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User Since
Feb 7 2016, 2:46 PM (470 w, 6 h)
MediaWiki User
ネイ [ Global Accounts ]

Recent Activity

Apr 2 2024

patilise added a comment to T216766: Mobile: Redlink in hatnote is not red.

@Jdlrobson @alexhollender_WMF Both assumptions are wrong.

  1. Hatnotes do contain links in most cases. For example, [[w:en:Template:Main]] is used in >350,000 pages.
  2. Links in hatnotes are frequently red links in some wikis, e.g. jawiki. This is because it is accustomed to include [[w:ja:Template:仮リンク]] (counterpart of [[w:en:Template:Interlanguage link]]) when the linked article is only available in other languages. A quick search of Main+仮リンク on jawiki shows 2k results.
Apr 2 2024, 5:45 AM · Patch-For-Review, WikimediaMessages, CSS, Mobile

Dec 12 2023

patilise added a comment to T320236: Some Oxford University Press resources are unavailable.

It has been four months since the last update. Is ANB coming back or is it not?

Dec 12 2023, 10:49 AM · The-Wikipedia-Library

Sep 25 2023

patilise added a comment to T347316: Link to specific user page on Special:Log says blocked user is not registered.

Only the user mentioned in the description is affected, so I am speculating that it is something related to the characters Ị and ị (Ị and ị).

Sep 25 2023, 4:11 PM · MediaWiki-Logevents
patilise created T347316: Link to specific user page on Special:Log says blocked user is not registered.
Sep 25 2023, 4:09 PM · MediaWiki-Logevents

Jul 8 2023

Krinkle awarded T267921: Roll out the Toolbox link for URL Shortener in Wikimedia sites a Orange Medal token.
Jul 8 2023, 6:01 PM · User-notice-archive, Chinese-Sites, Wikimedia-Site-requests, MediaWiki-extensions-UrlShortener

Nov 8 2021

patilise added a comment to T116525: Prevent iOS Safari and other browsers' plugins from converting numbers into `tel:xyz` links.

@matmarex I reproduced on iPhone using the following steps.

Nov 8 2021, 3:24 PM · User-notice-archive, Verified, Editing-team (Kanban Board), Browser-Support-Apple-Safari, VisualEditor-ContentEditable, VisualEditor-DataModel, VisualEditor

Oct 18 2021

patilise added a comment to T287380: Decide on the future of DPL.

This is not a place to discuss office actions. Please only leave comments related to the task, i.e. related to the future of DPL.

Oct 18 2021, 4:25 PM · Thai-Sites, MW-1.37-notes (1.37.0-wmf.16; 2021-07-26), Sustainability (Incident Followup), DynamicPageList

Oct 2 2021

patilise added a comment to T236053: Should not apply "display: block" to nested tables In MinervaNeue skin for @media (max-width: 720px).

In most cases it is not a good idea to use nested tables. In this case, [[w:ja:Template:Infobox medal templates]] should be changed such that the outer table is implemented with div tags instead. For example, the enwiki counterpart [[w:en:Template:Infobox medal templates]] does it that way.
I suggest closing this item as won't fix.

Oct 2 2021, 9:37 AM · MinervaNeue (Tracking), Local-Wiki-Template-And-Gadget-Issues

Aug 30 2021

patilise added a comment to T267921: Roll out the Toolbox link for URL Shortener in Wikimedia sites.

@Urbanecm, thank you for looking at this item! In that case I will consider the gadget solution for other wikis at this stage.
Separately, perhaps we could still enable the link for metawiki?

Update from this, jawiki has a ShortURL gadget enabled by default since April.

Aug 30 2021, 5:16 AM · User-notice-archive, Chinese-Sites, Wikimedia-Site-requests, MediaWiki-extensions-UrlShortener
patilise updated the task description for T267921: Roll out the Toolbox link for URL Shortener in Wikimedia sites.
Aug 30 2021, 5:14 AM · User-notice-archive, Chinese-Sites, Wikimedia-Site-requests, MediaWiki-extensions-UrlShortener

Jul 26 2021

patilise added a comment to T262391: DPL extension has been disabled on Russian Wikinews (09/2020).

