Feature: action API In order to confidently refactor code as a developer I want to see if the action API works as expected Scenario: CRUD When I send a POST request to "/api.php?action=edit&format=json" with form data: """ title=BehatTest createonly=1 summary=testing text=some+text token=%2B%5C """ Then response code should be 200 And field "edit/result" in the response should be "Success" When I send a GET request to "/api.php?action=parse&page=BehatTest&format=json" Then response code should be 200 And the response should contain "some text" When I send a POST request to "/api.php?action=edit&format=json" with form data: """ title=BehatTest summary=testing text=different+text token=%2B%5C """ Then response code should be 200 And field "edit/result" in the response should be "Success" When I send a GET request to "/api.php?action=parse&page=BehatTest&format=json" Then response code should be 200 And the response should contain "different text" When I send a POST request to "/api.php?action=delete&format=json" with form data: """ title=BehatTest token=%2B%5C """ Then response code should be 200 And field "edit/result" in the response should be "Success"