z@imac-ubuntu:~/Documents/gerrit/mediawiki/core$ fresh-node -env -net # fresh: 22.11.3 # image: docker-registry.wikimedia.org/releng/node16-test-browser:0.1.0 # software: Debian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye) # Node.js v16.19.1 (npm 7.21.0) # Chromium 110.0.5481.77 # Mozilla Firefox 102.8.0esr # JSDuck 5.3.4 (Ruby 2.7.4) ruby 2.7.4p191 # mount: /core โžŸ /home/z/Documents/gerrit/mediawiki/core (read-write) # /core/.git โžŸ /home/z/Documents/gerrit/mediawiki/core/.git (read-only) # env: MW_*, MEDIAWIKI_* # net: expose host ๐ŸŒฑ Fresh! I have no name!@imac-ubuntu:/core$ npm run selenium-test > selenium-test > wdio ./tests/selenium/wdio.conf.js Execution of 5 workers started at 2023-03-17T13:34:41.823Z [0-0] RUNNING in chrome - file:///tests/selenium/specs/page.js [0-2] RUNNING in chrome - file:///tests/selenium/specs/user.js [0-1] RUNNING in chrome - file:///tests/selenium/specs/recentchanges.js [0-3] RUNNING in chrome - file:///tests/selenium/specs/watchlist.js [0-3] PASSED in chrome - file:///tests/selenium/specs/watchlist.js [0-4] RUNNING in chrome - file:///tests/selenium/wdio-mediawiki/specs/BlankPage.js [0-1] PASSED in chrome - file:///tests/selenium/specs/recentchanges.js [0-4] PASSED in chrome - file:///tests/selenium/wdio-mediawiki/specs/BlankPage.js [0-2] PASSED in chrome - file:///tests/selenium/specs/user.js [0-0] PASSED in chrome - file:///tests/selenium/specs/page.js "spec" Reporter: ------------------------------------------------------------------ [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-3] Running: chrome (v110.0.5481.77) on linux [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-3] Session ID: eb2b71e2-172c-4c3d-9d94-323f94a8687c [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-3] [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-3] ยป /tests/selenium/specs/watchlist.js [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-3] Special:Watchlist [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-3] - should show page with new edit @daily [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-3] [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-3] 1 skipped (553ms) ------------------------------------------------------------------ [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-1] Running: chrome (v110.0.5481.77) on linux [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-1] Session ID: d6d80035-204b-4a21-a954-dc03fa7a8f2d [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-1] [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-1] ยป /tests/selenium/specs/recentchanges.js [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-1] Special:RecentChanges [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-1] โœ“ shows page creation [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-1] [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-1] 1 passing (2.8s) ------------------------------------------------------------------ [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-4] Running: chrome (v110.0.5481.77) on linux [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-4] Session ID: f82d9fe0-b1b2-4767-9851-33396cad3122 [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-4] [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-4] ยป /tests/selenium/wdio-mediawiki/specs/BlankPage.js [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-4] BlankPage [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-4] โœ“ should have its title @daily [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-4] [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-4] 1 passing (469ms) ------------------------------------------------------------------ [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-2] Running: chrome (v110.0.5481.77) on linux [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-2] Session ID: e421ed5c-0a17-49bc-a5ef-b7d8d5b01614 [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-2] [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-2] ยป /tests/selenium/specs/user.js [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-2] User [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-2] โœ“ should be able to create account [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-2] โœ“ should be able to log in @daily [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-2] [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-2] 2 passing (4.5s) ------------------------------------------------------------------ [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-0] Running: chrome (v110.0.5481.77) on linux [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-0] Session ID: 88a4677b-176f-42bb-88fb-611b53ebb906 [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-0] [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-0] ยป /tests/selenium/specs/page.js [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-0] Page [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-0] โœ“ should be previewable @daily [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-0] โœ“ should be creatable [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-0] โœ“ should be re-creatable [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-0] โœ“ should be editable @daily [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-0] โœ“ should have history @daily [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-0] โœ“ should be deletable [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-0] โœ“ should be restorable [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-0] โœ“ should be protectable [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-0] โœ“ should be undoable @daily [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-0] [chrome 110.0.5481.77 linux #0-0] 9 passing (13.6s) Spec Files: 5 passed, 5 total (100% completed) in 00:00:16