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Use the application-specific Advanced Search to set additional search criteria: Tasks, Commits. (More information)
    • Task
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    In Phab, easy features are needed to: 1. Get my created tasks. 2. Get my created tasks or commented by me. 3. Get the tasks of a project. These features would be very nice. They are missing. Can you add them? Thank you. The only way to try to circumvent that lack of features, as far I know, is using search, **but**: a. This is too complicated. We should not have to do such a complicated thing for such a simple goal. b. Search is very buggy. It misses some tasks (!). So sometimes this workaround fails.
    • Task
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    There is a bug in Phab. Firefox Mac. In Phab, I am creating a new task. I the field //Tags//, I enter some text. For example, "regression". I click the loupe. The search panel comes. **Expected result:** The search panel has, in its search field, the text that I have entered. The search panel proposes some tag(s) for the text that I have entered. **Observed result:** The search panel shows me a search field but without the text that I have entered. The search panel does not propose the tag(s) for the text that I have entered. Moreover, the page erases my text in the field //Tags// of the main form! My text has been completely lost! If I close the search panel, then I find the field //Tags// without my text. It would be nice to correct this bug. Thank you.
    • Task
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    There is an annoying bug in Wikipedia. Navigator: like Safari. The bug probably occurs with Safari 7.0.6 Mac too. I go to the article of Wikipedia: //<'expulsion_en_droit_civil_français>// For the section “Les conditions communes aux opérations d'exécution”, I click //modifier// This loads the visual editor of Wikipedia. I click some text in the page — in the same section or in another section. **Expected result:** No scrolling occurs. The place where I clicked is still visible. The cursor blinks where I clicked. **Observed result:** Some intempestive scrolling occurs. Now, the place where I clicked is not visible anymore. The cursor blinks, but not at the place where I did click. It would be nice to correct this bug. Thank you.
    • Task
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    There is an annoying bug in Wikipedia. At editing, some intempestive scrolling occurs, so the aimed section is not visible anymore. Navigator: like Safari. The bug probably occurs with Safari 7.0.6 Mac too. I go to the article of Wikipedia: //<'expulsion_en_droit_civil_français>// The section “Les conditions communes aux opérations d'exécution” is entirely visible, from its title to its final “.” For this section, I click //modifier// I land in the visual editor of Wikipedia. **Expected result:** No intempestive scrolling occurs. The section is still entirely visible, from its title to its final “.” **Observed result:** Some intempestive scrolling occurs. Now, the section is too much up, so //it is not visible at all//. It would be nice to correct this bug. Thank you.
    • Task
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    I request an improvement of the engine of Wikipedia. I go to the article of Wikipedia: //<'expulsion_en_droit_civil_français>// For the whole article, or for a section, I click //modifier le code// or //modifier//. I land in the wikicode editor of Wikipedia or in the visual editor of Wikipedia. **Expected result:** The focus is on the editable content. For wikicode editor: The cursor blinks at the beginning of the text area of the content. For visual editor: If I clicked //modifier// for the whole article, then the cursor blinks at the beginning of the article; if I clicked //modifier// for a section, then the cursor blinks at the beginning of its title. **Observed result:** No focus is on editable content. No cursor blinks. Some advantages of this improvement are: # The person would be already in the editable content, without having to click in it. So editing would be faster, handier and more accessible — keyboard is much more accessible than mouse. # Helping the person to understand what to do. Wikipedia is //complicated//, and some people don't know how to edit it, //even when they are on the wikicode editing page//. # Better consistency, so better predictability, so better usability. Usually, when a person opens a document for editing in an application, s/he gets the focus in it and the cursor blinking in it, so s/he is ready to edit it. For example, Microsoft Word, TextEdit, TextWrangler, Notepad… # Some, or all, occurrences of some annoying bugs in the visual editor — intempestive scrolling, incorrect placement of the cursor… — would be avoided. It would be nice to do this improvement. Thank you.
    • Task
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    There is a bug in the search engine of Phab. In Phab, I launch a search: * Document type: //Task// * Author: //Nnemo// The search gives me a first page of results. At the end, I see a link to the page 2 of results. I click on "2". I get the second page, but with no result! This is inconsistent. It would be nice to correct that. Thank you.
    • Task
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    In Phab, I launch a search (for the tasks of the project Phabricator). I navigate in the next page(s) of results… I am at a page of results, but I do not know which one. At the end, there are the links: //Prev//, //1//, //2//, //3//, //4//, //Next// But the indication of the current page is missing. It would be nice and useful to indicate which page is the current page, and to indicate also the number of pages. Please write a phrase like this: //Page 3 of 12//. Thank you.
    • Task
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    The first film was: T132281. Now, the return of the incorrect screen of differences! This bug is slightly different — and worse. In Phab, I go to the task: T147133. I click the first link "Change details". The screen of differences appears. But it is incorrect. It shows two "." at the end. But the new description does not have two "." at the end. It would be nice to correct this bug. Thank you.
    • Task
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    In Phab, for writing, we have a button Help. This button brings the help "Remarkup reference": This help has many problems. In this help, some things are very unclear and confusing. There are some examples with codes and results. But then, from "Make code blocks by indenting two spaces", things get confused. Where are the codes? Where are the results? The codes and results are often missing, misleading, incorrect. In the example for "two spaces", there are no "two spaces". This example probably does not work. In the following example, where are the backticks? I cannot guess how I am supposed to "enclose" the code block in "three backticks". This example probably does not work. The following example seems incorrect. There is the "lang", so it seems to be code and not result, but there are no "two spaces", no "three backticks". ??? Then, the "COUNTEREXAMPLE" thing is weird. First, the code has no "two spaces", no "three backticks". This example probably does not work. Then, in the result, I just see a code block, I do not see anything "to show that a block of code is bad and shouldn't be copied". ? Then, an example says: "this: […] produces this […]" This is probably false. In the code, there are no "two spaces", no "three backticks". And not any fruit. In the part Keystrokes, the "+" between the keys are misleading. This problem may be deeper than in the help. There are Absurd Capital Letters. Observed "Basic Styling", expected "Basic styling", observed "Quoting Text", expected "Quoting text", and so on. In the grey code examples, the presentation is very much misleading. For example, I see the code " > This is quoted text." with a space in the code before the ">". In fact, there is no such space, but the grey presentation, with the big grey margin, makes us see such space in the code. It would be nice to improve and to correct all of that, and to give **clear** **examples** with **codes** **AND** **results**. Thank you.
    • Task
    There is a bug in Phabricator. In the description of a task, a task is mentioned. For example: Bla bla bla bla bli bluuuuuuu {T98582} Expected result: The name of the task can be read fully. It is not eaten. If necessary, it is cut on several lines. If really necessary, it is scrollable. Observed result: The name of the task cannot be read fully. It is eaten. It is not scrollable. It would be nice to correct this bug. Thank you.