The judgment by number of articles is biased. ruwikinews has 1.13M articles but only 11M user views in the past year (per This is way lower than wikis of similar size (e.g. arwiki has 1.12M articles with 3B user views in the past year) and is a common feature of wikis where many (if not most) articles are created by bots.

Jul 26 2021, 12:11 PM · User-Urbanecm, Platform Engineering, Patch-For-Review, Performance-Team (Radar), Editing-team, Wikimedia-Site-requests, DynamicPageList
patilise added a comment to T287362: General site outage caused by ruwikinews usage of DPL: "upstream connect error or disconnect/reset before headers. reset reason: overflow".

With a second incident, it is clear that the issue will be recurring if we simply re-enable DPL on ruwikinews now. It is not acceptable to enable DPL on ruwikinews at the cost of half an hour downtime per year (or more) on 900+ wikis. From T262391, it is pretty clear that DPL is not, and will unlikely be, actively developed in the near future. With this in mind, ruwikinews probably does not have a choice but to move their DPL uses to bots, at least in the short run.

Jul 26 2021, 12:09 PM · User-Ladsgroup, Wikimedia-Incident, SRE

Jul 17 2021

patilise added a comment to T264940: Track metrics on Portuguese Wikipedia relating to IP-editing turn off.

I wonder if we could have a version for other wikis as well (e.g. enwiki as the largest one, jawiki as a sample for wikis with more unregistered users), probably on a separate page.
The data we currently have allows a comparison of ptwiki before and after editing by IP editors was turned off; having other wikis would allow us to make sense of ptwiki data before turning off editing by IP editors, especially on how similar/different the situation was between ptwiki and other wikis, so it is easier to assess whether the ptwiki experience could be applied on other wikis.

Jul 17 2021, 6:56 AM · Product-Analytics (Kanban), Anti-Harassment

Jul 14 2021

patilise added a comment to T265771: Measure how multimedia content is added to Wikipedia articles.

Other than T286362, which is a bug, I would like to mention one more potential problem in the mw-*-media tags - namely, adding/removing maintenance templates, such as Template:Unreferenced, triggers the tag.
Since the template contains an image (the book icon), this is not a bug. However, it may hamper the usefulness of the tags for the purpose of this item.

Jul 14 2021, 4:59 PM · Image-Suggestions, Structured-Data-Backlog, Product-Analytics

Jul 9 2021

patilise created T286362: [XL] mw-add-media and mw-remove-media tags are added to edits without changes in media.
Jul 9 2021, 12:52 AM · MW-1.38-notes (1.38.0-wmf.24; 2022-02-28), Structured-Data-Backlog (Current Work), Image-Suggestions

Jul 5 2021

patilise added a comment to T286178: Wikimedia REST API returns HTTP Status Code 413 as "Unknown Error" instead of "Too Large".

Note: This bug report arises from the help desk on jawiki, at w:ja:Wikipedia:利用案内#記事が大きすぎてAPIでの取得ができないページがあります.

Jul 5 2021, 7:48 AM · service-template-node, HyperSwitch, RESTBase
patilise created T286178: Wikimedia REST API returns HTTP Status Code 413 as "Unknown Error" instead of "Too Large".
Jul 5 2021, 7:47 AM · service-template-node, HyperSwitch, RESTBase

Jan 22 2021

patilise awarded T244567: Some files cannot be deleted "Error deleting file: An unknown error occurred in storage backend "local-multiwrite". " (due to missing physical file for old image entries) a Orange Medal token.
Jan 22 2021, 5:27 PM · MW-1.41-notes (1.41.0-wmf.25; 2023-09-05), Structured-Data-Backlog, Structured Data Engineering, MediaWiki-File-management, Commons, Wikimedia-production-error, SRE-swift-storage, MediaWiki-Page-deletion

Jan 18 2021

patilise awarded T231383: Global rename request interface should warn users against requesting renames which fails antispoof checks a Like token.
Jan 18 2021, 3:33 PM · MediaWiki-extensions-CentralAuth, GlobalRename

Nov 16 2020

patilise added a comment to T267921: Roll out the Toolbox link for URL Shortener in Wikimedia sites.

@Urbanecm, thank you for looking at this item! In that case I will consider the gadget solution for other wikis at this stage.
Separately, perhaps we could still enable the link for metawiki?

