At the top of the Watchlist are a set of links that let users edit their Watchlists, along with some Watchlist-related information. Unlike the links at top of RC page, these links are highly related, even vital to Watchlist. Since they offer important Watchlist functions—and since we are removing these navigation links from the Preferences page— we will incorporate these elements into the new UX. This will both provide better visibility to this important element save a line of vertical space.
==Changes that need to happen
- {icon check-square color=green} The Watchlist editing links will be replaced by a single button that links to the [[ | Special:EditWatchlist ]] page.
- {icon check-square color=green} The button will be labeled "Edit your list of watched pages" and includes a pencil icon.
- A number of text elements at page top will be reworded and combined:
- {icon exclamation-triangle color=red} The current counter element that reads "You have x pages on your watchlist (excluding talk pages)." is reworded to say simply "You have x pages on your watchlist."
- {icon check-square color=green} The help links that are currently part of this statement are removed (because there is a general help link in the standard position).
- {icon check-square color=green} The element that reads "Pages that have been changed since you last visited them are shown with a green marker" is reworded to reflect the new, standardized way of marking seen/unseen (T171235).
- {icon check-square color=green} The element that gives the username is removed.
- **Wording of new, combined element**:
- {icon exclamation-triangle color=red} **xxx** pages are on your Watchlist (plus talk pages). Changes to pages you haven't visited since the changes occurred are in **bold**, with solid markers [bullet icon].
- ~~If possible, we'll show an actual solid marker in or next to the text, as in the screenshot below.~~[TOO DIFFICULT]
|Old Watchlist UX|{F8887746}| New design|{F9175209}|