Below are the following presentations I am going to use for the first training program in Ghana (those marked [x] are the ones I have developed as this is my planning ticket);
[x] Introduction to IRC and programming languages used to build MediaWiki
[x] Gentle introduction to Git & GitHub
[x] Introduction to Phabricator (resource from @Aklapper)
[x] Wikimedia Technical Areas - An Overview (resource from @srishakatux)
[x] Gerrit Tutorials and Installation of MediaWiki
[x] Building/Hacking and How to contribute to MediaWiki extension
These presentations will be developed and used during the training in Ghana and files would be made public once the presentations are ready. Feedback from the community and everyone else is welcomed to make the training a better one in the future after Ghana.
[] Improve slides and upload to Wikimedia commons here:
[x] Share all slides to Ghanaian participants via email or mailing list.