Nov 16 2020, 1:51 PM · User-notice-archive, Chinese-Sites, Wikimedia-Site-requests, MediaWiki-extensions-UrlShortener
patilise created T267921: Roll out the Toolbox link for URL Shortener in Wikimedia sites.
Nov 16 2020, 12:35 PM · User-notice-archive, Chinese-Sites, Wikimedia-Site-requests, MediaWiki-extensions-UrlShortener

Oct 17 2020

patilise added a comment to T257066: Extension:Score / Lilypond is disabled on all wikis.

It is 3 months since the extension was disabled. When will any news be announced?

Oct 17 2020, 2:58 PM · User-notice-archive, Patch-For-Review, MW-1.36-notes (1.36.0-wmf.26; 2021-01-12), Security-Team, Security, WMF-General-or-Unknown, MediaWiki-extensions-Score, SRE

Sep 30 2020

patilise added a comment to T180860: Re-run active editors skin statistics.

Users editing and viewing from mobile website only do not use desktop skins, and therefore do not have a reason to switch away from the default value. Therefore, the percentage for Vector includes many mobile-only users who do not actually use Vector skin.
With the above reason, I suggest excluding mobile-only users (defined as users with only edits tagged with "Mobile web edit" in the past year) next time. Not sure if it is doable though.

Sep 30 2020, 4:04 PM · Tech Ambassadors & Translators, Web-Team-Backlog (Tracking), Product-Analytics (Kanban), Advanced Mobile Contributions, Desktop Improvements (Vector 2022)

Sep 18 2020

patilise added a comment to T261654: Enable DiscussionTools on jawiki.
  • Prototypical discussion page: Not sure what exactly is needed, so I created [[w:ja:Wikipedia‐ノート:井戸端/subj/返信ツールをベータ機能として導入する提案]] and stated that it is for testing purpose at the top of the page. Let me know if you need any changes.

We appreciate you doing this, @patilise!

Would it be okay for us to add some conversations written in Japanese [i] to the page you created [ii]?

I ask this because one objective of the testing we do is to ensure the [ reply ] links appear on talk pages correctly. For us to be confident the [ reply ] links are indeed appearing as they should, we find it useful to test the tool on pages that contain content written in the language that is native to the project. In this case, Japanese.

i. I thought we might copy and paste some content from the "Community portal" talk page:

Sep 18 2020, 1:14 AM · Editing-team (Kanban Board), Wikimedia-Site-requests, DiscussionTools

Sep 13 2020

patilise added a comment to T261654: Enable DiscussionTools on jawiki.
  • Prototypical discussion page: Not sure what exactly is needed, so I created [[w:ja:Wikipedia‐ノート:井戸端/subj/返信ツールをベータ機能として導入する提案]] and stated that it is for testing purpose at the top of the page. Let me know if you need any changes.
  • Configuration: Created [[w:ja:MediaWiki:Discussiontools-signature-prefix]]. Anything else?
Sep 13 2020, 3:24 PM · Editing-team (Kanban Board), Wikimedia-Site-requests, DiscussionTools
patilise updated the task description for T261654: Enable DiscussionTools on jawiki.
Sep 13 2020, 3:09 PM · Editing-team (Kanban Board), Wikimedia-Site-requests, DiscussionTools

Sep 11 2020

patilise updated the task description for T261654: Enable DiscussionTools on jawiki.
Sep 11 2020, 3:11 AM · Editing-team (Kanban Board), Wikimedia-Site-requests, DiscussionTools

Sep 9 2020

patilise added a comment to T262092: [October] Update to user styles and scripts required: .menu, .vectorTabs and .vectorMenu, .menu and .vectorMenuCheckbox no longer supported.

From the description, it is not that clear on how the scripts should be fixed.
Is it simply the following replacements?

