AccessKeyedElement: JS/PHP Basic: description: MISMATCH JS: "AccessKeyedElement is mixed into other classes to provide an `accesskey` attribute. Accesskeys allow an user to go to a specific element by using a shortcut combination of a browser specific keys + the key set to the field. @example // AccessKeyedElement provides an 'accesskey' attribute to the // ButtonWidget class var button = new ButtonWidget( { label: 'Button with Accesskey', accessKey: 'k' } ); $( 'body' ).append( button.$element );" PHP: "Element with an accesskey. Accesskeys allow an user to go to a specific element by using a shortcut combination of a browser specific keys + the key set to the field." Methods: #constructor: PHP missing getAccessKey: MISMATCH description: MISMATCH JS: "Get accesskey." PHP: "Get AccessKey." return: MISMATCH description: MISMATCH JS: "accessKey string" PHP: "Accesskey string" initializeAccessKeyedElement: JS missing setAccessKey: MISMATCH description: MISMATCH JS: "Set accesskey." PHP: "Set access key." params: MISMATCH accessKey: MISMATCH description: MISMATCH JS: "Key, a function that returns a key, or `null` for no accesskey" PHP: "Tag's access key, use empty string to remove" type: MISMATCH JS: "string|null" PHP: "string" return: JS missing setAccessKeyedElement: PHP missing Properties: accessKey: MISMATCH description: MISMATCH JS: "The access key, a function that returns a key, or `null` for no accesskey." PHP: "Accesskey" static: PHP missing type: MISMATCH JS: "string|null" PHP: "string" accessKeyed: JS missing ActionFieldLayout: JS/PHP Basic: description: MISMATCH JS: "ActionFieldLayouts are used with FieldsetLayout. The layout consists of a field-widget, a button, and an optional label and/or help text. The field-widget (e.g., a {@link OO.ui.TextInputWidget TextInputWidget}), is required and is specified before any optional configuration settings. Labels can be aligned in one of four ways: - **left**: The label is placed before the field-widget and aligned with the left margin. A left-alignment is used for forms with many fields. - **right**: The label is placed before the field-widget and aligned to the right margin. A right-alignment is used for long but familiar forms which users tab through, verifying the current field with a quick glance at the label. - **top**: The label is placed above the field-widget. A top-alignment is used for brief forms that users fill out from top to bottom. - **inline**: The label is placed after the field-widget and aligned to the left. An inline-alignment is best used with checkboxes or radio buttons. Help text is accessed via a help icon that appears in the upper right corner of the rendered field layout when help text is specified. @example // Example of an ActionFieldLayout var actionFieldLayout = new OO.ui.ActionFieldLayout( new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { placeholder: 'Field widget' } ), new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: 'Button' } ), { label: 'An ActionFieldLayout. This label is aligned top', align: 'top', help: 'This is help text' } ); $( 'body' ).append( actionFieldLayout.$element );" PHP: "Layout made of a field, button and optional label." Methods: #constructor: MISMATCH params: MISMATCH buttonWidget: MISMATCH description: MISMATCH JS: "Button widget" PHP: "Field widget" Properties: buttonWidget: JS missing ApexTheme: JS/PHP Methods: #constructor: PHP missing BlankTheme: JS/PHP Basic: parent: MISMATCH JS: "{Theme}" PHP: "Theme" Methods: #constructor: PHP missing ButtonElement: JS/PHP Basic: description: MISMATCH JS: "ButtonElement is often mixed into other classes to generate a button, which is a clickable interface element that can be configured with access keys for accessibility. See the [OOjs UI documentation on MediaWiki] [1] for examples. [1]:" PHP: "Element with a button. Buttons are used for controls which can be clicked. They can be configured to use tab indexing and access keys for accessibility purposes." Methods: #constructor: PHP missing initializeButtonElement: JS missing isActive: PHP missing onClick: PHP missing onKeyDown: PHP missing onKeyPress: PHP missing onKeyUp: PHP missing onMouseDown: PHP missing onMouseUp: PHP missing setActive: PHP missing setButtonElement: PHP missing toggleFramed: MISMATCH description: MISMATCH JS: "Render the button with or without a frame. Omit the `framed` parameter to toggle the button frame on and off." PHP: "Toggle frame." return: JS missing Properties: button: JS missing cancelButtonMouseDownEvents: PHP missing framed: JS missing ButtonGroupWidget: JS/PHP Basic: description: MISMATCH JS: "A ButtonGroupWidget groups related buttons and is used together with ButtonWidget and its subclasses. Each button in a group is addressed by a unique reference. Buttons can be added, removed, and cleared from the group. @example // Example: A ButtonGroupWidget with two buttons var button1 = new OO.ui.PopupButtonWidget( { label: 'Select a category', icon: 'menu', popup: { $content: $( '

List of categories...

' ), padded: true, align: 'left' } } ); var button2 = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { label: 'Add item' }); var buttonGroup = new OO.ui.ButtonGroupWidget( { items: [button1, button2] } ); $( 'body' ).append( buttonGroup.$element );" PHP: "Group widget for multiple related buttons. Use together with ButtonWidget." ButtonInputWidget: JS/PHP Basic: description: MISMATCH JS: "ButtonInputWidget is used to submit HTML forms and is intended to be used within a FormLayout. If you do not need the button to work with HTML forms, you probably want to use OO.ui.ButtonWidget instead. Button input widgets can be rendered as either an HTML `