mysql:wikiadmin@db1082 [dewiki]> select count(*), SUBSTR(page_links_updated, 1,6) from page group by SUBSTR(page_links_updated, 1,6) order by SUBSTR(page_links_updated, 1,6) desc; +----------+---------------------------------+ | count(*) | SUBSTR(page_links_updated, 1,6) | +----------+---------------------------------+ | 677131 | 201702 | | 983139 | 201701 | | 979130 | 201612 | | 203688 | 201611 | | 62137 | 201610 | | 40059 | 201609 | | 75238 | 201608 | | 2794596 | 201607 | | 15 | 201606 | | 7 | 201605 | | 6 | 201604 | | 4 | 201603 | | 9 | 201602 | | 107 | 201601 | | 18 | 201512 | | 12 | 201511 | | 23 | 201510 | | 30 | 201509 | | 5 | 201508 | | 18 | 201507 | | 5 | 201506 | | 6 | 201505 | | 16 | 201504 | | 11 | 201503 | | 16 | 201502 | | 8 | 201501 | | 15 | 201412 | | 13 | 201411 | | 21 | 201410 | | 16 | 201409 | | 8 | 201408 | | 17 | 201407 | | 41 | 201406 | | 14 | 201405 | | 6 | 201404 | | 21 | 201403 | | 9 | 201402 | | 9 | 201401 | | 994 | NULL | +----------+---------------------------------+ 39 rows in set (2.90 sec) mysql:wikiadmin@db1082 [dewiki]> Bye legoktm@terbium:~$ sql enwiki Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 310553585 Server version: 5.5.5-10.0.28-MariaDB MariaDB Server Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql:wikiadmin@db1083 [enwiki]> select count(*), SUBSTR(page_links_updated, 1,6) from page group by SUBSTR(page_links_updated, 1,6) order by SUBSTR(page_links_updated, 1,6) desc; +----------+---------------------------------+ | count(*) | SUBSTR(page_links_updated, 1,6) | +----------+---------------------------------+ | 9131803 | 201702 | | 4823578 | 201701 | | 3586662 | 201612 | | 1854227 | 201611 | | 1022701 | 201610 | | 825076 | 201609 | | 1025250 | 201608 | | 716416 | 201607 | | 306360 | 201606 | | 173934 | 201605 | | 194121 | 201604 | | 149071 | 201603 | | 191523 | 201602 | | 154113 | 201601 | | 132802 | 201512 | | 329800 | 201511 | | 154395 | 201510 | | 169362 | 201509 | | 140473 | 201508 | | 147591 | 201507 | | 195598 | 201506 | | 384558 | 201505 | | 636823 | 201504 | | 124076 | 201503 | | 116068 | 201502 | | 122729 | 201501 | | 124068 | 201412 | | 113882 | 201411 | | 136086 | 201410 | | 128164 | 201409 | | 828887 | 201408 | | 266600 | 201407 | | 220104 | 201406 | | 193860 | 201405 | | 330776 | 201404 | | 316919 | 201403 | | 96540 | 201402 | | 82552 | 201401 | | 1 | 201307 | | 1 | 201302 | | 1 | 201207 | | 2 | 201206 | | 1 | 201205 | | 6 | 201204 | | 1 | 201203 | | 1 | 201112 | | 1 | 201109 | | 1 | 201108 | | 1 | 201105 | | 1 | 200912 | | 2 | 200910 | | 2 | 200908 | | 1 | 200905 | | 1 | 200811 | | 2 | 200810 | | 1 | 200803 | | 1 | 200802 | | 1 | 200712 | | 1 | 200711 | | 4 | 200710 | | 6 | 200708 | | 5 | 200707 | | 5 | 200706 | | 6 | 200705 | | 6 | 200704 | | 5 | 200703 | | 4 | 200702 | | 6 | 200701 | | 13 | 200612 | | 6 | 200611 | | 13 | 200610 | | 3 | 200609 | | 8 | 200608 | | 8 | 200607 | | 7 | 200606 | | 9 | 200605 | | 4 | 200604 | | 36 | 200603 | | 1 | 200403 | | 1 | 200307 | | 1795 | 196912 | | 11902661 | NULL | +----------+---------------------------------+ 82 rows in set (19.96 sec) mysql:wikiadmin@db1083 [enwiki]> Bye legoktm@terbium:~$ sql cebwiki Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 3481092268 Server version: 5.5.5-10.0.23-MariaDB-log MariaDB Server Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql:wikiadmin@db1078 [cebwiki]> select count(*), SUBSTR(page_links_updated, 1,6) from page group by SUBSTR(page_links_updated, 1,6) order by SUBSTR(page_links_updated, 1,6) desc; +----------+---------------------------------+ | count(*) | SUBSTR(page_links_updated, 1,6) | +----------+---------------------------------+ | 2565556 | 201702 | | 753395 | 201701 | | 1270082 | 201612 | | 82876 | 201611 | | 34647 | 201610 | | 170590 | 201609 | | 181793 | 201608 | | 13883 | 201607 | | 81862 | 201606 | | 30110 | 201605 | | 53880 | 201604 | | 28122 | 201603 | | 8549 | 201602 | | 79968 | 201601 | | 168174 | 201512 | | 116387 | 201511 | | 10428 | 201510 | | 2345 | 201509 | | 5766 | 201508 | | 332 | 201507 | | 1813 | 201506 | | 4897 | 201505 | | 4936 | 201504 | | 307 | 201503 | | 56 | 201502 | | 371 | 201501 | | 357 | 201412 | | 3129 | 201411 | | 81091 | 201410 | | 64253 | 201409 | | 124386 | 201408 | | 181274 | 201407 | | 159993 | 201406 | | 1185 | 201405 | | 988 | 201404 | | 538 | 201403 | | 434 | 201402 | | 394 | 201401 | | 5 | 196912 | | 923899 | NULL | +----------+---------------------------------+ 40 rows in set (3.38 sec) mysql:wikiadmin@db1078 [cebwiki]> Bye legoktm@terbium:~$ sql svwiki Reading table information for completion of table and column names You can turn off this feature to get a quicker startup with -A Welcome to the MySQL monitor. Commands end with ; or \g. Your MySQL connection id is 2879545082 Server version: 5.5.5-10.0.23-MariaDB-log MariaDB Server Copyright (c) 2000, 2015, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. Oracle is a registered trademark of Oracle Corporation and/or its affiliates. Other names may be trademarks of their respective owners. Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement. mysql:wikiadmin@db1090 [svwiki]> select count(*), SUBSTR(page_links_updated, 1,6) from page group by SUBSTR(page_links_updated, 1,6) order by SUBSTR(page_links_updated, 1,6) desc; +----------+---------------------------------+ | count(*) | SUBSTR(page_links_updated, 1,6) | +----------+---------------------------------+ | 1947267 | 201702 | | 1698551 | 201701 | | 425565 | 201612 | | 58575 | 201611 | | 90118 | 201610 | | 144255 | 201609 | | 30793 | 201608 | | 46417 | 201607 | | 108031 | 201606 | | 106669 | 201605 | | 157047 | 201604 | | 35975 | 201603 | | 49793 | 201602 | | 65498 | 201601 | | 95184 | 201512 | | 158946 | 201511 | | 12623 | 201510 | | 51765 | 201509 | | 14116 | 201508 | | 10554 | 201507 | | 8144 | 201506 | | 12809 | 201505 | | 42067 | 201504 | | 12939 | 201503 | | 5714 | 201502 | | 8778 | 201501 | | 10396 | 201412 | | 11521 | 201411 | | 26481 | 201410 | | 85875 | 201409 | | 121330 | 201408 | | 264153 | 201407 | | 87000 | 201406 | | 9954 | 201405 | | 6608 | 201404 | | 6264 | 201403 | | 10429 | 201402 | | 5020 | 201401 | | 1 | 201212 | | 8 | 200911 | | 1 | 200707 | | 64 | 196912 | | 1515259 | NULL | +----------+---------------------------------+ 43 rows in set (3.61 sec)