===Design doc
===Priority level 1 notification types
We will start with a set of nine notification types to design and build. These notification types were selected based on their usage level and potential impact:
- Thanks
- Talk page messages: New message
- Talk page messages: Reply
- Talk page messages: Multiple messages
- Edit reverts
- Mentions (of user)
- Mentions in edit summary
- LoginNotify
- Login from an unfamiliar device
===Proposed experimental designs
====Figma File
馃搸 https://www.figma.com/file/cedgOU5CyOR0UVqtjDOvzE/iOS-Notifications?node-id=0%3A1
====Talk notifications
| Lock screen | New message on your talk page | Reply | Bundled messages
|--- |--- |--- |---
| {F34113621 width=200} | {F34113623 width=200} | {F34113625 width=200}| {F34113627 width=200}
| Lock screen | Article | Talk
|--- |--- |---
| {F34113629 width=200} | {F34113631 width=200} | {F34113633 width=200}
===Edit reverted
| Lock screen | With edit summary | Without edit summary
|--- |--- |---
| {F34113635 width=200} | {F34113637 width=200} | {F34113639 width=200}
|Lock screen | Talk with section | Talk without section | Edit summary
|--- |--- |--- |---
| {F34113641 width=200} | {F34113645 width=200}| {F34113647 width=200} | {F34113643 width=200}
===Login Notify
|Lock screen | Multiple failed attempts | Successful login from new device
|--- |--- |---
| {F34113650 width=200} | {F34113652 width=200} | {F34113654 width=200}