    • Task
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    • Task
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    There is a serious accessibility problem in Phabricator. Safari Mac, with JavaScript off. I go to Phabricator. I try to use Phabricator... **Expected result:** //Phabricator works. I can do the things in Phabricator.// **Observed result:** //Phabricator is crippled. Many things are impossible to do in Phabricator.// Here are some examples of broken things: 1) When creating a task, putting a tag is impossible. 2) On the home page of Phabricator, many panels show "Loading..." without end instead of the expected content. This is misleading; this entices the person to wait during eternity [and "eternity is long, especially near the end"]; in fact, the panels are not loading anything. 3) [On a task, the "older changes" are inaccessible]( It would be very nice to correct that. Thank you.
    • Task
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    There is a bug in Phabricator. Safari Mac. In Phabricator, I am creating a new task... In the field //Tags//, I write //phabricator// I send the new task. **Expected result:** The new task has the tag Phabricator. **Observed result:** The new task has no tag. The entered tag has been lost.
    • Task
    • ·Closed
    There is a serious accessibility problem in Phabricator. Safari, with JavaScript off, on Mac. In Phab, I go on a task. **Expected result:** //The changes of the task are given in the page. If ever they are not all given, then there is an accessible way to get them all.// **Observed result:** //The page says: "Changes from before your most recent comment are hidden". Some changes are not given in the page, and there is no way to see them. The page gives a link "Show older changes". I click this link. I get a cryptic document, not readable. [It looks to me like source code. Normal humans are not supposed to even know the concept of source code.]// It would be very nice to correct this bug. Thank you.
    • Task
    • ·Closed
    In Phabricator, some texts have Absurd Capital Letters Everywhere. This is incorrect. The correct writing is to write normally, like this. Furthermore, on Wikipedia, Absurd Capital Letters are a problem, and the Manual of Style advises against them. Writing the texts correctly in Phabricator would show the good example. It would be nice to correct that. Thank you. Here are a few examples: 1) Observed "Assigned To", expected "Assigned to" 2) Observed "Show Older Changes", expected "Show older changes"
    • Task
    There is a bug in Wikipedia. In Wikipedia, I go to the template: //èle:à_internationaliser// I edit the doc. I go to the template. **Expected result:** //The page shows the template with the updated doc.// **Observed result:** //The pages shows the template with the old doc.// This bug occurs on many pages, including on pages which do not have a link //purger// (//purge//). It would be very nice to correct this bug. Thank you.
    • Task
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    Now, on some mobile navigators (Safari iPhone, Safari iPad…), when the person goes to the //normal// site //<>//, the //normal// site automagically and silently gives a change of site, the navigator automagically and silently obeys this change of site, and the person lands on the //mobile// site //<>//. This gives some regressions. Here is one of these regressions. There is a bug. Safari Mac. 1) I go to //<église_de_Saint-Étienne-du-Rouvray>// **Expected result:** In the page, there are ways to edit the page and to edit each section. **Observed result:** In the page, there is no way to edit the page, there is no way to edit a section. It would be nice to correct this bug. Thank you.
    • Task
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    Safari 7 Mac. I go to //<éro_vert>// I click //modifier//, to edit the article. I get the Web visual editor of Wikipedia. I click at the top, in "Insert a paragraph". I type //{{// **Expected result:** The dialog for calling a template comes, or at least I can continue writing. **Observed result:** No dialog comes. There is //{{// in the text. When I type a character, it does not appear in the text, so writing does not work anymore. This bug seems to be linked to the image on the right. Strangely, when I try to repro the bug, I repro it about 1 time / 2. It would be nice to correct this bug. Thank you.
    • Task
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    In Phab, I do a search. I am in the search screen. The field Query has the text : //edit conflict// In the field Authors, I write : //Nnemo// I click Search, to launch to search. **Expected result :** Phab gives me the criteria and the results of the search, with author //Nnemo//. **Observed result :** Phab gives me the criteria and the results of the search, but without author. It would be nice to correct this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
    I am in Phab, on the task T117662. At the top, the page says: “1 Story Points” This is incorrect. This has to be corrected into: “1 Story Point”, in singular. Thank you.
    • Task
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    Place your cursor outside and after a link: <a>foo</a>|bar</a> and type the same character as is to the right of the cursor ('b'). The model should be: <a>foo</a>bbar, but is actually <a>foo</a>ar. Bisect blames our rewrite of DOM diffing, which makes sense: Original report below: ---- There is a serious bug in the Web visual editor of Wikipedia. I am editing Wikipedia, at //<>// I click just after //nécrose tissulaire// I press Option Space. I press Option ( to insert a { I press Option ( to write a second { In the dialog for the template call, I call the template //pourquoi//. After the dialog: **Expected result:** nécrose tissulaire [pourquoi ?] riche **Observed result:** nécrose tissulairer[pourquoi ?]iche It would be nice to correct this dirty bug. I have Safari on Mac. Thank you.
    • Task
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    I go to Wikipedia. At the top of the page, there is a bell, in red, saying "4". I click this. The red becomes lighter. And that's it. Wikipedia does not show me my notifs. It would be nice to correct that. Thank you. I have Firefox Mac.
    • Task
    I am editing Wikipedia, with the Web mobile wikicode editor. I try to save the edit. **Expected result:** I get the preview; I can save my edit. **Observed result:** I get an error saying that the preview failed; I can save my edit. Usually, I get the expected result. Sometimes, the observed result occurs. It would be nice to correct this bug. Thank you.
