APP_ENV=local APP_DEBUG=true APP_KEY=redacted-app-key-generated-by-artisan DB_HOST=localhost DB_DATABASE=phragile DB_USERNAME=redacted DB_PASSWORD=redacted CACHE_DRIVER=file SESSION_DRIVER=file # Phragile client ID from your Phabricator OAuth server OAUTH_CLIENT_ID="redacted-oauth-phid" # Phragile client secret from your Phabricator OAuth server OAUTH_CLIENT_SECRET="redacted-oauth-secret" PHABRICATOR_URL="http://redacted.phabricator.url/" # Name of your Phragile Bot user in your Phabricator instance PHRAGILE_BOT_NAME="phragile" # Conduit certificate of the Phragile Bot user PHRAGILE_BOT_CERTIFICATE="redacted-hundred-caracter-long-full-certificate-ie-not-just-a-conduit-token" # Name of your custom field for story points in Maniphest MANIPHEST_STORY_POINTS_FIELD=std:maniphest:REDACTED_COMPANY:story_points # The tag PHID that indicates whether a task is in review REVIEW_TAG_PHID= # Comma separated names of Phabricator user names that are allowed to create projects on Phragile PHRAGILE_ADMINS="redacted-user" # Optional: The URL of the project request task on Phabricator PROJECT_REQUEST_URL=