Reply tool [[ | inserted a reply in the middle of a line ]], coincidentally violating explicit instructions that all new comments go below that line.
Expected behavior: Comments are inserted after linebreaks (of course treating EndOfPage as a linebreak).
=== Testing instructions
1. Visit a talk page where someone has added a comment instructing others to place new comments below a specified line. //E.g. //
2. Click the `[ reply ]` link that appears after the following comment: `Please add new comments below this notice. Thanks, signed, Rosguill talk 22:16, 10 November 2020 (UTC)`
3. Notice the Reply Tool opens //beneath// the line mentioned in "Step 2."
4. Write a comment in the Reply Tool (shouldn't matter what mode)
5. Publish the comment you drafted in "Step 4."
6. ❗️Notice the comment you published in "Step 5." is posted //above// the line mentioned in "Step 2."
6. ✅Notice the comment you published in "Step 5." is posted //below// the line mentioned in "Step 2."
=== Done
- [ ] "Expected" behavior is implemented