components/bin/build traversal Detected possible user input going into a `path.join` or `path.resolve` function. This could possibly lead to a path traversal vulnerability, where the attacker can access arbitrary files stored in the file system. Instead, be sure to sanitize or validate user input first. Details: 92┆ const file = path.join(dir, item); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 92┆ const file = path.join(dir, item); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 94┆ const stat = fs.statSync(path.resolve(base, file)); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 94┆ const stat = fs.statSync(path.resolve(base, file)); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 113┆ const root = path.resolve(base, dir); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 113┆ const root = path.resolve(base, dir); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 129┆ const file = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(base, name)).toString(); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 129┆ const file = fs.readFileSync(path.resolve(base, name)).toString(); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 210┆ const fulldir = path.resolve(LIB, dir); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 226┆ fs.writeFileSync(path.resolve(LIB, dir, name.replace(/\.ts$/, '.js')), lines.join('\n') + '\n'); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 328┆ const file = path.join(dir, name); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 328┆ const file = path.join(dir, name); components/bin/copy traversal Detected possible user input going into a `path.join` or `path.resolve` function. This could possibly lead to a path traversal vulnerability, where the attacker can access arbitrary files stored in the file system. Instead, be sure to sanitize or validate user input first. Details: 57┆ const copy = path.resolve(from, name); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 57┆ const copy = path.resolve(from, name); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 58┆ const dest = path.resolve(to, name); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 58┆ const dest = path.resolve(to, name); components/bin/makeAll traversal Detected possible user input going into a `path.join` or `path.resolve` function. This could possibly lead to a path traversal vulnerability, where the attacker can access arbitrary files stored in the file system. Instead, be sure to sanitize or validate user input first. Details: 72┆ const fulldir = path.resolve(dir); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 100┆ const file = path.join(dir, name); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 100┆ const file = path.join(dir, name); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 113┆ const file = path.join(dir, 'build.json'); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 133┆ const file = path.join(dir, 'webpack.config.js'); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 153┆ const file = path.join(dir, 'copy.json'); components/bin/pack RegExp() called with a `name` function argument, this might allow an attacker to cause a Regular Expression Denial-of-Service (ReDoS) within your application as RegExP blocks the main thread. For this reason, it is recommended to use hardcoded regexes instead. If your regex is run on user-controlled input, consider performing input validation or use a regex checking/sanitization library such as to verify that the regex does not appear vulnerable to ReDoS. Details: 37┆ return new RegExp(name.replace(/([\\.{}[\]()?*^$])/g, '\\$1'), 'g'); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- traversal Detected possible user input going into a `path.join` or `path.resolve` function. This could possibly lead to a path traversal vulnerability, where the attacker can access arbitrary files stored in the file system. Instead, be sure to sanitize or validate user input first. Details: 81┆ const dirRE = fileRegExp(path.resolve(dir)); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 86┆ const jsdir = require(path.resolve(dir, 'webpack.config.js')).plugins[0].definitions.__JSDIR__; ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 88┆ const libRE = fileRegExp(path.resolve(jsdir, '..', 'components')); components/webpack.common.js traversal Detected possible user input going into a `path.join` or `path.resolve` function. This could possibly lead to a path traversal vulnerability, where the attacker can access arbitrary files stored in the file system. Instead, be sure to sanitize or validate user input first. Details: 48┆ const jsdir = path.resolve(dir, js); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 48┆ const jsdir = path.resolve(dir, js); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 68┆ const jsdir = path.resolve(dir, js); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 68┆ const jsdir = path.resolve(dir, js); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- RegExp() called with a `dir` function argument, this might allow an attacker to cause a Regular Expression Denial-of-Service (ReDoS) within your application as RegExP blocks the main thread. For this reason, it is recommended to use hardcoded regexes instead. If your regex is run on user-controlled input, consider performing input validation or use a regex checking/sanitization library such as to verify that the regex does not appear vulnerable to ReDoS. Details: 69┆ const mjRE = new RegExp('^(?:' + quoteRE(jsdir) + '|' + quoteRE(mjdir) + ')' + quoteRE(path.sep)); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- RegExp() called with a `js` function argument, this might allow an attacker to cause a Regular Expression Denial-of-Service (ReDoS) within your application as RegExP blocks the main thread. For this reason, it is recommended to use hardcoded regexes instead. If your regex is run on user-controlled input, consider performing input validation or use a regex checking/sanitization library such as to verify that the regex does not appear vulnerable to ReDoS. Details: 69┆ const mjRE = new RegExp('^(?:' + quoteRE(jsdir) + '|' + quoteRE(mjdir) + ')' + quoteRE(path.sep)); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- traversal Detected possible user input going into a `path.join` or `path.resolve` function. This could possibly lead to a path traversal vulnerability, where the attacker can access arbitrary files stored in the file system. Instead, be sure to sanitize or validate user input first. Details: 75┆ libs = => path.join(lib.charAt(0) === '.' ? dir : root, lib) + path.sep); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 75┆ libs = => path.join(lib.charAt(0) === '.' ? dir : root, lib) + path.sep); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 86┆ resource.request.charAt(0) === '.' ? path.resolve(resource.path, resource.request) : resource.request : ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 86┆ resource.request.charAt(0) === '.' ? path.resolve(resource.path, resource.request) : resource.request : ⋮┆---------------------------------------- RegExp() called with a `dir` function argument, this might allow an attacker to cause a Regular Expression Denial-of-Service (ReDoS) within your application as RegExP blocks the main thread. For this reason, it is recommended to use hardcoded regexes instead. If your regex is run on user-controlled input, consider performing input validation or use a regex checking/sanitization library such as to verify that the regex does not appear vulnerable to ReDoS. Details: 135┆ test: new RegExp(dirRE + quoteRE(path.sep) + '.