.menu -> nav ul
.vectorTabs -> .vector-menu-tabs
.vectorMenu -> .vector-menu

(By the way, I am not sure how we should fix

Sep 9 2020, 9:02 AM · User-notice-archive, MW-1.36-notes (1.36.0-wmf.12; 2020-10-05; NEVER DEPLOYED), Tech Ambassadors & Translators, Patch-For-Review, Vector (legacy skin) (Tracking)

Aug 31 2020

patilise added a parent task for T261654: Enable DiscussionTools on jawiki: T251207: [Epic] Scale DiscussionTools to all Wikipedias.
Aug 31 2020, 3:17 PM · Editing-team (Kanban Board), Wikimedia-Site-requests, DiscussionTools
patilise added a subtask for T251207: [Epic] Scale DiscussionTools to all Wikipedias: T261654: Enable DiscussionTools on jawiki.
Aug 31 2020, 3:17 PM · TPP-Scaling, DiscussionTools, Editing-team
patilise created T261654: Enable DiscussionTools on jawiki.
Aug 31 2020, 3:16 PM · Editing-team (Kanban Board), Wikimedia-Site-requests, DiscussionTools

Jun 27 2020

patilise added a project to T256503: Regression: Redlinks not styled as such on mobile web: Regression.
Jun 27 2020, 8:39 AM · Web-Team-Backlog (Kanbanana-FY-2020-21), MW-1.35-notes (1.35.0-wmf.39; 2020-06-30), Regression, MinervaNeue, Mobile

May 20 2020

patilise added a comment to T249788: RFC: Remove Android 2 from basic support in compatibility matrix.

Per the discussion in yesterday's TechCom meeting, I'm moving this to Last Call. If no relevant concerns remain unaddressed by May 13, this RFC will be approved as proposed.

May 20 2020, 10:05 AM · TechCom-RFC (TechCom-RFC-Closed), MediaWiki-General, Browser-Support-Android-Google-Chrome

May 8 2020

patilise added a comment to T251693: Fix the alignment of Japanese Wikipedia wordmark (mobile).

Thank you! It looks fine to me too.

May 8 2020, 10:01 AM · Web-Team-Backlog (Kanbanana-2019-20-Q4), Wikimedia-Site-requests, MobileFrontend, Logos

May 6 2020

patilise added a comment to T251693: Fix the alignment of Japanese Wikipedia wordmark (mobile).
In T251693#6109510, @alexhollender wrote:

For some additional context here is a comparison of the Japanese Wikipedia logo from the desktop site and from the mobile site:

image.png (554×1 px, 179 KB)

As far as I can tell they are quite similar. I think the appropriate process here might be to start a discussion on the Talk page of the logo itself?

May 6 2020, 7:44 AM · Web-Team-Backlog (Kanbanana-2019-20-Q4), Wikimedia-Site-requests, MobileFrontend, Logos

Jan 25 2020

patilise added a comment to T243599: MWMultiVersion.php Fatal error: no version entry for `#` (was: special pages has not been updated since November 2019 in jawiki and several other projects).

@Dzahn I guess the question then becomes - why were they disabled?

Jan 25 2020, 2:10 PM · User-Urbanecm, Platform Engineering, serviceops-radar, SRE, Wikimedia-maintenance-script-run

Oct 21 2019

patilise added a comment to T232245: Use Wikidata to check for category names instead of hardcoding in categoryToCheck.

Hi @Xqt ,
so if I get right, I will need to fetch categories names from wikidata, right?

Oct 21 2019, 5:13 AM · good first task, Pywikibot-Scripts, Pywikibot

Sep 7 2019

patilise added a comment to T232245: Use Wikidata to check for category names instead of hardcoding in categoryToCheck.

Which is the related script?

This is

Sep 7 2019, 11:40 AM · good first task, Pywikibot-Scripts, Pywikibot
patilise updated the task description for T232245: Use Wikidata to check for category names instead of hardcoding in categoryToCheck.
Sep 7 2019, 9:52 AM · good first task, Pywikibot-Scripts, Pywikibot
patilise created T232245: Use Wikidata to check for category names instead of hardcoding in categoryToCheck.
Sep 7 2019, 9:51 AM · good first task, Pywikibot-Scripts, Pywikibot

Aug 5 2019

patilise added a comment to T229722: All edits are tagged as "advanced mobile edit" when wgMFAdvancedMobileContributions is true.

Thanks - the issue in jawiki appears to be fixed now.

Aug 5 2019, 2:43 PM · MW-1.34-notes (1.34.0-wmf.16; 2019-07-30), Web-Team-Backlog (Readers-Web-Kanbanana-2019-20-Q1), Advanced Mobile Contributions, MobileFrontend

May 22 2018

patilise added a comment to T194939: Announce read-only time on-wiki to users of frwiki, ruwiki and jawiki (May 29, 2018).

