especially in the face of the eqiad ones already having this DNS). Is there any particular care that's needed here?

Mar 29 2021, 10:10 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, SRE, IPv6, SRE-tools, User-jbond

Mar 27 2021

crusnov triaged T271138: Some Observability clusters do not support IPv6. as Low priority.
Mar 27 2021, 12:11 AM · Observability-Metrics, Wikimedia-Incident, IPv6, User-crusnov
crusnov updated the task description for T253173: Some clusters do not have DNS for IPv6 addresses (TRACKING TASK).
Mar 27 2021, 12:10 AM · Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, User-jbond
crusnov updated the task description for T271138: Some Observability clusters do not support IPv6..
Mar 27 2021, 12:08 AM · Observability-Metrics, Wikimedia-Incident, IPv6, User-crusnov
crusnov updated the task description for T271142: Some Service Operations clusters apparently do not support IPv6.
Mar 27 2021, 12:07 AM · Infrastructure-Foundations, Dumps-Generation, IPv6, serviceops, SRE-tools
crusnov updated the task description for T271142: Some Service Operations clusters apparently do not support IPv6.
Mar 27 2021, 12:06 AM · Infrastructure-Foundations, Dumps-Generation, IPv6, serviceops, SRE-tools
crusnov closed T271148: Some Data Persistence Backup clusters apparently do not support IPv6 as Resolved.

Thank you for the extra explanation. Given that these will have the same problems as the db hosts, we will mark them as skipping for now / on back burner.

Mar 27 2021, 12:02 AM · Data-Persistence-Backup, SRE-tools
crusnov closed T271148: Some Data Persistence Backup clusters apparently do not support IPv6, a subtask of T253173: Some clusters do not have DNS for IPv6 addresses (TRACKING TASK), as Resolved.
Mar 27 2021, 12:02 AM · Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, User-jbond
crusnov added a comment to T271144: Some Traffic clusters apparently do not support IPv6.

The point of the project is to get as many hosts to have an IPv6 address (and, obviously, to be functional on that address) as we can, and, in general, for it to be default to have IPv6 addresses in DNS. If it's not appropriate for a particular cluster, that's a valid outcome.

In this case the load balancer servers listed above indeed do not have IPv6 DNS. This ticket requests any information needed to add these hosts's IPv6 addresses to our DNS or to prompt the actions required to do so.

Mar 27 2021, 12:01 AM · Traffic, Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, SRE, User-crusnov, SRE-tools
crusnov updated the task description for T253173: Some clusters do not have DNS for IPv6 addresses (TRACKING TASK).
Mar 27 2021, 12:00 AM · Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, User-jbond

Mar 26 2021

crusnov added a comment to T271139: Some WMCS clusters apparently do not support IPv6.

Yes, apologies for the ambiguity, this is specifically about AAAA records. The assumption we made back when we imported DNS to Netbox was that if there was not AAAA record for the box we should not add one in Netbox for risk of something unexpected happening (such as firewall rules not applying to/being open to IPv6 and services not listening on the IPv6 address). Basically, will anything bad happen if we add the DNS entries?

Mar 26 2021, 11:57 PM · cloud-services-team, Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, User-crusnov, SRE-tools
crusnov updated the task description for T271136: Some Foundation clusters do not appear to support IPv6.
Mar 26 2021, 11:53 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, SRE, IPv6, SRE-tools, User-jbond
crusnov added a comment to T271136: Some Foundation clusters do not appear to support IPv6.

I guess given that the ganeti clusters will wait for Buster, the Kafka cluster is the only one remaining. What needs to be done for this?

