@chrome @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @login @test2.m.wikipedia.org @vagrant Feature: Page diff @smoke @editing @integration Scenario: Added and removed content # features/diff.feature:5 Given I am logged into the mobile website # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:29 And the page "Selenium diff test" has the following edits: # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:1 | text | | ABC DEF | | ABC GHI | When I am on the "Selenium diff test" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47 And I click on the history link in the last modified bar # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:20 And I open the latest diff # features/step_definitions/special_history_steps.rb:5 Then I should see "GHI" as added content # features/step_definitions/diff_steps.rb:1 And I should see "DEF" as removed content # features/step_definitions/diff_steps.rb:5 @chrome @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @login @test2.m.wikipedia.org @vagrant Feature: Wikitext Editor Background: # features/editor_wikitext_nosave.feature:4 Given I am logged into the mobile website # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:29 And I am on a page that does not exist # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:34 And I click the edit button # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:10 And I see the wikitext editor overlay # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:34 @smoke @integration Scenario: Closing editor (overlay button) # features/editor_wikitext_nosave.feature:11 When I click the wikitext editor overlay close button # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:26 Then I should not see the wikitext editor overlay # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:46 @chrome @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @login @test2.m.wikipedia.org Feature: Wikitext Editor (Makes actual saves) Background: # features/editor_wikitext_saving.feature:4 Given I am logged into the mobile website # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:29 @smoke @editing @integration Scenario: Successful edit on page without languages shows no language button [bug 63675] # features/editor_wikitext_saving.feature:8 Given the page "Selenium no languages test page" exists # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:50 When I click the edit button # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:10 And I see the wikitext editor overlay # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:34 And I type "ABC GHI" into the editor # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:38 And I click continue # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:1 And I click submit # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:5 Then I should see a toast notification # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:36 And the text of the first heading should be "Selenium no languages test page" # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:52 And I should not see the read in another language button # features/step_definitions/editor_steps.rb:42 # FIXME: this assumes that the main page has more than one language @chrome @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @test2.m.wikipedia.org Feature: Language selection Background: # features/language.feature:5 Given I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53 And I go to a page that has languages # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:63 When I click the language button # features/step_definitions/language_steps.rb:1 And I see the language overlay # features/step_definitions/language_steps.rb:9 @smoke Scenario: Closing language overlay (overlay button) # features/language.feature:12 When I click the language overlay close button # features/step_definitions/language_steps.rb:5 Then I should not see the languages overlay # features/step_definitions/language_steps.rb:13 @chrome @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @test2.m.wikipedia.org @vagrant Feature: Menus open correct page for anonymous users Background: # features/mainmenu.feature:4 Given I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53 And I am on the "Main Page" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47 @smoke @integration Scenario: Check links in menu # features/mainmenu.feature:9 When I click on the main navigation button # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:1 Then I should see a link to the disclaimer # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:22 And I should see a link to the about page # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:18 And I should see a link to "Home" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:10 And I should see a link to "Random" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:10 And I should see a link to "Settings" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:10 And I should see a link to "Watchlist" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:10 And I should see a link to "Log in" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:10 @custom-browser @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @test2.m.wikipedia.org Feature: Basic site for legacy devices Background: # features/no_javascript_site.feature:4 Given my browser doesn't support JavaScript # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:77 And I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53 And I am on the "Main Page" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47 # FIXME: Check that the edit button is invisible # FIXME: Check that the upload button is invisible @smoke Scenario: Able to access left navigation in basic non-JavaScript site # features/no_javascript_site.feature:17 When I click on "Random" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:5 And I click on the main navigation button # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:1 Then I should see a link to "Home" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:10 And I should see a link to "Random" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:10 And I should see a link to "Settings" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:10 And I should not see a link to "Watchlist" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:14 And I should not see a link to "Log in" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:14 And I should not see a link to "Uploads" in the main navigation menu # features/step_definitions/mainmenu_steps.rb:14 @smoke Scenario: Search with JavaScript disabled # features/no_javascript_site.feature:34 Given the page "Selenium search test" exists # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:50 When I type into search box "Test is used by Selenium web driver" # features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb:42 And I click the search button # features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb:14 Then I should see a list of search results # features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb:57 @chrome @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @extension-echo @firefox @login @test2.m.wikipedia.org @vagrant Feature: Notification Background: # features/notification.feature:4 Given I am logged into the mobile website # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:29 And I have no notifications # features/step_definitions/notification_steps.rb:15 When I click on the notification icon # features/step_definitions/notification_steps.rb:1 And the notifications overlay appears # features/step_definitions/notification_steps.rb:26 timed out after 5 seconds, waiting for {:class=>"notifications-overlay", :tag_name=>"div"} to become present (Watir::Wait::TimeoutError) ./features/step_definitions/notification_steps.rb:27:in `/^the notifications overlay appears$/' features/notification.feature:8:in `And the notifications overlay appears' @smoke Scenario: Opening notifications # features/notification.feature:11 Then I should see the notifications overlay # features/step_definitions/notification_steps.rb:35 @chrome @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @test2.m.wikipedia.org @vagrant Feature: Search Background: # features/search.feature:4 