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- User Since
- Aug 19 2015, 6:40 PM (495 w, 6 d)
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- IRC Nick
- dungodung
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- Unknown
- MediaWiki User
- Dungodung [ Global Accounts ]
Oct 24 2024
Sep 18 2024
Mar 14 2024
Ok, thanks, didn't know about the webservice shell. I setup the venv within that shell and it seems to be working now. Thanks so much. This is now fixed, so I can run my bots on a scheduled timeframe.
I installed the pywikibot framework from scratch using pip in venv, and after setting it up properly (I can log in and run pwb scripts in CLI), running a job yields a ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'pywikibot'
Hmm, did that, but it didn't work (even after restarting the whole bash session). Still get the same error.
I'm constantly getting
Never mind, I figured out that I have to run it with a relative path, like "./"
I get a "/bin/sh: 1: ./data/project/srwiki/ not found" error. Some help please
Mar 13 2024
It didn't get executed for some reason. Or it did, but it encountered an error...
Mar 12 2024
I did the switchover -- commented out the two crontab jobs and created new ones with the toolforge-jobs command. Hopefully this should do it.
Oct 26 2022
Alright, that means that I could move these cron jobs to Kubernetes once those issues are fixed?
Oct 25 2022
I think I tried to do this on at least two occasions. I stopped the webservice and then started it again with k8s, but it seems like that didn't do the trick. Help would be appreciated.
Jan 21 2021
Hi, please delete u4529_srwiki, it's empty and useless.
Feb 18 2019
Jan 11 2019
Please don't troll here.
As you can see on [[sr:n:Викивести:Форум]] there was no discussion about this at all. Also, I wouldn't consider a few disparate users that contribute here and there a community...
I don't see a need for deleting those pages.
Jan 3 2019
Hi @MusikAnimal, could you export data for Serbian Wikipedia (srwiki) as well?
Dec 23 2018
I see that this has been fixed, i.e. limit of 5000 now works as expected (it still reverts back to 1000 in the URL, but at least it shows 5000 items).
Dec 15 2018
Before the new RC page (the makeover), the URL didn't used to change when you changed the limit. The limit from the URL was respected up to 5000. Ever since the RC makeover, the URL always displayed up to 1000, but the page did show up to 5000 recent changes (this inconsistency bugged me, but it wasn't a big deal). However, this ticket was raised when the 1000 hard limit was imposed, which I think doesn't make sense for smaller projects.
Dec 13 2018
Are there any updates on this?
Dec 3 2018
Nov 30 2018
Nov 11 2018
Oct 9 2018
Jul 1 2018
May 14 2018
OK, I removed all references to from Common.css.
Jul 7 2017
I added this code to common.css now.
May 8 2017
To me it makes more sense to create a Wikimedia-IRC project, rather than GC-specific project. It would be more encompassing.
Apr 12 2017
OK, I translated everything and reviewed and corrected all previous translations. When can we get this in production?
Apr 11 2017
The brochure has been created in Serbian and also in English. They have been printed and several of the brochures in English have been distributed during the Wikimedia Conference.
Feb 9 2017
The Ranko Nikolić problem has already been resolved within T157191. I believe Deryck is referring to something else that's unrelated to me.
Nov 22 2016
Well, once Barras is removed, it's wise to change the password.
The one I have on record (the one automatically sent a year ago) isn't working (someone might have changed it and hasn't notified the rest of the admins).
Nov 8 2016 would work for me :)
Jul 17 2016
Once you decide, you'll have to go through the standard process of requesting cloaks, as described here.
Jun 7 2016
Mar 17 2016
Could the similar issue at T115517 be solved in a similar fashion?
Feb 8 2016
We have a template in Serbian that we use for our purposes. I can translate it to English, but where do I put it?
This could be considered a subtask of T115614
Jan 5 2016
Task force sounds better to me (sound like there's much action behind it, as opposed to committees, which sound a bit more static) :D
Nov 17 2015
Nov 1 2015
Seems like there's no opposition on any of the projects regarding this. Can we more forward with it, please?
Oct 22 2015
Just a comment on doodle times: beware that many countries (at least in Europe) are changing from DST to standard time during the weekend, so in local time 10pm UTC on Saturday is different than 10pm UTC on Sunday.
Oct 21 2015
Plus srwikinews
Oct 19 2015
Honestly, I thought we wouldn't need such bureaucracy for such a non-controversial change, but here it is:
Oct 18 2015
Oct 14 2015
Oct 9 2015
Sure, I should be able to partake next week.
I'm also willing to help out with this. Maybe create a small temporary task force?
To tackle this problem, I guess you first need to know who the participants will be. Most people from Europe don't need a visa (Serbia included), so a bunch of work is done. What we can do is make a list of all potential participants, that might be trimmed later (because of the conditions of activity), so we could have an overview of roughly how many participants would need a visa.
Oct 2 2015
Oct 1 2015
Thanks, James.
Sep 29 2015
Liang-chih Shang Kuan has applied two weeks ago. Let's see if this gets approved soon :)
Sep 9 2015
Everyone is for the change :)
Sep 5 2015
The discussion was started a while ago, and the voting is still ongoing (it ends in 4 days).
Sep 3 2015
I started community discussion here. I'll be back in a few days to see whether there's consensus regarding this change or not.
Thanks, will use this for tracking progress. :)
Sep 2 2015
I thought this was so basic and obvious that there doesn't need to be any sort of discussion.
Aug 28 2015
Aug 27 2015
Aug 19 2015
Both admins and bureaucrats for adding, bureaucrats for removal. Thanks