Allow page previews to appear on wikidata containing the description of each item
=Acceptance Criteria
[] Update the summary endpoint to behave differently for Wikidata domain. API response format remains same but data is returned from Wikidata api.
[] Previews on wikidata must contain the following:
* Wikidata description (if available) replaces text extract
* Label (possibly bundled up in the extract e.g. <strong>{label}</strong>: {description}
* Page image remains same
Update config:
[] Update wikidata configuration to have Popups enabled and use REST
[] Page Previews will be on by default for all logged-in and logged-out users
When consumed we should check:
[] for pages that do not contain a description, the generic card must not display
[] If a page has no description and no image, the generic card will display
[] Enabled for everyone
[] Logged-in users may turn off descriptions within their user preferences