Mar 26 2021, 11:53 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, SRE, IPv6, SRE-tools, User-jbond
crusnov updated the task description for T253173: Some clusters do not have DNS for IPv6 addresses (TRACKING TASK).
Mar 26 2021, 11:52 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, User-jbond
crusnov updated the task description for T253173: Some clusters do not have DNS for IPv6 addresses (TRACKING TASK).
Mar 26 2021, 11:50 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, User-jbond
crusnov updated the task description for T253173: Some clusters do not have DNS for IPv6 addresses (TRACKING TASK).
Mar 26 2021, 11:47 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, User-jbond
crusnov updated the task description for T253173: Some clusters do not have DNS for IPv6 addresses (TRACKING TASK).
Mar 26 2021, 11:47 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, User-jbond
crusnov closed T271133: Some Analytics clusters apparently do not support IPv6, a subtask of T253173: Some clusters do not have DNS for IPv6 addresses (TRACKING TASK), as Resolved.
Mar 26 2021, 11:45 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, User-jbond
crusnov closed T271133: Some Analytics clusters apparently do not support IPv6 as Resolved.

Thanks! I'm closing this ticket and updating the parent to reflect these changes.

Mar 26 2021, 11:45 PM · IPv6, User-crusnov, SRE-tools
crusnov added a comment to T271144: Some Traffic clusters apparently do not support IPv6.

The point of the project is to get as many hosts to have an IPv6 address (and, obviously, to be functional on that address) as we can, and, in general, for it to be default to have IPv6 addresses in DNS. If it's not appropriate for a particular cluster, that's a valid outcome.

Mar 26 2021, 11:43 PM · Traffic, Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, SRE, User-crusnov, SRE-tools

Mar 25 2021

crusnov added a comment to T265904: Remove SLAAC IPs from Ganeti hosts.

We should fix the script IMHO and once we're sure it would not re-add any SLAAC IP just delete all of them from Netbox. Thoughts?

Mar 25 2021, 2:55 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, Ganeti, Patch-For-Review, SRE

Mar 23 2021

crusnov added a comment to T271138: Some Observability clusters do not support IPv6..

So the idea is we'd like overall for all of our clusters to have IPv6 reachability. This is not terribly urgent, just a state that has remained a long time and we'd like to rectify.

Mar 23 2021, 3:30 PM · Observability-Metrics, Wikimedia-Incident, IPv6, User-crusnov

Mar 19 2021

crusnov triaged T277910: Port dstat related scripts to Python 3 as Medium priority.
Mar 19 2021, 7:00 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, User-crusnov, User-jbond, Python3-Porting, SRE-tools, Puppet
crusnov created T277910: Port dstat related scripts to Python 3.
Mar 19 2021, 7:00 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, User-crusnov, User-jbond, Python3-Porting, SRE-tools, Puppet
crusnov triaged T277892: Convert .py.erb files to files with configurations as Medium priority.
Mar 19 2021, 5:32 PM · User-MoritzMuehlenhoff, User-crusnov, User-jbond, Python3-Porting, SRE-tools, Puppet
crusnov created T277892: Convert .py.erb files to files with configurations.
Mar 19 2021, 5:31 PM · User-MoritzMuehlenhoff, User-crusnov, User-jbond, Python3-Porting, SRE-tools, Puppet

Mar 17 2021

crusnov added a comment to T277705: Netbox: convert validation reports into field validation.

@crusnov maybe you can have a look?

Mar 17 2021, 9:23 PM · netbox

Mar 16 2021

crusnov added a comment to T244849: Add SSO support to netbox.

So we discussed this at the automation meeting, and it turns out we've all agreed that the current code and patches need to be thrown out entirely and the project redone with the django-auth-cas-ng solution because of the Logout Problem. Basically this is an unrealized problem involving mod_cas keeping sessions separately from CAS or Django. Each of these keep their own sessions, and even if the django or the CAS sessions get invalidated, the mod_cas session lives on, and re-creates the Django session. Rather than kludging it to invalidate this session also, removing the apache layer seems like a better fix.

Mar 16 2021, 4:56 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, User-jbond, Patch-For-Review, netbox, SRE

Mar 15 2021

crusnov added a comment to T244849: Add SSO support to netbox.

After reviewing the LDAP authentication library I can say that you're correct, it does do this in its backend. If this is a required functionality it can be added to our current authentication backend in a way similar to how LDAP does it.

I think that it's required to avoid the security issue of a user removed from an LDAP group keeping the previous access and the usability issue of a user that was added to a more privileged group that will not gain the expected privileges.