    • Task
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    Safari on iPhone 6S in portrait on iOS 9. In Phab, I have just uploaded an image, or I am on an image. For example, I am at //<>// I click //File info// or //Storage//. The button with three lines for the image is expected to work. But the button with three lines for the image is now broken. It would be nice to correct that bug. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
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    Safari on iOS 9 on iPhone 6S in portrait. In Phab, I am creating a new task. I write everything in the form. I click the button //Create new task//. Expected result: Phab saves the new task and shows it to me. Observed result: Phab gives me a cryptic affront. See the screen photo to come. Among the meaningless signs, I discover some words that appear to be destined to a human: //Reload the page and try again.// But this is not clear. Reload which page? The previous page? The current page? If the previous page, then an action is missing before reloading it: going back to the previous page. If the current page, then what does "and try again" mean? I go back to the previous page. I find back my form, with all my writing, except the projects because of a bug. I add some projects again, and I send the form again. This gives me the same error. I go back again, and I click the button //Reload// in Safari. Phab asked me to reload, didn't he? The page gets reloaded, and the form is now empty! All my writing for the new task has been lost! Thank you Phabricator! [In reality, I had copied the description for the new task, but I was not supposed to.] This is data loss, and Phabricator tricks the user into it! It would be very nice to correct that horrible bug. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
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    There is a very annoying bug in the mobile Web editor of Wikipedia. Safari on iOS 9 on iPhone 6S in portrait. I go to //<>// I click the button Pencil, to edit. I get the mobile Web wikicode editor. I scroll down until the end of the wikicode. I click just after "occupée." I press Space The wikicode editor jumps all the way to the beginning of the wikicode! This bug happens very often when one is editing. This is very annoying. It would be very nice to correct that bug and to make the editor usable. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
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    There is an annoying bug in the mobile Web wikicode editor of Wikipedia. I repro the bug systematically. I have Safari on iOS 9 on an iPhone 6S in portrait. I go to //<échecs)>// I click the button Pencil, to edit. I get the mobile Web wikicode editor. I scroll to the end of the wikicode. I click at the end of the wikicode. The part clicked disappears. This is another annoying bug. I press Return. All the wikicode gets washed whiter than white! It would be nice to correct this bug, and to make the editor usable. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
    I am in Phabricator, on an issue. I want to write a comment on the issue. At the end of the issue, there is a button "Login to comment". I click the button "Login to comment". I log in... **Expected result:** I land back where I was, but now I am logged in, and I can comment on the issue. **Observed result:** I land at the home page of Phabricator. It would be nice to correct and to improve that. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
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    I go to //<>// For an edit, I click //Show Details//. I get the screen //Change Details//. It shows many differences. Only the first difference shown is correct. The screen is expected to show only the first difference. See screen photo: {F3856369, alt="Screen photo. Bug. The first difference shown is correct. The screen shows way too many differences."} It would be nice to correct this bug. Thank you. I have Safari on iOS 9.0.2 on iPhone. Nnemo
    • Task
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    In Phab, I try to log in. I encounter this mess: {T131697} After a login try on the MediaWiki site, the MediaWiki site gives me a login error in red, and tells me that I have disabled cookies. This is false. First, the site is expected to work, not to give me an error, let alone a mess of errors. Secondly, the site has to be more humble instead of telling me what I "have done" when I have not done it. It would be nice to correct that. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
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    I am on // I go to the Prefs. For the time zone, I choose "Fill in from browser". See this screen photo: {F3854987, alt="Screen photo. Prefs. There are a contradiction and an error."} The screen says: "Time zone:" "Other (specify offset)" "02:00" There is a contradiction. The time zone or the offset? You have to decide. These are different. Here in France, the time zone is GMT+1 whereas the offset is +2. There is an error. Here in France, the time zone is GMT+1, not GMT+2. It would be nice to clarify and to correct that. Usually, computer systems are good at knowing the time, they know the time zone, they know about the summer time..., better than me. It may be a good idea to let the site handle that and to free the user from dealing with that. The Prefs are already too heavy. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
    I go to a page in Phabricator. **Expected result:** The site is USER-FRIENDLY. I am logged in, thanks to cookies — I edited Wikipedia yesterday. Phabricator does not ask me to log in. If Phab does ask me to log in, then logging in is simple, it can be done on this asking page, without trap, and it works. **Observed result:** Phabricator asks me to log in. I follow this. I get the page for Log in. First, there is a big Login form. But this is a trap. If I try this one, this will not work. Secondly, there is a small image "Login or Register" "MediaWiki". I have to choose this last one — I am supposed to guess this. I click this image. I land on a page that asks for my nickname and my password. I start entering them. But suddenly I am interrupted and the keyboard goes away, the page gets reloaded! I try again... But this is impossible, the page gets reloaded again and again and again... The site is mad! I am trapped in an infinite loop. I try to stop the reloadings, but this is difficult. After some fight, I succeed to stop the reloadings, I don't know exactly how. Now, I enter my nickname and my password and I try to log in. I get a result page that gives me an error in red: some error about security that says that if I am sure then I have to go back and to reload the page and to log in again... I AM SURE THAT I WANT TO LOG IN. So I try that. But it fails. Beware of the reloadings... After some fight, I succeed over this log in barrrier, I don't know exactly how. But the story is not finished. I land on a page that asks me to authorize something or not. I click Authorize. Then I get an error page saying that "no current session..." or whatever. This page is a dead end. Then I think that I go back a few times... Maybe I reload the Phab page. And I am logged in Phabricator! Victory! It would be very nice to improve and to correct that. I suggest these to Wikimedia: 1. Design and develop USER-FRIENDLY and [SIMPLE]( processes and software. 2. TEST your processes and software. 3. Ask people in the street to do things with your processes and software and OBSERVE them. Thank you. I have Safari on an iPhone on iOS 9.0.2. Nnemo
    • Task
    • ·Closed
    There is an annoying bug that blocks editing in MediaWiki. I have Safari on iPad, in landscape, with the history open on the left, on iOS 9.2.1. I am editing in MediaWiki. I am at: I see the wikicode. I click in the wikicode. If here I click in the down part of the wikicode, then the bug also occurs. I expect to see the blue cursor in the part clicked and to be able to scroll in all the wikicode. But instead: I can see only the beginning of the wikicode. Scrolling downwards to see the rest of the wikicode does not work. If I have clicked in the down part of the wikicode, then I cannot see the blue cursor, even if I type some letters! It would be very nice to correct this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
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    I am on // Recently (maybe one month ago), the form for creating a task has changed. Its address has changed. The old address had "create". The new address has "edit/form/1". There is a dirty bug. It seems to be a regression since the change. In this form, I write a title, I write a description and I add some projects. I go to another page: // I click the button //Back// in my navigator. **Expected result:** I find my form with all the data I have entered. **Observed result:** I find the form, but the title, the description and the projects I have entered are all lost! It would be very nice to correct this bug. Can you put back the old form, please? Thank you. I have Safari on iOS 9.2.1 on iPad. Nnemo
    • Task
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    In Phabricator, I am editing a task. I am in the field Title. I change the title... While I am typing, I touch the key Return accidentally. The page starts sending the form. I quickly click Stop in Safari. The sending or the loading stops. I still have my form. Fine. I continue changing the title of the task... I want to save the change, so I click the button "Save changes". **Expected result:** //The change of title gets saved.// **Observed result:** //The button "Save changes" is disabled. So the change of the title does not get saved. I try again, to no avail. Apparently, there is no way to save the change and I will have to lose my change.// It would be nice to correct that. Thank you. I have Safari on iOS 9.2.1 on iPad in landscape. Nnemo ----- **See Also:** {T109955}
