import sys import re import time import subprocess import json import base64 from collections import defaultdict import random import requests # Something like this: python3 core "sql {wiki} -- " s8 --important-only -v -prod def debug(*args): if '-v' in sys.argv or '--verbose' in sys.argv: print(*args) gerrit_url = '' type_to_path_mapping = { 'core': 'mediawiki/core/+/master/maintenance/tables.sql', 'wikibase-repo': 'mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase/+/master/repo/sql/Wikibase.sql', 'wikibase-client': 'mediawiki/extensions/Wikibase/+/master/client/sql/entity_usage.sql' } by_db_drifts = {} by_drift_type_drifts = defaultdict(dict) def get_a_wiki_from_shard(shard): debug('Getting a wiki from shard:', shard) url = gerrit_url + 'operations/mediawiki-config/+/master/dblists/{shard}.dblist?format=TEXT'.format(shard=shard) dbs = base64.b64decode(requests.get(url).text).decode('utf-8').split('\n') random.shuffle(dbs) for line in dbs: if not line or line.startswith('#'): continue debug('Got this wiki:', line.strip()) return line.strip() def add_to_drifts(shard, db, table, second, drift_type): drift = ' '.join([table, second, drift_type]) if shard not in by_db_drifts: by_db_drifts[shard] = defaultdict(list) by_db_drifts[shard][db].append(drift) if shard not in by_drift_type_drifts[drift]: by_drift_type_drifts[drift][shard] = [] by_drift_type_drifts[drift][shard].append(db) with open('by_db_drifts.json', 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(by_db_drifts, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) with open('by_drift_type_drifts.json', 'w') as f: f.write(json.dumps(by_drift_type_drifts, indent=4, sort_keys=True)) def get_sql_from_gerrit(type_): url = gerrit_url + '{0}?format=TEXT'.format(type_to_path_mapping[type_]) return base64.b64decode(requests.get(url).text).decode('utf-8') def get_shard_mapping(): shard_mapping = {} db_eqiad_data = requests.get( '').json() for shard in db_eqiad_data['sectionLoads']: cases = [] if shard == 'DEFAULT': name = 's3' else: name = shard for type_ in db_eqiad_data['sectionLoads'][shard]: cases += list(type_.keys()) shard_mapping[name] = cases return shard_mapping # def dd(d1, d2, ctx=""): for k in d1: if k not in d2: print(k + " removed from " + ctx) for k in d2: if k not in d1: print(k + " added in " + ctx) continue if d2[k] != d1[k]: if type(d2[k]) not in (dict, list): print(k + " changed in " + ctx + " to " + str(d2[k])) else: if type(d1[k]) != type(d2[k]): print(k + " changed in " + ctx + " to " + str(d2[k])) continue else: if type(d2[k]) == dict: dd(d1[k], d2[k], k + ' in ' + ctx) continue return def parse_sql(sql): result = {} sql = sql.replace('IF NOT EXISTS ', '') for table_chunk in sql.split('CREATE TABLE '): table_chunk = table_chunk.lower() table_chunk = re.sub(r'/\*.+?\*/', '', table_chunk) table_chunk = re.sub(r'\n\s*\-\-.*', '', table_chunk) table_chunk = re.sub(r'\n\s*\n', '\n', table_chunk) table_name = table_chunk.split('(')[0].strip() if not table_name or '\n' in table_name: continue if '(' not in table_chunk: continue indexes = {} for res in re.findall(r'create( +unique|) +index +(\S+?) +on +%s +\((.+?)\)\;' % table_name, table_chunk): indexes[res[1]] = {'unique': bool(res[0]), 'columns': res[2]} table_structure = re.split( r'create( +unique|) +index', '('.join(table_chunk.split('(')[1:]))[0] table_structure_real = {} pk = None for line in table_structure.split('\n'): line = line.strip() if not line or line.endswith(';'): continue # Why strip(',') doesn't work? if line.endswith(','): line = line[:-1] if line.startswith('primary key'): pk = line.split('(')[1].split(')')[0].replace(' ', '') continue line = re.sub(r' +', ' ', line).split('--')[0] if line.split(' ')[1].startswith('enum'): real_type = ' '.join(line.split(')')[0].split(' ')[1:]) + ')' real_type = real_type.replace('"', '\'').replace(' ', '') else: real_type = line.split(' ')[1] if ' unsigned ' in line: line = line.replace(' unsigned ', ' ') real_type += ' unsigned' table_structure_real[line.split(' ')[0]] = { 'type': real_type, 'config': ' '.join(line.split(' ')[2:])} result[table_name] = { 'structure': table_structure_real, 'indexes': indexes} return result def compare_table_with_prod(shard, host, table_name, expected_table_structure, sql_command): port = None if host != 'localhost': if' \-\-(?: |$)', sql_command): sql_command = re.split(r' \-\-(?: |$)', sql_command)[ 0] + ' --host ' + host + ' -- ' + re.split(r' \-\-(?: |$)', sql_command)[1] if ':' in host: port = host.split(':')[1] host = host.split(':')[0] host += '.eqiad.wmnet' debug('Checking table ', table_name) if port: sql_command += ' -P ' + port debug('Running: ', sql_command + ' -h %s -e "DESC %s;"' % (host, table_name)) res = + ' -h %s -e "DESC %s;"' % (host, table_name), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) if res.stderr and res.stderr.decode('utf-8'): return {} res = res.stdout.decode('utf-8') fields_in_prod = [] return_result = {'fields': {}} for line in