Mar 15 2021, 10:13 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, User-jbond, Patch-For-Review, netbox, SRE
crusnov added a comment to T244849: Add SSO support to netbox.

IIRC the LDAP auth re-syncs the groups all the time because needs to be sure the user reflects their current groups, to ensure that their access is consistent with their real groups and doesn't grant/revoke permissions because of a missing/stale group. But please double check this assumption.

Mar 15 2021, 9:46 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, User-jbond, Patch-For-Review, netbox, SRE
crusnov added a comment to T244849: Add SSO support to netbox.

@crusnov @jbond
I did some quick testing on netbox-next and I have some questions:

  1. Where are the logging messages saved?
Mar 15 2021, 9:28 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, User-jbond, Patch-For-Review, netbox, SRE

Mar 10 2021

crusnov added a comment to T276585: Add enterprise subdomain for OKAPI.

@BBlack Thanks!

Mar 10 2021, 9:31 PM · Wikimedia Enterprise, SRE, Traffic, Domains
crusnov added a comment to T276585: Add enterprise subdomain for OKAPI.

@crusnov - It's been followed up offline from phab in general with some meetings, the output of which aren't (yet) reflected in phab, if you're just looking for whether it's being ignored or not! :)

Mar 10 2021, 9:08 PM · Wikimedia Enterprise, SRE, Traffic, Domains
crusnov added a comment to T276585: Add enterprise subdomain for OKAPI.

Has this been followed up with an NDA ticket? @MNadrofsky

Mar 10 2021, 8:15 PM · Wikimedia Enterprise, SRE, Traffic, Domains
crusnov triaged T277011: Automated removal of obsolete kernels as Medium priority.
Mar 10 2021, 8:03 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, User-MoritzMuehlenhoff, SRE
crusnov triaged T277005: analytics1066's BBU might need to be replaced as Medium priority.
Mar 10 2021, 8:03 PM · Analytics-Clusters, DC-Ops, SRE, ops-eqiad
crusnov triaged T276868: Role with quote in description causes bash syntax error as Medium priority.
Mar 10 2021, 12:28 AM · SRE
crusnov triaged T276972: Set up cross DC topic mirroring for Kafka logging clusters as Medium priority.
Mar 10 2021, 12:27 AM · Data-Engineering-Icebox, Data-Engineering, Analytics-Radar, observability, SRE

Mar 8 2021

crusnov triaged T276595: Upgrade prometheus-jmx-exporter as Medium priority.
Mar 8 2021, 8:12 PM · Analytics-Clusters, [DEPRECATED] wdwb-tech, SRE, Wikidata, Wikidata-Query-Service, CirrusSearch, observability
crusnov triaged T276623: Convert udp2log init script to use systemd as Medium priority.
Mar 8 2021, 7:54 PM · observability, SRE
crusnov triaged T276697: Implement central logging for mailman3 as Medium priority.
Mar 8 2021, 7:52 PM · Observability-Logging, SRE, Wikimedia-Mailing-lists
crusnov triaged T276790: Per host access control for kerberized SSH as Medium priority.
Mar 8 2021, 6:00 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, SRE-tools, SRE

Mar 3 2021

crusnov added a comment to T244849: Add SSO support to netbox.

Update on progress: I discussed the possibilities and situation with @jbond, with the idea that adapting RemoteUserBackend was the general consensus of the above discussion.

Mar 3 2021, 5:42 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, User-jbond, Patch-For-Review, netbox, SRE

Mar 1 2021

crusnov added a comment to T244849: Add SSO support to netbox.

I've experimented with SSO on netbox-next and been reading a lot of code, and this is an update on all of that.