    • Task
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    I request a feature in Phabricator: "Related task". In a task A, the user would be able to add a "related task" B. If the user does so, then the task B would automagically have the "related task" A. This would be handy. On a task, the user would be able to see its related tasks, to add a related task, and to remove a related task. Like adding, removing a related task would remove it in both ways. This feature would be useful. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
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    I go to // Now, on the home page, there is a link //Log into Phabricator// I want to be logged in. So I click this link. This link is a nest of problems. 1) I get the same page. With the same link. I want to be logged in. So I click this link again? This link wants to trap me in an infinite loop. [And to make Safari steal all my tabs!] Please make "logging in" work. Please give feedback saying whether I am logged in or not. 2) This link makes me obviously think that I am not logged in. In fact, I am logged in. But I do not know that. I see a link //Log into Phabricator//. And, even after I click it, I see nothing telling me "You are logged in". And I see again the link //Log into Phabricator//. So I think that I am not logged in. What a trap! This is even a security issue. The page does not tell me that I am logged in, and asks me to log in. So I think that I am not logged in. So I may leave the device and someone else may use it, I will not worry about someone else using my account. Whereas in fact I am logged in! Please say clearly that I am logged in, before, or instead of, proposing me to log in. 3) This link is an evil "opening link". A new tab jumps at me. [Furthermore, I have Safari on iPad, so I risk having one of my tabs stolen.] Why would someone ever **want to open a new tab** for logging in and landing onto the same home page? If you keep this link, then please at least make it a normal link. Thank you. Maybe this link on the home page is one of the "recent improvements". I think it is rather a recent regression. I have Safari, with the History open on the left, on iOS 9.2.1, on iPad, in landscape. Nnemo
    • Task
    In Phabricator, I am writing a new task. I want to put a word **in bold**. So I look for the button "B" in the bar of buttons. The button "B" is missing. Only very few buttons are present in the bar of buttons. It would be nice to correct that. I think "Maybe the button is missing because of the width of the bar of buttons." Although there is much empty space in the bar of buttons, enough space for several more buttons. So I click the button with 4 arrows, to write in full page. I am now in full page. Now, the bar of buttons is very wide, and has empty space for many buttons. But there are still very few buttons, and the button "B" is still missing. It would be nice to correct that. Thank you. I have Safari, with the History open on the left, on iOS 9.2.1, on iPad, in landscape. Nnemo
    • Task
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    Safari on iPad on iOS 9.2.1. I go to In the table of contents, I click the link: Search terms I expect to be brought to the section in the page. Instead, I remain where I am. I try again... This does not work. I have encountered this bug before, including on Firefox Mac when I requested the mobile address, with "m.". I guess that the bug occurs because the sections are folded. Maybe the (technical) way that a section is folded is too violent and makes it too much hidden. Maybe there is another way to do that, nicer, softer, more accessible. Maybe in CSS... It would be nice to correct and to improve that. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
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    I go to // In the search field at the top right, I type some phrase. I press Access. I get a page. I click Back in my navigator. **Expected result:** I get the previous page, with my text in the search field. I can see what my search phrase was. I can change it and launch a new search. **Observed result:** I get the previous page, but the search field is now empty. I cannot see what my search phrase was. I cannot change my search phrase for launching a new search. Normally, with a text field, I find my text when going back. Here, I do not find my text, because //the page aks the Web browser to do something, probably in JavaScript//. It would be nice to correct that. Thank you. I have Firefox 2 iPad. Nnemo
    • Task
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    I go to // I search for: //kilobyte(s)// Expected result: The task T125316 is found. Observed result: No task is found. It would be nice to correct this bug. Thank you. Nnemo ---- **See also**: (the section had been incorrectly removed from the help page)
    • Task
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    I go to the page:ôtel_de_Soubise I click "carte" at the top right. A map comes. I click the button Options. The Options come above the map. I want to dismiss the Options. I try everything. There is no way to dismiss the Options. It would be nice to be able to dismiss the Options by clicking Options again. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
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    I go to // I click //Autres langues// I get the page //<>// This page has several problems. 1. The presentation and the content are inconsistent. Première liste, deuxième liste... The description and the content do not match. 2. See the screen photo to come. I click the first section: //Wikipédias classées par nombre d’articles//. Nothing happens. This is puzzling. In fact this section is empty, but this is even difficult to understand because of 3. 3. The symbols are rather confusing. The symbol of a **condensed** section is a down arrow. A down arrow makes me think that the section is **developed**. So I am puzzled. See 2. See the list presentation on Mac, in a left-to-right language: a condensed item has a triangle oriented rightwards, and a developed item has a triangle oriented downwards. This is clearer. 4. In the table of contents, I click //Grand Total//. Nothing happens. 5. On several sections, I click the pencil, to edit the section. This does nothing. It is impossible to edit. It would be nice to repair and to improve that. Thank you. I have Saf on iOS 9.2.1 on an iPad in landscape, with the History panel open on the left. Nnemo
    • Task
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    In // I search for: //KB// Expected result: The search finds the task T125316. Observed result: "No results found for this query." It would be nice to fix that bug. Thank you. Nnemo ----- This happens because we cutoff words shorter than 3 characters (or 4? I can't remember offhand. It's 3 or 4. Anyway...). Ideally, Phab could let you know that you've searched something we couldn't even index to begin with, and provide a more informative error message.
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    I go to the page <> I see many files, with their size, in "KB". There is no such thing as a "KB". This has to corrected into one of these: 1) kB: kilobyte(s): 1 kilobyte = 1000 bytes 2) KiB: kibibyte(s): 1 kibibyte = 1024 bytes Thank you. Nnemo [Edit:] I choose a file. I click File Info. The issue also occurs here. Nnemo
    • Task
    On Wikipedia, I am invited by a banner. I click the banner. See the screen photo to come. Observed result: I am "not logged in" but I am "logged in". I don't understand. This is puzzling. Expected result: I am logged in, or I am not logged in, but not both. This is yet another Wikipedia technical "huh?" puzzling users. "Logged in" is already something technical, and we expect the user to understand this. This is already a big expectation. It will be better if we can avoid this but for now let's admit that. But we must not expect the user to understand being "not logged in" and "logged in" at the same time, this is a contradiction. It would be nice to improve that. Thank you. Nnemo
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    I encountered a bad bug in Wikipedia. I am on the article // I click //modifier//, to edit the article. I get the Web visual editor of Wikipedia. I edit the article... I try to save my edit. I get the dialog for the edit summary. I write an edit summary. I click the button //Enregistrer//, to save my edit. **Expected result:** My edit gets saved. If ever there is a network cut or a server problem, then I have a way to retry. **Observed result:** The oblique stripes advance with no end. I wait for several minutes. The saving does not succeed. I want to retry. I click the button //Enregistrer// on the right. This seems to do nothing. I click the button //Continuer// on the left. This seems to do nothing. Apparently, I have no way to retry. I go to another page, then I go back. To no avail. I load the editing page again. My edit has been lost. It would be very nice to fix this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