res.split('\n'): if line.startswith('ERROR'): return return_result if not line or line.startswith('Field'): continue field_structure = line.lower().split('\t') fields_in_prod.append(field_structure[0]) name = field_structure[0] if name not in expected_table_structure['structure']: add_to_drifts(shard, host, table_name, name, 'field-mismatch-prod-extra') continue return_result['fields'][field_structure[0]] = field_structure[1] if '--important-only' in sys.argv: continue expected_type = expected_table_structure['structure'][name]['type'].replace( 'varchar', 'varbinary').replace('integer', 'int') if expected_type != field_structure[1].replace('varchar', 'varbinary'): actual_size = None if '(' in field_structure[1]: actual_size = field_structure[1].split('(')[1].split(')')[0] expected_size = None if '(' in expected_type: expected_size = expected_type.split('(')[1].split(')')[0] if actual_size and expected_size and actual_size != expected_size: add_to_drifts(shard, host, table_name, name, 'field-size-mismatch', expected_size + ' ' + actual_size) if (field_structure[1] + expected_type).count(' unsigned') == 1: add_to_drifts(shard, host, table_name, name, 'field-unsigned-mismatch', field_structure[1] + ' ' + expected_type) actual_type = field_structure[1].split('(')[0].split(' ')[0] expected_type = expected_type.split('(')[0].split(' ')[0] if actual_type != expected_type: add_to_drifts(shard, host, table_name, name, 'field-type-mismatch', expected_type + ' ' + actual_type) expected_config = expected_table_structure['structure'][name]['config'] if (field_structure[2] == 'no' and 'not null' not in expected_config) or (field_structure[2] == 'yes' and 'not null' in expected_config): add_to_drifts(shard, host, table_name, name, 'field-null-mismatch') # if len(field_structure[4]) < 4: # default = '' # else: # default = field_structure[4] # if default == 'null' and field_structure[2] == 'no': # continue #print(default, expected_config) # if (default and 'default ' + default not in expected_config) or (not default and 'default ' in expected_config): # print(host, table_name, name, 'field-default-mismatch') # print(expected_config) for field in expected_table_structure['structure']: if field not in fields_in_prod: add_to_drifts(shard, host, table_name, field, 'field-mismatch-codebase-extra') res = + ' -h %s -e "SHOW INDEX FROM %s;"' % (host, table_name), stdin=subprocess.PIPE, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, shell=True) if res.stderr and res.stderr.decode('utf-8'): return return_result res = res.stdout.decode('utf-8') return_result['indexes'] = {} indexes = {} for line in res.split('\n'): if line.startswith('ERROR'): return return_result if not line or line.startswith('Table'): continue index_structure = line.lower().split('\t') if index_structure[2] not in indexes: indexes[index_structure[2]] = { 'unique': index_structure[1] == '0', 'columns': [index_structure[4]]} else: indexes[index_structure[2]]['columns'].append(index_structure[4]) return_result['indexes'] = indexes expected_indexes = expected_table_structure['indexes'] for index in indexes: # clean up primaries later if index == 'primary': continue if index not in expected_indexes: if index == 'tmp1': print('wtf') add_to_drifts(shard, host, table_name, index, 'index-mismatch-prod-extra') continue if indexes[index]['unique'] != expected_indexes[index]['unique']: add_to_drifts(shard, host, table_name, index, 'index-uniqueness-mismatch') expected_columns = expected_indexes[index]['columns'].replace(' ', '') expected_columns = re.sub(r'\(.+?\)', '', expected_columns) if ','.join(indexes[index]['columns']) != expected_columns: add_to_drifts(shard, host, table_name, index, 'index-columns-mismatch') for index in expected_indexes: if index not in indexes: add_to_drifts(shard, host, table_name, index, 'index-mismatch-code-extra') return return_result def handle_shard(shard, sql_data, hosts): final_result = {} sql_command = sys.argv[2] if shard != None: sql_command = sql_command.format(wiki=get_a_wiki_from_shard(shard)) debug('Sql command for this shard', sql_command) for host in hosts: final_result[host] = {} for table in sql_data: print(host, table) final_result[host][table] = compare_table_with_prod( shard, host, table, sql_data[table], sql_command) time.sleep(1) for host in hosts: for table in final_result[hosts[0]]: if final_result[host][table] != final_result[hosts[0]][table]: dd(final_result[host][table], final_result[hosts[0]][table], table + ':' + host) def main(): shard_mapping = get_shard_mapping() if sys.argv[1].lower() in type_to_path_mapping: sql = get_sql_from_gerrit(sys.argv[1].lower()) else: with open(sys.argv[1], 'r') as f: sql = sql_data = parse_sql(sql) if '-prod' in sys.argv: if sys.argv[3] == 'all': for shard in shard_mapping: handle_shard(shard, sql_data, shard_mapping[shard]) else: hosts = shard_mapping[sys.argv[3]] handle_shard(sys.argv[3], sql_data, hosts) else: handle_shard(None, sql_data, ['localhost']) main()