Mar 1 2021, 6:55 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, User-jbond, Patch-For-Review, netbox, SRE

Feb 24 2021

crusnov triaged T275587: dumps fail if a device has an empty (None) name as Medium priority.
Feb 24 2021, 1:15 AM · Infrastructure-Foundations, netbox

Feb 23 2021

crusnov moved T271144: Some Traffic clusters apparently do not support IPv6 from Backlog to In Progress on the User-crusnov board.
Feb 23 2021, 4:40 PM · Traffic, Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, SRE, User-crusnov, SRE-tools
crusnov moved T271143: Some elastic hosts do not have IPv6 DNS records from Backlog to In Progress on the User-crusnov board.
Feb 23 2021, 4:40 PM · Discovery-Search (Current work), Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, User-crusnov, Discovery-ARCHIVED, SRE-tools
crusnov moved T271139: Some WMCS clusters apparently do not support IPv6 from Backlog to In Progress on the User-crusnov board.
Feb 23 2021, 4:40 PM · cloud-services-team, Infrastructure-Foundations, IPv6, User-crusnov, SRE-tools
crusnov moved T271138: Some Observability clusters do not support IPv6. from Backlog to In Progress on the User-crusnov board.
Feb 23 2021, 4:40 PM · Observability-Metrics, Wikimedia-Incident, IPv6, User-crusnov
crusnov moved T271133: Some Analytics clusters apparently do not support IPv6 from Backlog to In Progress on the User-crusnov board.
Feb 23 2021, 4:40 PM · IPv6, User-crusnov, SRE-tools
crusnov moved T247364: Forward port Python2 files to Python3 in Puppet Repository from Backlog to In Progress on the User-crusnov board.
Feb 23 2021, 4:40 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, SRE, Patch-For-Review, User-MoritzMuehlenhoff, User-crusnov, User-jbond, Python3-Porting, SRE-tools, Puppet
crusnov moved T270101: Grants not working with DB hosts with to ipv6 from Backlog to Discussion / Design / Consensus Making on the netbox board.
Feb 23 2021, 4:37 PM · DBA
crusnov moved T269855: Manage DHCP from Netbox from Backlog to Work in Progress / Tasks to Do on the netbox board.
Feb 23 2021, 4:37 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, netbox
crusnov added a subtask for T271140: Some Data Persistence clusters apparently do not support IPv6: T270101: Grants not working with DB hosts with to ipv6.
Feb 23 2021, 4:36 PM · Data-Persistence, IPv6
crusnov added a parent task for T270101: Grants not working with DB hosts with to ipv6: T271140: Some Data Persistence clusters apparently do not support IPv6.
Feb 23 2021, 4:36 PM · DBA
crusnov added a comment to T244849: Add SSO support to netbox.

There is also

Feb 23 2021, 4:34 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, User-jbond, Patch-For-Review, netbox, SRE
crusnov claimed T244849: Add SSO support to netbox.
Feb 23 2021, 4:31 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, User-jbond, Patch-For-Review, netbox, SRE
crusnov moved T244849: Add SSO support to netbox from Discussion / Design / Consensus Making to Work in Progress / Tasks to Do on the netbox board.
Feb 23 2021, 4:31 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, User-jbond, Patch-For-Review, netbox, SRE
crusnov moved T265084: Upgrade Netbox to 2.10 from Discussion / Design / Consensus Making to Patches / Testing / Pending on the netbox board.
Feb 23 2021, 4:31 PM · Patch-For-Review, netbox
crusnov moved T262674: Netbox missing hourly dumps from Discussion / Design / Consensus Making to Work in Progress / Tasks to Do on the netbox board.
Feb 23 2021, 4:31 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, netbox
crusnov moved T263768: Ganeti -> Netbox sync: run PuppetDB import on new VMs from Work in Progress / Tasks to Do to Patches / Testing / Pending on the netbox board.
Feb 23 2021, 4:25 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, Patch-For-Review, SRE-tools, netbox
crusnov moved T275476: Upgrade af-netbox to 2.10 from Backlog to Patches / Testing / Pending on the netbox board.
Feb 23 2021, 4:24 PM · netbox
crusnov moved T269563: HP RAID failed on ms-be1054 didn't open a task from In Progress to Pending release/deployment/testing on the SRE-tools board.
Feb 23 2021, 4:21 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, SRE, SRE-tools, observability
crusnov moved T268605: 500 generated by Netbox while running the decom cookbook from In Progress to Pending release/deployment/testing on the SRE-tools board.
Feb 23 2021, 4:21 PM · Infrastructure-Foundations, SRE-tools