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    I have the app Wikipedia on an iPad on iOS 8.2. The app has a bad bug. --> Data loss. In the app, I view several articles… I have an article. I do other things, in other apps… I do not quit the app Wikipedia. After a few days, I go back to the app Wikipedia. The article is still there. --> Fine. I long-click the button //Back//. I get the screen //Récent//. I click the cross. **Expected result:** I still have my article. The button //Back// is still black and still gives the screen //Récent// with the previous articles. I can view my article, and the previous ones. **Observed result:** My article is gone. Instead, I have the home. The button //Back// is now greyed, or it gives the screen //Récent// empty (I don't remember exactly). I cannot anymore view my article, neither the previous ones. This is data loss. The app Wikipedia is expected to keep and restore its state when the user puts it in background and then brings it back. This is what the app usually does. This is what the Apple guidelines for app developers demand. It would be very nice to fix this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
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    There is a bug in the Web visual editor of Wikipedia. What you see is not what you get. I go to //<étro_de_Paris&oldid=120863537>// I click //modifier//, to edit the article. I get the Web visual editor of Wikipedia. I click the references. I click //Modifier//, to edit the template call. In the param //colonnes//, there is //2//. I delete the value. I click //Appliquer les modifications//. Expected result: The refs are now displayed on one column. Observed result: The refs have disappeared! It would be nice to fix this bug. Thank you. I have Safari, with the reading list open, on an iPad, in landscape, on iOS 8.2. Nnemo
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    I am at the page //<>// At the end, the page says “Templates used on this page:” Then comes a list of a few templates and many modules. This is incorrect. Modules are not templates. Can you please correct this bug? I suggest 2 solutions, solution 1 is preferred. Solution 1: Split the list in two lists, one list for templates then one list for modules. Each list appears only if not empty. Solution 2: Keep the common list but call it “Templates and modules used on this page:” Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
    I go to the article //état_d'urgence_en_France// I click //modifier le code// I get the Web wikicode editor. I edit the article... In the wikicode there is //1// I do not change this part. On another device, in another part of the world, someone else changes //1// into //{{1er}}// but I don't know that. I save my edit. Expected result: The site tells me that someone else has made a change. The site allows me to view the change and to choose between keeping it and squashing it with my wikicode. I choose to keep the change. My edit gets saved. The edit by the other person is kept. Observed result: My edit gets saved. The site does not show me any edit conflict. The edit by the other person is silently squashed. Here you can see my edit with the collateral damage: //<État_d'urgence_en_France&diff=120488535&oldid=120488504>// It would be nice to fix this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
    In the Web visual editor of Wikipedia, scrolling is often erratic. This is annoying. Here is an example. Safari on iPad on iOS 8.2, in landscape, with the reading list open. I go to //<ème_République_française>// I click //modifier//. I get the Web visual editor. I scroll downwards, at the right. I manage to avoid the big dangers (template calls...), until the palette at the end of the article. When I reach the palette, scrolling downwards jumps waaaaaay upwards. I expect scrolling to just work normally. It would be very nice to fix this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
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    I go to // I do a search. I enter: //erratic// I precise: author Nnemo I launch the search. Expected results: The task T88983 is found. Observed result: No task is found. It would be nice to fix / improve the search engine. Thank you. Nnemo
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    I am on an article on // I go to the history of the article. I click on the link, with the date and time, for the current version. I get the current version of the article. I click //modifier// I get the Web visual editor of Wikipedia. I do a change. I save my edit. Or, variant: I switch to the wikicode editor with keeping my changes, I do a change and I save my edit. My edit gets saved. I get the brief message: "La page a été restaurée" ("The page has been restored"). This is incorrect and disturbing. I did not restore anything. I edited the last version of the page. It would be better to show the usual message instead: "Votre modification a été enregistrée" ("Your edit has been saved"). This message would be correct. Thank you for correcting this bug. Nnemo
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    I have the app Wikipedia on my iPad on iOS 8.2. I click the loupe (magnifying glass). In the search box, I type quickly “Pénates”, and I quickly press Accéder (Access). I expect the app to show me me the article “Pénates”, and/or a list of search results with “Pénates” in it. Instead, I get the article... “P”. I click the loupe. I have the search box again. The word “Pénates” is there. There is a list of search results. I expect the list of search results to contain “Pénates”. Instead, the list of search results is about “P”, “Paris”... See the screen photo: {F2887734, alt="Screen photo of the app Wikipedia on iPad. The search box contains the word “Pénates”. The list of search results contains “P”, “Paris”…"} I am too fast for the app Wikipedia, so now I wait several seconds. And I press Accéder. I expect the app to show me the article “Pénates”, or to give me the list of results with “Pénates” in it. Instead, I get the article “P”. There seems to be no solution. It would be nice to fix this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
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    I encounter a bug in the Web visual editor: what you see is not what you get. I go to the page: // I click //modifier//, to edit the article. I get the Web visual editor. I edit the article... I click on a ref call. I change the ref. Expected result: In the part //Références// at the end of the article, the ref has changed. Observed result: In the part //Références// at the end of the article, the ref has not changed. It would be nice to resolve this bug. Thank you. I have Saf on iOS 8.2 on an iPad. Nnemo
    • Task
    There is a bug in the Web visual editor of Wikipedia. What you see is not what you get. I go to // I click //modifier// I get the Web visual editor. I edit the article... An opening "(" appears at the end of the line, and the word is on the next line. This is incorrect. ... I save my edit... In the saved article, the opening "(" and the word correctly remain together. It would be nice to fix this bug. Thank you. I have Safari on iOS 8 on an iPad in landscape with the reading list open on the left. Nnemo
    • Task
    Safari on iOS 8.2 on an iPad, in landscape, with the reading list open on the left. I go to //ôle_boursier// I click //modifier// I get the Web visual editor. There is a link "société" and then a comma "," I click just after the comma "," I press Backspace. The comma gets erased. Fine. I press Backspace. Expected result: The character "é" gets erased. Observed result: No character gets erased. I reproduce this bug easily, this one! It would be nice to fix this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
    There is a bug in the Web visual editor of Wikipedia. What you see is not what you get. I go to //ôle_boursier// I click //modifier// I get the Web visual editor. I edit the article... I change the link "Bourse" into "bourse", with a small "b". The link appears correctly: "bourse" with a small "b". I save my edit... My edit is saved. **Expected result:** In the saved article, the link is now "bourse" with a small "b". **Actual result:** In the saved article, the link is still "Bourse" with a big "B". The visual editor has forgotten my case change. I do not know exactly what happened. I cannot reproduce the bug now. But I have a screen photo of the visual editor, before saving, correctly showing the changed case. You can see my edit in the history of the article. It is the first edit by me on this article. I have Safari on iOS 8.2 on an iPad in landscape with the reading list open on the left. It would be nice to isolate and fix this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
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    On //, I start creating a new task. ... After my iPad has restarted, and after the night, I come back to the page. The title of my task has been remembered and is restored. Nice. But the description is now empty. Too bad. It would be nice to remember and restore the description too. I seem to remember that Phabricator did that before. Phabricator does, or did, that for comments. Thank you. Nnemo
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    There is an annoying bug in Wikipedia. This seems to be a recent regression. I am on some page on http(s):// I click the Message button at the top. Over the page, comes the messages panel. Then, I click again the Message button at the top. Usually, that closes the messages panel. Now, that does nothing. Clicking on the page outside of the messages panel does nothing either. So I cannot anymore close the messages panel. I expect to have a way to close the messages panel. It would be nice to repair that. Thank you. Nnemo