Given I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53 And the page "Selenium search test" exists # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:50 And I am on the "Main Page" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47 When I click the placeholder search box # features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb:5 @smoke Scenario: Search for partial text # features/search.feature:19 When I type into search box "Selenium search tes" # features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb:42 Then search results should contain "Selenium search test" # features/step_definitions/search_steps.rb:71 @custom-browser @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @test2.m.wikipedia.org Feature: Basic history page for legacy devices Background: # features/special_history_nojs.feature:4 Given my browser doesn't support JavaScript # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:77 And I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53 And the page "Selenium diff test" exists and has at least "51" edits # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:77 And I am on the "Selenium diff test" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47 When I click on the history link in the last modified bar # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:20 @smoke Scenario: Check more button exists # features/special_history_nojs.feature:12 Then I should see a more button # features/step_definitions/special_history_steps.rb:9 @chrome @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @login @test2.m.wikipedia.org @vagrant Feature: Manage Watchlist Background: # features/special_watchlist.feature:4 Given I am logged into the mobile website # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:29 And I have recently edited pages on my watchlist # features/step_definitions/special_watchlist_steps.rb:1 And I am on the "Special:Watchlist" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47 @smoke Scenario: Switching to Feed view # features/special_watchlist.feature:10 When I switch to the modified view of the watchlist # features/step_definitions/special_watchlist_steps.rb:18 And I click the Pages tab # features/step_definitions/special_watchlist_steps.rb:10 And the Pages tab is selected # features/step_definitions/special_watchlist_steps.rb:6 Then I should see a list of diff summary links # features/step_definitions/special_watchlist_steps.rb:22 And the modified button should be selected # features/step_definitions/special_watchlist_steps.rb:34 @chrome @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @login @test2.m.wikipedia.org @vagrant Feature: Talk Background: # features/talk.feature:4 Given I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53 @smoke Scenario: Talk doesn't show on talk pages # features/talk.feature:8 Given the page "Talk:Selenium talk test" exists # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:50 And I am logged in as a user with a > 5 edit count # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:21 And I am on the "Talk:Selenium talk test" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47 Then there should be no talk button # features/step_definitions/talk_steps.rb:13 @smoke Scenario: Add discussion on talk page possible as logged in user # features/talk.feature:28 Given the page "Talk:Selenium talk test" exists # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:50 And I am logged in as a user with a > 5 edit count # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:21 And the page "Selenium talk test" exists # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:50 When I click the talk button # features/step_definitions/talk_steps.rb:1 Then there should be an add discussion button # features/step_definitions/talk_steps.rb:17 @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @login @test2.m.wikipedia.org @vagrant Feature: Table of contents Background: # features/toc.feature:4 Given I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53 #And in Firefox see bug T88288 @smoke Scenario: Don't show table of contents on mobile # features/toc.feature:9 Given I am viewing the site in mobile mode # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:64 When I go to a page that has sections # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:17 Then I should not see the table of contents # features/step_definitions/toc_steps.rb:1 @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @test2.m.wikipedia.org @vagrant Feature: Toggling sections Background: # features/toggling.feature:4 Given I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53 And I am viewing the site in mobile mode # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:64 @smoke Scenario: Opening a section on mobile # features/toggling.feature:13 Given I go to a page that has sections # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:17 When I click on the first collapsible section heading # features/step_definitions/toggling_steps.rb:1 Then I should see the content of the first section # features/step_definitions/toggling_steps.rb:9 @chrome @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox Feature: Check UI components Background: # features/ui_links.feature:4 Given I am using the mobile site # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:53 @smoke Scenario: Check existence of important UI components on the main page # features/ui_links.feature:8 Given the wiki has a terms of use # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:72 And I am on the "Main Page" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47 Then I should see the history link # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:9 And I should see the switch to desktop link # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:21 And I should see the license link # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:17 And I should see a link to the terms of use # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:5 And I should see a link to the privacy page # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:1 @smoke Scenario: Check existence of important UI components on other pages. # features/ui_links.feature:18 Given the page "Selenium UI test" exists # features/step_definitions/create_page_api_steps.rb:50 And I am on the "Selenium UI test" page # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:47 Then I should see the last modified bar history link # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:13 And I should see the switch to desktop link # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:21 And I should see the license link # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:17 And I should see a link to the terms of use # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:5 And I should see a link to the privacy page # features/step_definitions/ui_links_steps.rb:1 @chrome @en.m.wikipedia.beta.wmflabs.org @firefox @test2.m.wikipedia.org @vagrant Feature: Manage Watchlist Background: # features/watchstar.feature:4 Given I am logged into the mobile website # features/step_definitions/common_steps.rb:29 @smoke Scenario: Add an article to the watchlist # features/watchstar.feature:8 Given I am viewing an unwatched page # features/step_definitions/watchstar_steps.rb:7 When I click the watch star # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:32 Then I should see a toast with message about watching the page # features/step_definitions/watchstar_steps.rb:13 And the watch star should be selected # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:61 @smoke Scenario: Remove an article from the watchlist # features/watchstar.feature:15 Given I am viewing a watched page # features/step_definitions/watchstar_steps.rb:1 When I click the unwatch star # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:28 Then I should see a toast with message about unwatching the page # features/step_definitions/watchstar_steps.rb:17 And the watch star should not be selected # features/step_definitions/common_article_steps.rb:65 Failing Scenarios: cucumber features/notification.feature:11 # Scenario: Opening notifications 19 scenarios (1 failed, 18 passed) 128 steps (1 failed, 1 skipped, 126 passed) 1m47.171s