with apr_active_eds as ( select event_user_text, count(*) as content_edits from wmf.mediawiki_history mwh inner join wmf_raw.mediawiki_project_namespace_map ns_map on mwh.wiki_db = ns_map.dbname and mwh.page_namespace = ns_map.namespace where ns_map.snapshot = "2019-04" and mwh.snapshot = "2019-04" and mwh.event_entity = "revision" and mwh.event_type = "create" and mwh.event_timestamp between "2019-04" and "2019-05" and mwh.event_user_id != 0 and ns_map.namespace_is_content = 1 group by event_user_text having content_edits >= 5 ) select event_user_text, count(*) as edit_count from apr_active_eds aae inner join wmf.mediawiki_history mwh on aae.event_user_text = mwh.event_user_text where mwh.snapshot = "2019-04" and mwh.event_entity = "revision" and mwh.event_type = "create" and not mwh.revision_is_deleted_by_page_deletion group by mwh.event_user_text