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    Safari on iOS 8 on iPad. I go on the site // I get a notice in broken french: "NicoV vous ont mentionné dans leur message […]" ("NicoV have mentioned you in their message […]"). The plural is incorrect, and inconsistent. See the screen photo to come. The singular is expected here. It would be consistent with the other notice, which correctly uses the singular. Can you please correct "ont" into "a" and "leur" into "son"? Merci. Bisous. :-) Nnemo
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    Safari on iOS 8.2 on iPad, in landscape, with the reading list open at the left. I have the page //<>// I have the Web visual editor. In the section //L'abjuration//, I click at the end of the first paragraph. I type a //space// I type //{{// A dialog comes for calling a template. I call the template: //cit// I click the button with three lines (does he have a name?) in the toolbar. The menu is expected to come. The menu comes, but is cut. The right part is missing. Some menu items are cut. So I cannot distinguish the two menu items "Paramètres". See the screen photo to come. There is space at the right. It would be nice to fix this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
    Safari on iOS 8.2 on iPad, in landscape, with the reading list open at the left. I have the page //<>// For the section //L'abjuration//, I click //modifier// I get the Web visual editor. I click at the end of the second paragraph of the section. I type a //space// I type //{{// A dialog comes for calling a template. I call the template: //refsou// I click the button with three lines (does he have a name?) in the toolbar. The menu is expected to come. The menu does not come. The button is broken. The button //Enregistrer la page// (//Save the page//) is broken too. When I click him, nothing happens. So I cannot save the edit. See the screen photo to come. It would be nice to fix this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
    Safari on iOS 8.2, with the History open on the left, on iPad in landscape. I go to // For the section //Naissance d'une confédération//, I click //modifier//. I get the Web visual editor. I click after the last sentence of this section. I scroll to the top. I click the menu //Insérer//. **Expected result:** The menu //Insérer// gets unrolled. The toolbar remains visible. The menu //Insérer// is visible. So I can tell the site what I want to insert. **Observed result:** A scroll down occurs. The toolbar and the menu //Insérer// disappear. So I cannot tell the site what I want to insert. It would be nice to correct this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
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    I have the page // I click the pencil, to edit the page. I get the Web mobile wikicode editor. I edit the wikicode… I try to save my edit. **Expected result:** My edit gets saved. If someone else has edited the page, then my edit is saved if we have been editing different parts. If an edit conflict needs to be resolved by me, then the site tells me about it and asks me to resolve it. **Actual result:** The site gives me an //error//: //the edit has not been saved//. And that's it. No explanation. But the site allows me to try again. So I try again... I write the edit summary... I always get the same error. It is impossible to save my edit. I don't know why. So I abandon my edit. This is not very user-friendly. This bug may be caused by someone else having edited the page. It would be nice to fix this bug. :-) Thank you. Nnemo
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    [[ | example ]]
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    Safari on iOS 8.2, with the History open on the left, on iPad in landscape. I go to // For the section //Naissance d'une confédération//, I click //modifier//. I get the Web visual editor. I click after the last sentence of this section. I type //{{// The visual editor tries to do something, but fails. The UI is broken, puzzling. Can I continue editing? How? I know that the visual editor has tried to show me a dialog — but I know this, this is not apparent. But the dialog is not visible. See the screen photo to come. It would be nice to correct this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
    On //, I edit a category (//Anatomie des cétacés//), with the Web visual editor. I remove a cat. I add a cat: //Anatomie des mammifères//. And I write a sort key for the added cat: //Cetaces//. I click the button //Appliquer mes modifications//. **Expected result:** The dialog gets closed. The sort key //Cetaces// has been kept. **Actual result:** The dialog gets closed. The sort key //Cetaces// has been silently lost. It would be nice to fix this bug. Thank you. I have Safari on an iPad in landscape, with the reading list open, on iOS 8. Nnemo
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    I am on Wikipedia, on the page // I click the pencil, to edit the page. I get the mobile Web wikicode editor (full of bugs). I click just before the word //scream//. The point clicked hides to the left, so I don't see the blinking cursor. //This may be a bug in itself, by the way.// I try to scroll left. With one finger. With two fingers. This is expected to scroll left. This does not scroll. **It is impossible to scroll horizontally.** … After my edit, I want to save my edit. **There is no button for saving my edit. //See T98505.//** I try to scroll upwards. This //may// bring the button //Next// for saving my edit. I try with one finger. With two fingers. This is expected to scroll upwards. This does not scroll. **Scrolling vertically is impossible.** **So it is impossible to save my edit.** It would be nice to fix this bug. A nice way to fix this bug — and many others — would be to give a standard form, instead of the JavaScript crap. Thus, the page would be //accessible//. Thank you. I have Safari on iOS 8 on an iPad Air 2 in landscape with the reading list open. I encounter the bug on // and on // Nnemo
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    I am editing Wikipedia. I get the mobile Web wikicode editor (full of bugs). To save my edit, I click the button Next. This is expected to work. This does nothing. I click and click and click. The button refuses to work. So I cannot save my edit. It would be nice to fix this bug. A nice way to fix this bug — and many others — would be to give a standard form, instead of the JavaScript crap. Thus, the page would be //accessible//. Thank you. I have Safari on iOS 8 on an iPad Air 2 in landscape with the reading list open. I encounter the bug on // and on // Nnemo
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    Sometimes, on Wikipedia, a limit with a barbar name gives a blocking error: "template expansion depth limit". This prevents us from making the templates we want. Because of this: # Sometimes we leave incorrect presentation. # Sometimes we write template wikicode more complicated, more repetitive or less efficient. # ... It would be nice to remove this technical limit. At least, as long as this limit is not removed, increasing it would be nice. Thank you. Nnemo
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    On Wikipedia, the editor edits a page, with the good old wikicode form. After some time, the editor clicks "Save page". Quite often, a bug occurs: The site fails to save the edit. Instead, the site gives a red insult message ;-) telling the editor: //Some information related to the session has been lost. Retry.// The bug occurs when the edit takes //a bit of time//: 1 day gives the bug, 1 hour gives the bug, sometimes even 1/4 hour gives the bug.  --> The editor retries and the edit works. This is simple and works systematically. So why shoud the editor do this? The site could do this automatically. Or the site could avoid losing "the info" altogether. Anyway, this is a computer glitch that is currently exposed to the editor as meaningless computer jargon. The editor does not want to know about this. The edit is expected to just work. It would be nice to correct this glitch. :-) Thank you. Nnemo
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    I am editing an article on Wikipedia. A warning tells me that I am not logged in and invites me to log in. I click //Se connecter//, to log in. I log in. **Expected result:** I am now logged in. I have my edit in progress. I can continue my edit. **Actual result:** I am now logged in. But Wikipedia has lost the edit I had started, and Wikipedia did not even warn me about that! This is data loss. This bad experience discourages the user from editing. It would be very nice to correct this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
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    Safari 5.1.8 on Mac OS X 10.6.8. I have the page: I want to add a new subject. I click the subject line. I write a subject. Then I click in the text area for my message. I drag-and-drop some text from the app TextWranger into the text area. The text area is expected to contain my dragged text. The operation appears to succeed. The drag-and-drop is not put back. Instead, here the problems start. If the Safari window was at the front, the text area only contains the first line of the dragged text, all the other lines are missing. If the Safari window was in background, the text area does not contain the dragged text at all. Then, the text area has buggy behaviour. Selecting all with Apple A is buggy. Moving with Up and Down arrows has inconsistent buggy behaviour. … This is a regression. With the plain old text area, all of that worked well. It would be nice to correct that. Thank you. Nnemo