For jawiki, I just posted it at [[:ja:Wikipedia:お知らせ#2018年5月29日のメンテナンス予定]].
Also would like to second to Elitre - in the future, please allow 2 weeks between announcement and action.

May 22 2018, 12:14 PM · Russian-Sites, Patch-For-Review, Community-Relations-Support (Apr-Jun-2018), Tech Ambassadors & Translators

Apr 12 2018

patilise added a watcher for Tech Ambassadors & Translators: patilise.
Apr 12 2018, 11:37 AM

Apr 8 2018

patilise added a comment to T190731: Enable RemexHTML on additional wikis with < 50 errors in all high priority categories.

Is it too late to add more wikis to this item? Have fixed most high priority lint errors in jawikibooks and there should be fewer than 50 of them now.

No, I can add it to the list.

Apr 8 2018, 5:38 AM · User-notice-archive, RemexHtml, Tidy, Parsing-Team--ARCHIVED

Apr 7 2018

patilise added a comment to T190731: Enable RemexHTML on additional wikis with < 50 errors in all high priority categories.

Is it too late to add more wikis to this item? Have fixed most high priority lint errors in jawikibooks and there should be fewer than 50 of them now.

Apr 7 2018, 5:50 PM · User-notice-archive, RemexHtml, Tidy, Parsing-Team--ARCHIVED

Mar 31 2018

patilise added a comment to T189485: Enabling citoid on Japanese Wikipedia.

@Mvolz: Citoid is now enabled in Japanese Wikipedia. Do we know what is the plan for resolving issues 1 and 3?

Mar 31 2018, 3:38 PM · User-Ryasmeen, Community-Relations-Support, VisualEditor, Citoid

Mar 15 2018

patilise added a comment to T189485: Enabling citoid on Japanese Wikipedia.

@Mvolz: We have not received any objections so far regarding the change in Issue 2, as well as enabling citoid before Issues 1 and 3 are implemented. Nevertheless, we still need to know when we can expect the implementation - is there any timeline currently?

Mar 15 2018, 4:47 PM · User-Ryasmeen, Community-Relations-Support, VisualEditor, Citoid

Mar 12 2018

patilise added a comment to T189485: Enabling citoid on Japanese Wikipedia.

@Mvolz: Thanks! I will bring the suggestion regarding Issue 2 back to the discussion and seek for opinion. We will also confirm whether we could enable citoid first, while waiting for Issues 1 and 3 to be implemented.

Mar 12 2018, 4:33 PM · User-Ryasmeen, Community-Relations-Support, VisualEditor, Citoid
patilise added a comment to T189485: Enabling citoid on Japanese Wikipedia.

@Aklapper: Please find the following.

Mar 12 2018, 2:41 PM · User-Ryasmeen, Community-Relations-Support, VisualEditor, Citoid
patilise created T189485: Enabling citoid on Japanese Wikipedia.
Mar 12 2018, 1:44 PM · User-Ryasmeen, Community-Relations-Support, VisualEditor, Citoid

Jun 19 2017

patilise added a comment to T145604: RFC: Future of magic links.

Hope I am not too late to chip in a reply -

! In T145604#3290707, @MZMcBride wrote:
How do you explain to users that almost every citation identifier, including DOI, needs extra markup, except ISBN, PMID, and RFC?

Why is an explanation needed? For average users they probably only want to see them linked, and that's it.

Your argument is that nobody will care enough to make links? This seems to point to the questionable value of having the links at all, if nobody is using them or interested in supporting them.

We don't have unlimited manpower. I am from the Japanese Wikipedia, where the user base is broad but the number of people able to (let alone interested to) support is really thin. Simply being "different and inconsistent" (or other technical reasons) is not a valid argument to cut a working feature and increase the already-too-heavy workload. If it is not like MediaWiki will break down tomorrow, can you please revise this decision to drop magic links?
(Adding one footnote: using a bot increases the number of revisions and uses up some manpower so that doesn't change my argument.)

Jun 19 2017, 4:14 PM · Parsing-Team--ARCHIVED, MediaWiki-Parser, TechCom-RFC