*\\.js$'), ⋮┆---------------------------------------- traversal Detected possible user input going into a `path.join` or `path.resolve` function. This could possibly lead to a path traversal vulnerability, where the attacker can access arbitrary files stored in the file system. Instead, be sure to sanitize or validate user input first. Details: 158┆ const distDir = dist ? path.resolve(dir, dist) : ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 158┆ const distDir = dist ? path.resolve(dir, dist) : ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 159┆ path.resolve(path.dirname(js), 'es5', path.dirname(name)); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 159┆ path.resolve(path.dirname(js), 'es5', path.dirname(name)); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 163┆ entry: path.join(dir, name + '.js'), ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 163┆ entry: path.join(dir, name + '.js'), ts/a11y/explorer/Region.ts User controlled data in methods like `innerHTML`, `outerHTML` or `document.write` is an anti-pattern that can lead to XSS vulnerabilities Details: 127┆ node.innerHTML =; ts/a11y/explorer.ts RegExp() called with a `locale` function argument, this might allow an attacker to cause a Regular Expression Denial-of-Service (ReDoS) within your application as RegExP blocks the main thread. For this reason, it is recommended to use hardcoded regexes instead. If your regex is run on user-controlled input, consider performing input validation or use a regex checking/sanitization library such as to verify that the regex does not appear vulnerable to ReDoS. Details: 589┆ 'values': props[prop].map(x => x.replace(RegExp('^' + prop + '_'), '')), ts/input/asciimath/FindAsciiMath.ts RegExp() called with a `delims` function argument, this might allow an attacker to cause a Regular Expression Denial-of-Service (ReDoS) within your application as RegExP blocks the main thread. For this reason, it is recommended to use hardcoded regexes instead. If your regex is run on user-controlled input, consider performing input validation or use a regex checking/sanitization library such as to verify that the regex does not appear vulnerable to ReDoS. Details: 100┆ this.end[open] = [close, display, new RegExp(quotePattern(close), 'g')]; ts/input/asciimath/mathjax2/legacy/MathJax.js loop Possibility of prototype polluting function detected. By adding or modifying attributes of an object prototype, it is possible to create attributes that exist on every object, or replace critical attributes with malicious ones. This can be problematic if the software depends on existence or non-existence of certain attributes, or uses pre-defined attributes of object prototype (such as hasOwnProperty, toString or valueOf). Possible mitigations might be: freezing the object prototype, using an object without prototypes (via Object.create(null) ), blocking modifications of attributes that resolve to object prototype, using Map instead of object. Details: 685┆ {if (file.hasOwnProperty(i)) {type = i.toUpperCase(); file = file[i]}} ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 706┆ {if (file.hasOwnProperty(i)) {type = i.toUpperCase(); file = file[i]}} ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 726┆ {for (var i in file) {if (file.hasOwnProperty(i)) {file = file[i]}}} ⋮┆---------------------------------------- 1639┆ parent = config; config = config[id]; ts/input/tex/FindTeX.ts RegExp() called with a `end` function argument, this might allow an attacker to cause a Regular Expression Denial-of-Service (ReDoS) within your application as RegExP blocks the main thread. For this reason, it is recommended to use hardcoded regexes instead. If your regex is run on user-controlled input, consider performing input validation or use a regex checking/sanitization library such as to verify that the regex does not appear vulnerable to ReDoS. Details: 158┆ return new RegExp((endp || quotePattern(end)) + '|\\\\(?:[a-zA-Z]|.)|[{}]', 'g'); ⋮┆---------------------------------------- RegExp() called with a `endp` function argument, this might allow an attacker to cause a Regular Expression Denial-of-Service (ReDoS) within your application as RegExP blocks the main thread. For this reason, it is recommended to use hardcoded regexes instead. If your regex is run on user-controlled input, consider performing input validation or use a regex checking/sanitization library such as to verify that the regex does not appear vulnerable to ReDoS. Details: 158┆ return new RegExp((endp || quotePattern(end)) + '|\\\\(?:[a-zA-Z]|.)|[{}]', 'g'); ts/input/tex/base/BaseMethods.ts RegExp() called with a `parser` function argument, this might allow an attacker to cause a Regular Expression Denial-of-Service (ReDoS) within your application as RegExP blocks the main thread. For this reason, it is recommended to use hardcoded regexes instead. If your regex is run on user-controlled input, consider performing input validation or use a regex checking/sanitization library such as to verify that the regex does not appear vulnerable to ReDoS. Details: 1162┆ const end = (env ? new RegExp(`^\\\\end\\s*\\{${env.replace(/\*/, '\\*')}\\}`) : null); ts/ui/menu/Menu.ts Depending on the context, user control data in `Object.assign` can cause web response to include data that it should not have or can lead to a mass assignment vulnerability. Details: 622┆ Object.assign(this.settings, JSON.parse(settings)); ts/util/asyncLoad/node.ts traversal Detected possible user input going into a `path.join` or `path.resolve` function. This could possibly lead to a path traversal vulnerability, where the attacker can access arbitrary files stored in the file system. Instead, be sure to sanitize or validate user input first. Details: 34┆ return require(name.charAt(0) === '.' ? path.resolve(root, name) : name);