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    The bug occurs on // The page //Nil-Saint-Vincent// calls the template //Portail//. This template call needs the template //Portail belge//. The template //Portail belge// exists, it has been created recently, it is a redir to an existing template. I expect the page to display the template call nicely. Instead, the page displays the template call broken, with a red link to //Modèle:Portail belge//. I reload the page. I make sure that the navigator bypass his cache and get the page content from the server. But the page still has the bug. //Purging// the page will probably correct the display. //But :// # The user has to know about //purging//. The page says nothing about it. # Even if the user knows about //purging//, the page does not give any way to purge it. Ideally, users would never need to //purge// pages. But we are far from this ideal. As a workaround, I expect the page to give a way to purge it. See the task T96476 for details. See also : {T96476} Thank you. Nnemo
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    I am on // with Safari on iOS 8 on my iPad. I search: //WP:QT// I expect the search to find an issue. But the search finds nothing. I search: //fr:WP:QT// I expect the search to find an issue. But the search finds nothing. The issue I expect is: {T96476} It would be nice to fix this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
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    I receive an e-mail from Phabricator. The e-mail is about the issue T98498. It tells me that a person has written a comment, and that a person is now subscribed to the issue. The comment is interesting, but I don't care about the subscribing. The subject of the e-mail contains //[Changed Subscribers]//, but not //[Commented]//. The e-mail hides the (interesting) comment under the (uninteresting) subscribing. I could very well have trashed the e-mail without knowing about the comment. In this case, please include //[Commented]// in the subject of the e-mail. Thank you. Nnemo ----- **See also:** {T101106}
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    Safari on iOS 8 on iPad. I am on // I click the menu with the three lines. I choose //Nnemo//. I get the page //<écial:UserProfile/Nnemo>//. In the page, the cartouche contains this mysterious sentence: //Dernière a remercié en Zebulon84.// Sentence these not does anything mean in. ^^ Can an egyptologist translate this cartouche, please? :-) Thank you. Nnemo
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    Safari on iOS 8.2 on an iPad in landscape. In Safari, I have the reading list open. I go to // I go to the article //Equanum// I click the pencil, to edit the article. I edit the wikicode... I am done. I want to save my edit. But the button //Suivant// (//Next//) is missing. I scroll around. I bring the keyboard, I dismiss the keyboard. There is no way to save my edit! Finally, I guess a workaround. I close and re-open the reading list. This makes the button //Suivant// (//Next//) appear. So all ends well, I can save my edit. But really you have to guess the workaround! It would be very nice to fix this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
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    I am on the page I click "Lire le média". This opens a new tab! The link is a horrible [[ | "opening link"]]. This is the first time ever I encounter such an aggressive link on a wiki. On wikis, we expect normal links, we usually encounter only normal links. Moreover, the new tab opened is useless. It gives me a dialog jumping at me and telling me that the file cannot be downloaded, and... that's it. I cannot view the media. I cannot even view a description of the media. I cannot view the still image of the media at a readable size. This gives bad user experience. This is a regression. With the desktop version of the page, things are much nicer: # No "opening link". I remain in my tab. # No modal dialog jumping at me. The info is given in the page. # I can see a description of the media. # I can see the still image of the media in big size. These 4 points are what I expect. They give good user experience. But the site gave me the mobile version of the page, which fails for each of these 4 points. It would be nice to correct and improve that. Thank you. I have Safari on iOS 8 on an iPad. Nnemo
    • Task
    I am on // I want to find a task on which I have commented. I go to the advanced search. I can search by author, by subscriber, but not by commenter. I want to search by commenter. It would be nice to have the criterion "commenter" in search. Bugzilla has this criterion in search. Thank you. Nnemo
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    Quite often, on Wikipedia and other sites, a banner invites me — again and again — to vote for something. Quite often, this ends up in an over-complicated process full of jargon, trapped with bugs and wrong directions and dead ends. Last time, I gave up voting. The vote today is nicer. :-) But it is still buggy and not user-friendly. On Wikipedia, a banner invites me to vote. I go to this vote. I get the page that starts with a little explanation: please make your votes here, all your votes are neutral by default, you may set your votes now and come back later and change them. Fine. I click the link for the presentation of a candidate, I come back to the voting page, I set my vote. I do the same for another candidate... I click other links too. I go to other Web sites too. I go back to the page of my votes. I expect to find the same page as before, with my votes kept as promised. Instead, I find a barrier. A page says that I must log in. But how? There is a little link “Log in” at the top right. See this screen photo: {F160349, alt="Barrier. The page says that I must log in. But how? There is a little link “Log in” at the top right."} I click the link “Log in”. I try to log in. I expect the auth to work and I expect to land on the page for voting, with my votes kept as promised. Instead, I find a dead end. A page gives me an insult message: login error, no user “Nnemo”. The page asks me to log in. This turns the dead end into an infinite loop. ;-) See this screen photo: {F160364, alt="Dead end. The page gives me an insult message: login error, no user “Nnemo”. The page asks me to log in. This turns the dead end into an infinite loop. ;-) "} ... Finally, after circumventing the traps, I get back the voting page. I expect the voting page to have my votes kept, as promised. Instead, my votes are lost and the votes are all neutral. It would be nice to fix and improve that. Thank you. I have Safari on iOS 8 on an iPad. Nnemo
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    In Safari on iOS 8.2 on my iPad, I go to: I click the pencil, to edit the section. I edit the text area. This is very buggy. When I click in the text area, the first line disappears. It is impossible to scroll upwards until the first line. Clicking in the text scrolls randomly. Often, the content scrolls in the opposite direction to the one expected. Often, clicking in the text places the blue blinking cursor at some place, and then when I write the text goes elsewhere. Scrolling vertically makes the blue cursor remain stuck on the screen instead of moving with the text. Some of this mess probably has to be fixed by Apple. I have sent a bug report to Apple: Radar 20794713. Besides, it would be good to fix some of this mess on the MediaWiki side. First, this form is not a true form. It is AJAX stuff. With a solid text area, this mess does not occur. This is a regression due to the mobile version of Wikipedia. Even in the mobile version, giving a solid form instead of AJAX stuff would fix this mess. Secondly, I think that this mess is recent. A few months ago, the mobile Web wikicode editing did not give me this mess — although it was a bit buggy. I think that some recent change in MediaWiki broke things. Thank you for fixing this. Nnemo
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    I go toédia:Flow On a message, I click //Modifier//. I get the visual editor. There is an ugly and cryptic button //</>//. What is this?? I fly over it. Great, there is a tooltip! The tooltip says "Basculer vers VisualEditor". This is incorrect. The tooltip has to say "Basculer vers le wikicode". Please fix this little bug. If you can also redesign this button for something pretty and meaningful, it will be great! Thank you. Nnemo
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    In //, I edit a module. For instance, the Module:Sandbox. After the button "Save page", there is a panel "Preview page with this template". There is no template here. This panel has to be changed into "Preview page with this module". Thank you. Nnemo
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    I am on Wikipedia with Safari on iOS 7 on an iPad. I get the mobile diff page:écial:MobileDiff/56784050 This page is incomplete. It does not show any of the two versions of the article. It does not give any link to view them. Usually, this is not a problem, because the mobile page has a Desktop link at the end, which gives the full page. But, here, the link Desktop is missing. **Please place in the mobile diff page the link Desktop to the full diff page.** Thank you. Nnemo
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    With the Web visual editor of Wikipedia, what you see is not what you get. On Wikipedia, I edit an article with the Web visual editor, on Safari on iOS 7 on an iPad mini. Here is a link that reproduces the bug: The ref has two incorrect apostrophes. See this screen photo: {F150373, alt="The visual editor shows two incorrect apostrophes in the ref."} The page displaying the article to readers does not show these apostrophes. In the wikicode, I see nothing to explain the two apostrophes. It would be nice to fix this bug. Thank you.
