Formerly titled: "Article does not exist" css tweaks
- The current “Article does not exist” message on special:search reinforces the misconception that wikipedia search is only about finding articles. Given its prime position, it sets a tone of failure right away and discourages users from exploring the results where the relevant information could be found within various articles. This was observed in the user interviews.
- The current message takes up quit a bit of space at the top (with some communities having much longer messages) and pushes the content down.
- Casual readers are unlikely to respond to the second half of the message about “creating an article” due to their lack of experience with editing.
- We do not have enough data to know if editors use “creating an article” link as frequently and so the suggestion is to not remove it entirely but to rethink the placement.
**Current position**
**User story**
When I am scanning the results on the Special:Search page …
… I want to be able to discover relevant information,
… so that I do not overlook information that might be hiding within an article and could directly navigate to it.
**Proposed Design**
See the detailed specs in [[ | Figma ]]
**Notes on updated design**
[ ] The message has been moved to the top of the right column as seen in the design above
[ ] The header has been added to the message for more clarity and anchoring of the message (The header copy is subject to change)
[ ] Only the actual search query (missing article title) will be in red. The rest of the links should be in blue.
**Note that this message is currently only for desktop and it is presently not visible on mobile web.**