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    On Mac, I edit Wikipedia with the Web visual editor. I enter a non-breaking space, by pressing Option Space. The visual editor must simply respect the character entered. Instead, the visual editor silently alters the non-breaking space into a normal space. This is incorrect. This bug has no workaround, as far as I know. This is the most annoying bug in the visual editor for me. This bug often makes me give up using the visual editor of Wikipedia. Thank you for fixing this bug. Nnemo See also : * {T53045} *
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    A : pages likeéry&action=history The ordinary history pages are titled in this form : //Chambéry : Historique des versions — Wikipédia// The title starts with the name of the page, the most meaningful info. This is a good thing. :-) This is a recent evolution. B : pages likeécial:history/Chambéry The mobile history pages are titled in this form : //Historique de la page — Wikipédia// The title misses the most meaningful info : the name of the article. This looks like a regression. This has a major flaw : all the mobile history pages of the site have the same title. So it is difficult to find the wanted page among several tabs or when typing in the address bar or when choosing a page in the navigator's history. This is especially important... on an iDevice, where info and input means are reduced. It would be nice to start the title of the mobile history pages with the name of the article. Thank you. On Safari on iOS, Wikipedia gives the pages B.
    • Task
    On //, I have written a contribution. Then, I display this page. **I expect the page to show my contribution.** **The page fails to show my contribution.** I reload the page. **Same problem.** I could also empty my cache, and try on another device. **The same problem would occur.** The workaround is to //purge// the page. But the user is not expected to know this expert workaround. **The page does not say anything about this workaround.** Then, how to do this workaround? **As a workaround, I expect the page to give a way to purge it.** **The page does not give any way to purge it.** **For the workaround, I suggest that, in the left column, the page have a link to purge it. The word //purge// is not user-friendly, so I suggest to call the link "Generate a fresh version of this page".** Thank you, Nnemo
    • Task
    In the visual editor, pressing ⌫ (Erase) 3 times erases 4 characters. Safari on iOS 8.2 on iPad in landscape. I go to //éal//. I click //modifier//. I get the Web visual editor. I edit the article... There is the text : Bla bla bla bla bla bli blu blou blou bla bla bla la température est de 4 bloum bloum bloum. There is a space before "de" and "4". But "de" happens to be at the end of a line, so a soft line break occurs before the "4". I click after "de". I press ⌫ 3 times. **Expected result :** This erases 3 characters. I end up with "est 4". **Actual result :** This erases 4 characters. I end up with "est4". Thank you for fixing this bug. Nnemo
    • Task
    In the Web visual editor, the tool bar plays hide-and-and-seek-and-greyed, so the user cannot insert a special character. Safari on iOS 8.2 on iPad in landscape. I go to //éal//. In the middle of this long article, on a section, I click //modifier//. I get the Web visual editor. I edit the article... I click somewhere in the article. I have the iPad keyboard. I want to insert a special character with the tool bar of the visual editor. But the tool bar is missing. I dismiss the iPad keyboard. Now, the tool bar is here. But its interesting parts are greyed. So I cannot insert a special char. To have the working tool bar, I need to click in the content. But, when I click in the content, the tool bar goes away. So I cannot insert a special character. It would be nice to resolve this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
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    Safari on iOS 8.2 on iPad in landscape. I go to //éal//. In the middle of this long article, on a section, I click //modifier//. I get the Web visual editor. I edit the article... I click somewhere in the article, and I type "{{". Usually, this brings the dialog for calling a template. But, sometimes, this does not bring any visible dialog, because in fact the dialog comes several screens more up. It would be nice to fix this bug. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
    Safari on iOS 8.2 on iPad in landscape. I go to //éal//. I click //modifier//. I get the Web visual editor. I click in the beginning of the article, and I type "{{". This brings the dialog for calling a template. Under the dialog, the visual content is expected to stay at the beginning of the article. But, under the dialog, the visual content jumps way down, at "Immigration et groupes ethniques", which is the section 5.2. Thank you for fixing this bug. Nnemo
    • Task
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    Safari on iOS 8.2 on iPad in landscape. I go to I click on the second link //(Show Details)//. In front of the task page, I get the screen “Change Details”, ...or rather a part of it. See this screen photo: {F109416, alt="Screen photo of task page with part of the differences screen in front of it. The whole differences screen cannot be seen. So the button Cancel cannot be seen. So there is no way out of the differences screen!"} I cannot see the whole screen of differences. I cannot scroll the screen “Change Details”. So I cannot see the button //Cancel//, and I cannot click it. I am trapped! There is no way to close this screen and have the task page back. I could be writing a comment on the task page, so this bug can bring data loss. Thank you for fixing this bug, Nnemo
    • Task
    With the Web visual editor, what you see is not what you get. Safari on iOS 8.2 on iPad in landscape. I go to At the beginning, are the refs: 5, 6, 7, 8 I click //modifier//. I edit the article with the Web visual editor. Now, these refs are: [3], [4], [5], [6] # The numbers have changed. This is incorrect. Editing refs is already difficult. Inconsistent numbers make editing refs a puzzle. # The refs now have []. This makes me think that saving my edit will put refs with [] in the article, but the saved article does not get the refs with []. Actually, I prefer the refs with the []. It would be nice to have the refs keep their number. Having the refs keep their [] would be nice too. Thank you. Nnemo
    • Task
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    Safari on iOS 8.2 on iPad in landscape. I go to I click //modifier//. I edit the article with the Web visual editor. I edit one ref that calls a template. The ref just after "la capitale de la province". It calls the Modèle:Article. I get the dialog for the author, the title and so on. This dialog is long. I want to scroll it vertically. On the dialog, I slide vertically. **Expected result:** //The dialog scrolls vertically.// **Actual result:** //The dialog does not scroll. Instead, the visual content behind scrolls.// On iOS, when sliding on an object A that is in front of an object B, the standard result is A scrolling, as long as A has something to reveal by scrolling in this direction. This bug makes scrolling the dialog very difficult. Most of the time, trying to scroll the dialog gives the actual result instead of the expected result. Thank you for fixing this bug. Nnemo
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    Safari on iOS 7 on iPad. I edit an article with the Web visual editor, on // # I click the menu with the three lines. # I click a menu item, for example //Categories//, then I go away, then I release my click. **Expected result :** The menu item does not get triggered. **Actual result :** The menu item does get triggered. It would be nice to fix this bug. Thank you.
    • Task
    There is a bug in MediaWiki. It does data loss. # I edit a section of an article in //, with the plain old Web wikicode editor, as guest. # I click //Se connecter//. # I log in. # I go back to the section edit form. I find it as I had left it. # I click (a) //Preview// or (b) //Show changes//. Anyway, the button //Publish// is greyed. **Expected result :** (a) I get the preview of my section edit, or (b) I see my changes. I can now publish my edit. **Actual result :** I now get the form to edit the whole article in wikicode. My changes are lost. My edit summary is lost. The precise section has been forgotten. It would be very nice to fix this bug. Thank you.